von cubase zu REAPER ?

  • Ersteller Karlchen
  • Erstellt am
Er wird aber laut seiner angegebenen Genres sehr viel mit Midi arbeiten und da ist das
SX3 noch besser als Reaper...

ups, haste die beiden programme dahingehend mal getestet? oder ist das wieder nur so dahergelabert?

Denn wenn Reaper durch zig
Updates rankommen will,kommen die "grossen" mit anderen, für viele, senationellen neuen Features.Siehe Vari Audio, Transientenerkennung,Note Expression ect.

Das ist ein wenig verallgemeinernd, Reaper gegen den Rest der Welt...

Wieviele Sequencer mit einem vollwertigen multichannel BeatDetective-Ersatz gibt es denn?
Hm, .. Logic und seit neuestem wohl Cubase.

Wieviele Sequencer mit eingebautem Melodyne gibt es?

Jetzt gerade hab ich erfahren das das Ding keine VST3 unterstützung hat.

Ohje, wieviele vst3-only-Plugins hast du denn auf der Platte? ;)

Unglaublich das viele es echt auf die gleiche Stufe stellen - schaut nur mal im
Reaper-Forum in die Wunschliste.Das sind sehr viele Wünsche von Features, welche die "grossen" DAWs alle schon lange haben.Ist noch einiges zu tun für den Herren Programmierer.

Das ist in anderen Foren nicht anders. Bei jedem Sequencer wird etwas in Richtung Workflow / Plugins / Features des anderen geschielt.

Das soll jetzt kein Reaper-ist-mega-Posting werden; ich arbeite selbst mit PT, Logic und Reaper (hab mit bei Version 3 von Cubase verabschiedet) und bei JEDEM dieser Sequencer ist irgendwo einmal der Punkt erreicht an dem ich mir denke "ach, warum funktioniert das nicht so wie bei einem der anderen" ?

Unterschiedliche User haben unterschiedliche Featurewünsche / Vorstellungen vom Workflow / usw..
Ich finde "A ist besser als alle anderen", "die großen können mehr" und "die neuen sind schlanker" sind alles sehr verallgemeinernde Aussagen.

ich bin da wirklich Deiner Meinung.
halte garnichts von diesen "Glaubenskriegen".
Hab mich nur zu Wort gemeldet, weil ich eben diese öfter auftauchenden
"Reaper-ist-mega"-Postings, relativieren wollte.
Es werden so oft die "grossen Vorteile" des Reapers aufgeführt und dazu
gehören dann das Skinsystem und die 64bit Engine-Und diese Argumente sind Käse in meinen

Für mich gibts es da nur einen eintscheidenen riesen Vorteil und das ist der Preis-Leistungs-Faktor!

Was VST3 angeht, mein Lieblings (und einziger) guter EQ von Fabfilter ist VST3 -aber nicht "only" wie ich nun bemerkte ;-)

Einigen wir uns darauf: Wichtig ist nur was hinten rauskommt (-und der TS bleibt bei Cubase ;-))

Nein ist ist ganz sicher nicht blöd Musik Studio in die nähere Auswahl zu nehmen.Ist ein völlig eigenständiger Audio-Midi-Sequenzer mit guten Funktionen.Wenn Dich das näher interessiert, schreib mal den User MoutainKing an.Der ist von der grossen Samplitude zum Musikstudio gewechelt, und er kann da viel Infos geben!
Einigen wir uns darauf: Wichtig ist nur was hinten rauskommt

Wichtig ist sehr wohl auch, wie man's "vorne rein" kriegt - das soll ja auch Spass machen und die Software soll einem dabei die Sache möglichst bequem machen.

Das findet man letzlich nur durch ausprobieren raus.

Die DAW-Schw**z-Vergleiche bringen einem Einsteiger nicht, ausser dem Gefühl, Funktionen haben zu müssen, die er später nie braucht.

Ich erwische mich immer wieder dabei, mit Garageband rumzuspielen - obwohl ich in Logic alle Funktionen einen Tacken besser, größer, leistungsfähiger, komplexer habe - weil die Optik erfrischend anders und die Bedienung brutal einfach ist.

Richtig was zum lockeren Entspannen. (Wenn's taugen würde, was ich aufnehme, könnte ich's ja auch nach Logic importieren ;) )

Die DAW-Schw**z-Vergleiche bringen einem Einsteiger nicht, ausser dem Gefühl, Funktionen haben zu müssen, die er später nie braucht.

Jedem Neueinsteiger sollte man raten: Besorg Dir die Demos und entscheide für Dich.

Nur das User Karlchen kein Neueinsteiger ist.

Er hat mit SX3 gearbeitet und sich durch "Hands On Cubase" DVDs weitergebildet.

Also warum in Gottes Namen sollte er jetzt beim "Wiedereinstieg" Reaper, Logic oder was auch immer nehmen?
Wenn er damit zurecht kam soll er bei der DAW bleiben, denn seit SX hat sich im Workflow nicht wirklich viel geändert.Das einzige was ihn daran hintern könnte wär sein Budget- und selbst dann würde ich zu ner "kleineren" Cubase Version raten!
hier mal ein link zu einem englischen musikmagazin:


soll nur untermauern, dass es viele ansichten zum thema gibt

ich schließ mich wennto an,
aber nimm lieber mindestens cubase artist. wenn geld, wie du schreibst, keine rolle spielt, karlchen, dann nimm gleich das komplette cubase, da ist so gut wie alles an board, was einem das umschauen nach extraplugins tw. ersparen wird.

wie bereits in meinem ersten post erwähnt, rate dir aber dennoch zu nem ausprobieren der testversion von reaper, denn ob dir das programm besser zusagt, erfährst du nur durch eigene erfahrung
Es werden so oft die "grossen Vorteile" des Reapers aufgeführt und dazu
gehören dann das Skinsystem und die 64bit Engine-Und diese Argumente sind Käse in meinen

Ja, da geb ich dir auch recht. Das IST Käse;

Für mich ist zum Beispiel einer der Vorteile, dass ich, wenn ich zB ein hübsches 120-Spuren Projekt in Form von Wave-Files bekomme, innerhalb kürzester Zeit von einem leeren Projekt zum "fertigen" Routing inkl Gruppen, Folder, etc.. komme, um mir das Ding einmal roh anhören zu können und dabei alle Spuren auf einen Blick im Mixer am Bildschirm habe und einmal die Lautstärken ungefähr einstellen kann; ohne scrollen.

Aber wie auch immer:
Karlchen wird wohl bei Cubase landen und für ihn ist das sicher nicht die schlechteste Wahl; im Gegenteil.
Denn wenn Reaper durch zig
Updates rankommen will,kommen die "grossen" mit anderen, für viele, senationellen neuen Features.

haha, der punkt ist nur, dass es bei reaper nur so updates hagelt. da müssen die anderen firmen aber noch n zahn zulegen.

hier mal die updates aus EINEM (!) jahr (man beachte auch die vielen bug fixes, die andere hersteller gerne mal auslassen und stattdessen mit neuen "features" blenden):

* Actions: increase/decrease tempo various amounts
* Arrange: clicking below tracks follows mouse preference for track selection
* API: TrackFX_FormatParamValue works for current values on most VSTs
* API: track receives are now stored in order
* Batch file converter: fixed list flickering during conversions
* Batch file converter: options to force channels, rate, resample mode
* Batch file converter: safer threading on media opening
* Batch file converter: support sidechaining when using FX
* Color themes: classic (1.x) theme support improvements
* Cursors: themeable cursors on Windows (soon for OSX)
* Dual trim/timestretch: allow editing left, right, or dual edges regardless of selection
* Elastique Pro: updated to v2.11, added Synchronized modes
* Explode by channel: handle custom media item take playback rates
* Explode by channel: use project file format setting for exploded media items
* FIPM: item y-position/height adjustments affect all selected items regardless of visibility
* FX automation: better handling of very sharp envelope changes
* MIDI editor: action to split notes on grid
* MIDI editor: better behaviors when editing notes while quantize/humanize dialog open
* MIDI editor: customizable toolbar, armable actions
* MIDI editor: better behavior when resizing notes to loop start/end
* MIDI editor: more consistent shift+click note selection behavior
* MIDI export: more descriptive error message on failure
* OSX: better handling of queued repeated-key events
* OSX: default file menu is now the same as Windows (minus Quit)
* OSX: fixed issue with dragdrop of fx and autoclose fx window option enabled
* OSX: improved redraw of many composited plug-in windows
* OSX: virtual keyboard fixes for held keys repeating note hits
* ReaControlMIDI: always send bank select message when program changes
* ReWire: opening panels on project load is deferred until load completed
* TCP: clicking below all TCPs unselects all tracks
* Toolbar: preferences to prevent scaling buttons up and/or down
* Toolbar: support for separators
* Toolbar: themeable armed toolbar button color
* Toolbar icon picker: better resize/scrollbar behavior
* Version check: made notification dialog bigger
* WavPack: updated to 4.60.1
* FIPM: fixed control+drag copy behavior when dragging only vertically
* Fixed auto-beat-timebase when project set to time timebase on MIDI items
* Fixed snap offset preservation when adjusting item left edges
* MIDI editor: actions to toggle channels 1-16, with toolbar support
* MIDI editor: fixed missing toolbar when more than one MIDI editor open at once
* Tab to transient: optionally tab through MIDI notes as well as audio transients
* Actions: FX last touched parameter: show TCP knob, envelope, param mod, MIDI learn, or alias
* Autoload last project: does not load last project if it crashed on last load
* Envelopes: fixed random crash when adding many points via pencil mode
* FX: tempo-synced plugins account for project play rate
* FX: Undo/redo on floating FX windows no longer restores window position
* Item edge editing: update edge edit/timestretch cursor while editing
* Screensets: save/restore extended mixer details with track views
* MIDI editor: restore secondary sources on multiproject switches
* Misc: fixed erratic ntdll crash when scrolling the arrange view
* Missing media prompt: search button
* ReaComp: smooth changes in wet/dry, automakeup gain
* ReaDelay: smooth changes in tap volume/pan, wet/dry
* ReaEQ: smooth frequency, gain, bandwidth changes (sweepable filters)
* ReaPlugs: denormal management improvements
* ReaXcomp: smooth changes in gain, band frequency/threshold/ratio/gain
* ReaXcomp: fancier ratio indicator
* ReaVerb: OSX deconvolution support
* ReaXcomp/ReaComp: RMS optimizations
* ReaScript: GetSetChunkState chunk length limit increased to 1MB
* ReaScript: added GetUserFileNameForRead
* OSX: better CoreAudio samplerate setting (should not override bit depth, too)
* OSX: huge performance improvements (denormal management, alignment fixes)
* Save as: separate trim/convert options
* Scrub: avoid runaway scrub when using arrow key navigation
* Tab to transient: stop at media item start when tabbing backwards through transients
* Tweaks to missing filename resolving (always resolve relative filenames to full)
* VST/AU: record automation from closed plugins that have internal MIDI control
* Windows: added readahead buffer for live CD playback in Media Explorer
* Action: cascade all floating windows
* Actions: show/hide all envelopes
* Custom actions: fixed possible corrupted action list when deleting custom actions
* FX automation: fixes for automating via controller when plugin UI closed
* FX browser: fully recursive finding of FX chains, JS FX
* FX browser: new folder appears on plug-in rescan if new plugins were added without restarting Reaper
* JS: slider_automate command, to write slider automation from within JS code
* Master track: maximum RMS level is more accurate on playback start
* Media explorer: import MOGG and REX files consistently via drag+drop or double-click
* MIDI import: prefs to import multichannel MIDI to separate tracks always, never, or by prompt
* Mixer: freely arrangeable tracks, autoarrange can be enabled/disabled
* Mixer: if autoarrange is on, arrange view ordering follows track moves in mixer
* Mixer: optionally show folder compact (hide children) button for folder tracks
* Mixer: optionally show icon for the last track in a folder (mcp_folder_last)
* Mixer: click on empty space to deselect all tracks
* OSX: fixed reading .ins (instrument patch/bank) files
* OSX: fixed loading of chains with JS saved on win32
* ReaSamplOmatic: properly loop very short samples
* ReaComp/ReaXComp: better RMS calculation on playback start
* ReaVocode/Voice/Verb[ate]/SamplOmatic/Insert/Gate/Fir: smooth changes in various gain/pan parameters
* ReaScript: RPR_Include directive to include other ReaScript modules
* ReaScript: GetSetChunkState chunk length limit increased to 1MB
* ReaScript: added GetUserFileNameForRead function
* REX: preferences to import as dynamic slices or single loopable item at project tempo
* REX: preferences to chop slice tails on import
* Screensets: track views can save/restore custom mixer track order
* Toolbar: key shortcuts fixed in tooltips
* Track control, routing, envelopes, param mod dialogs: enter key closes dialog
* VST/AU: ignore automation messages when loading/restoring plugins (avoid hang on startup)
* VST bridging: fixes relating to manually editing automation
* VST scanning: faster scanning, better subdirectory search order
* Fix for crash in some take related actions
* Grouping: project setting for selection to follow grouping (right-click group button on toolbar)
* Import: prompt for behavior on first import of REX or multichannel MIDI
* Media items: optimized item memory use
* MIDI: allow sending all-notes-off from plugins and MIDI items
* OSX: better keyboard behavior in key assignment window
* Project load: faster filename resolving/caching, better handling of missing files
* ReaSamplOmatic: avoid artifacts when looping very short samples
* REX: fixed possible loop glitch, buggy peaks drawing when importing as a single looped item
* REX: properly save/load imported looped item tempo
* Save as: save with trim now looks for overlapping regions and does not save duplicates
* Sends: MIDI CC actions to set/adjust selected track send volume/pan
* Tempo: MIDI CC actions to set/adjust tempo (coarse and fine)
* Undo: better memory limit targetting (even if it means fewer undo points kept)
* Action: write current value on envelopes from edit cursors to start/end of project
* Action: unarm all envelopes
* Action: write current value to time selection on all armed, write-enabled envelopes
* Automation: improved write mode (no read when stopped/seeking)
* Automation: improved latch mode for mute envelopes
* Automation: smoother redraws when moving envelope trim slider
* Automation: copy/cut/paste items with envelopes obeys preference to add points at item edges
* Automation: if first envelope point is moved, no longer draw nonexistent first point
* FX add dialog: added optional VST physical directory path folders, with right click options
* FX add dialog: resizable panes
* Loop sections: fixed loop length rounding bug
* Menus: fixed edit menu take list, improved support for take list in customized menus
* MIDI editor: docker tab updates correctly
* MIDI editor: fixed toolbar issue when reusing existing MIDI editors
* Mixer: reduced flicker on Windows when modifying sends, etc
* OSX: right clicking track volume fader properly sets focus on volume field
* Solo in front: better support for routed solos
* Track I/O button now shows themable highlight for sends, receives
* Pitch shifting: added safety mutex for initialization of some pitch shifters
* Preferences: consolidated DX, ReWire, JS preference settings into one pane
* ReaVerb: better CPU distribution in ZL mode
* ReaVerb: improved quality when switching between mono/stereo/silent content
* Scrollbars: prevent invalid draws with overlapping windows
* Undo: improved tracking when tracks are auto-named via media explorer import
* VST: fixed issues with undo state saving on parameter edit on non-chunked plugins
* Wave64: fixed writing of W64 files that do not have BWF chunks
* Windows: fixed some redraw issues on tab+listview (ReWire tabs, screensets, etc)
* Windows x64: fixed support for rx2 with unicode filenames
* 3.301: FX browser: initalize VST path tree collapsed, preserve tree state after rescanning VSTs
* 3.301: OSX: allow plugins that do not export a description field to pass scan
* 3.301: OSX: fix for system specific crash on exit
* 3.301: Windows: user preference to terminate immediately on detecting buggy or malicious plugins
* Action: move cursor left/right to nearest media item edge
* Action window: can be docked
* Action window: options to preserve action filter, show/hide command IDs
* Arrange view: themeable divider lines between tracks and between envelope lanes
* Command line: fixed -renderproject option with some old projects
* Envelope lanes: optional horizontal grid lines
* Glue: fixed unnecessary creation of empty audio file when gluing muted MIDI items
* Grouping: support select-all-grouped preference in marquee selection
* MIDI items: editing item edges resizes source contents for unlooped in-project MIDI items
* MIDI editor: optional horizontal grid lines in CC lanes
* MIDI editor: fixes for note move/resize actions when notes hit other notes or the end of the item
* MIDI overdub loop recording: avoid extending items past the end of the loop
* MIDI playback: avoid double note-on when time signature changes result in incomplete measures
* Missing files dialog: better behavior when ignoring missed files
* OSX: fix for AU with long name/description fields failing scan
* Preferences: split peaks/waveforms and meters appearance preferences into their own pages
* ReaNINJAM: better paths for configuration files, session files (unprivileged user support)
* ReaStream: fixed multi-instance bug with MIDI receive
* ReaScript: safer handling of GetSetObjectState when called from audio threads
* Render: autosave on render causes saved project to be loaded by default on next run
* Render: Windows 7 taskbar progress support while rendering
* Trim behind items: preserve grouping of split items
* VST: avoid preset list flashing in some plugins
* x64: fixed JS issues (bad invsqrt, failure when using large amounts of RAM)
* Action: dock/undock currently focused window
* Action: move cursor to start/end of all selected items
* Action: added reversed versions of mousewheel/CC actions for zoom and scroll
* Auto crossfades: fixed fades incorrectly created on item deletion
* Filename generation: now tries up to 10,000 times to find an unused file number
* FX add window: returned to forward slashes for paths for JS, VST, chains (changed in 3.21)
* LAME support: simplified configuration settings
* MIDI editor: action to correct overlapping notes, avoid creating overlaps when humanizing
* MIDI editor: easier to select diamond/triangle notes at the edge of the MIDI item
* MIDI editor: fix for occasional disappearing CC events when moving notes
* Mousewheel: horizontal mousewheel support (including OSX magic mouse)
* OSX: fixed bug where dragging project from titlebar to new tab caused crashing
* OSX: improved text rendering/measuring, better fallback support, 64 bit OS support
* OSX: respect preference to select track when clicking faders or track control panel buttons
* OSX: fixed tcp window reordering with hidden tracks for efficiency and odd behaviors
* OSX: fixed bin/cue rendering on PPC
* OSX: better initial positioning of popup windows
* OSX: magic mouse multitouch swipe can be mapped using the action system
* OSX: preference to use opt+drag to copy items, command+drag to slip content
* OSX: show render progress in system dock
* OSX: fixed plugin wet/dry knob display going to zero when switching to generic plugin UI
* OSX: command+H hides REAPER
* OSX: JS editor keyboard usability enhancements, drawing cleanups
* OSX AU: fixed Apple DLSMusicDevice
* OSX AU: ignore extra output busses that are labeled as unused, or if the plugin is marked buggy
* Parameter modulation window: updated UI to expand as needed
* Parameter linking: link parameters of FX to other parameters in chain
* Preferences window: remembers its last position
* Project load: improved resolving file names for missing media
* ReaSamplomatic5000: clicking the activity light triggers samples
* ReaSamplomatic5000: fixes to pitch and all notes off handling in certain modes
* ReaSamplomatic5000: doubleclicking MIDI note slider chooses last seen note on current channel
* Save as: trim/convert now handles looped items with start offsets correctly
* Transport/big clock: better icons when using large window frames
* Video: fixed imported video length being rounded down on Windows
* Windows: New Vista+ file dialog for open project (coming soon, others)
* x64: fixed errors relating to browse for directory dialog
* x64: now requires libmp3lame.dll or lame_enc64.dll (old x64 lame_enc.dll was broken)
* Action: adjust last touched FX parameter (mousewheel/MIDI CC)
* CPU usage: optimizations with high track counts (solo sibling calculation caching)
* Elastique: updated to v2.12 (fixes x64 quality issue)
* Envelopes: preference for double-click to add envelope point, or reset existing point to center
* Item properties: better-looking fadein/fadeout menus
* MIDI controllers: fix for occasional disappearing action mappings
* MIDI editor: action to show raw MIDI data
* MIDI editor: better drawing/editing for CC events that occur at the very end of the item
* MIDI editor: CC lane marquee selection, drag or copy selected CC events
* MIDI editor: CC lane context menu (select/unselect all events in lane, nudge events, etc)
* MIDI editor: correct overlapping notes whenever they occur
* MIDI editor: ctrl+drag to resize one CC lane only, shift+drag to accordion all CC lane sizes
* MIDI editor: finer control of mousewheel vertical zoom
* MIDI editor: fix for resizing notes up to the left or right edge of the parent item
* MIDI editor: fixed marquee selection for drum-mode notes
* MIDI editor: fixes for vertical zoom when user preference is to center on mouse cursor
* MIDI editor: improved event list properties dialog
* MIDI editor: many actions apply to all selected note and CC events
* MIDI editor: preferences for sweeps/ramps to affect only selected CC/velocities
* MIDI editor: preserve CC event selected/unselected state
* MIDI editor: remove CC events with duplicate times and the same status/channel
* MIDI editor: support clipboard copy/paste between piano roll, event list, and some external applications
* Mixer: save/restore exact visibility of FX, FX parameters, and sends
* Mousewheel: enable relative zoom for mice that send finely-grained mousewheel data
* MP3: fixed poor quality render with VBR encoding on OSX and Windows x64
* Multi-touch: Windows 7 and OSX 10.6 multi-touch gestures can be mapped to REAPER actions
* Multi-touch: per-gesture options for reverse, scaling, disabling inertia, improved zooming
* OSX: preliminary bridging support (to run 32 bit plugins on 64 bit, PPC plug-ins on Intel, etc)
* OSX: ReWire slave support (enable slave mode in prefs/plug-ins/ReWire)
* OSX: Audio Units: bridging/firewalling support, with per-FX options (similar to existing VST bridging)
* OSX: Audio Units: pass through REAPER key commands shortcuts when plug-in GUI is focused
* OSX: Audio Units: more consistent GUI updating when playing back FX automation
* OSX: Audio Units/VST: enable text entry in edit fields, pass through other keystrokes for Carbon-based plugins
* OSX: CoreAudio: improved samplerate changing, detect changes on the fly and reinit device
* OSX: 64 bit version is now named REAPER64.app, better .dmg labels (shows arch)
* OSX: improvements to plug-in loading code (fewer crashes when plugins are missing dependencies)
* OSX: ReaNINJAM: better support for removing / readding VST
* OSX: spawn new REAPER instance is now supported, basic command line option support
* Preferences: save/restore last preferences page visited when closing/opening REAPER
* RAM usage: drastically reduced memory use when drawing waveform peaks in certain instances
* Resampling: fixed resampling for media of more than 32 channels
* Resampling: internal checks to behave better when out of memory/address space
* Resampling: decreased RAM use in higher quality modes
* ReWire: workaround for Pro Tools crashing on exit when REAPER is ReWire slave
* Ripple editing: better behavior moving items left/right followed by up/down
* Ripple editing: better behavior when moving items left (configurable in prefs/editing behavior)
* Ripple editing: better behavior when using ctrl+drag copy of items
* Ripple editing: fixed ripple all moving via action, with locked items affecting rippled markers
* Tempo maps: lower CPU use for projects with large tempo maps (helps VST time info as well)
* VST: fix for occasional dropped keystrokes that are meant to be passed through to REAPER
* VST: internal scanning/resolving tweaks
* Windows: better handling of ASIO reset messages when project samplerate is set
* Windows: fix for unicode characters in new Vista+ file open/save dialogs
* Windows: prevent errors on audio devices that display error messages via MessageBox
* Windows: Vista+ file dialog for source properties and save track template file dialogs
* x64: support bridging/firewalling of x64 VSTs, including 32-bit REAPER in WoW64
* x86/x64 bridging: internal improvements and bugfixes
* Added actions: added show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder (in options menu)
* Added actions: reset all MIDI devices (brings OSX missing MIDI devices back to life)
* Added actions: remove fadein/fadeout for selected items
* Added actions: enable/disable default media item fadein/fadeout
* Added actions: snap selected media items to nearest snap point left/right/either
* Added actions: move selected envelope points left/right a little bit or by grid, up/down a little bit
* Actions: support for (Windows) logo key / (OSX) control key for shortcuts
* Actions: creating chromatic MIDI from selected items now respects tempo changes
* Actions: item nudging (up/down/left/right) actions now affect envelope points if an envelope is focused
* Actions: Update main window immediately following actions when non-lazy updates enabled
* API: Added track FX window showing/hiding APIs
* Cursors: item fadein/fadeout cursor is easier to see, new xfade_move cursor for crossfade shift+drag
* Dual trim: editing a shared edge between selected items also edits other selected item pairs
* Envelopes: do not change envelope point selection when opening context menu
* Envelopes: do not focus envelopes on many operations (such as moving env pts from track to track)
* Envelopes: fixed envelope state changing on y-move of media items
* Envelopes: fix for hard-to-edit envelope point when snapping to many small media items on the track
* Envelopes: user option to double-click to add points to take envelopes
* Envelopes: avoid creating duplicate envelope points when moving items
* Free item positioning mode: preserve auto-crossfades when automatically repositioning items
* Free item positioning mode: preserve existing item arrangement when recording new items
* FX: last touched parameter is updated only on mouse move, not controller move
* Help menu: pdf/chm files can now be read from REAPER appdata Docs/ folder (or exe path on Windows)
* Item and waveform drawing: draw items more consistently opaque when their audio masks other items
* JS: fixed time_adjustment flipping stereo channels
* JS: removed configuration for JS path -- always uses common (installed) resource path
* Media explorer: fixed end of loop glitch on preview of certain items
* Media explorer: smoother preview looping when starting preview on the bar
* Media item fades: alt+click deletes fadein/fadeout
* Media item fades: shift+drag moves entire crossfade region regardless of auto-crossfade setting
* Media item fades: shift+right click a crossfade to change the fade shape of both sides at once
* MIDI editor: reduce flicker when marquee selecting in piano roll
* MIDI editor: reduce flicker when changing selection in event list
* MIDI editor: fixed CPU hang on some builds when scrolling to C-1
* MIDI editor: mousewheel/relative controller actions to adjust selected event times or values
* MIDI editor: shift+mousewheel (reassignable) adjusts selected event values (piano roll or event list)
* MIDI editor: shift+horizontal mousewheel (magic mouse) (reassignable) adjusts selected event times
* MIDI editor: update CC lane usage indicator immediately when adding or deleting in CC lane
* OGG/Vorbis: updated to libogg-1.2.0, libvorbis-1.3.1
* OSX: support for passing all keyboard input to plug-in, for Carbon-based plug-ins
* OSX: removed excess processing on startup when switching between architectures (intel/ppc/64)
* OSX: fixed themed play cursor drawing bugs
* OSX: themed cursor support, cleanups to cursors to match Windows
* OSX: changing modifier keys without moving the mouse updates cursor immediately
* OSX: 64-bit VST UI support
* OSX: safer closing of VST configurations when unloading (force autorelease)
* OSX: fixed AU cocoa views for some plug-ins
* OSX: avoid trying to use PPC bridging if rosetta is not installed
* OSX: fixed underscore entry in JS editor
* OSX: fixed ReaMote bridge support
* OSX: screensets save/restore the docker height
* Peaks: show preview peaks on items currently being recorded and inserted in project/other projects
* Peaks: better logic for building when using multiple projects and recording
* Presets: now stored in appdata/presets by default (old preset- filenames still work in their existing paths)
* Recording: project secondary path, can set per track option to use secondary path
* ReaControlMIDI: added UTF8 support for UI
* ReaScript: fixed Python support on OSX (broken in 3.4)
* Resampling: internal cleanups, freeing of unused memory when changing modes
* REX: faster peaks display
* REX: can now change tempo in all-slices mode via source properties
* SoundTouch: fixed processing of single sample blocks (fixes media explorer loop glitch when tempo matching)
* Splash: better behavior when relaunching while splash is still open
* Splash: show splash screen in taskbar when launching
* Themes: zipped theme image support, ReaperThemeZip support (for combination of theme + images)
* Themes: default themes are now included in the new format for faster installs/USB copies/first runs
* Trim behind items: option to always trim behind active items when editing (prevent overlaps)
* Trim behind items: option to always trim behind new items when recording (prevent splitting/takes)
* Trim behind items: options can be changed via Options menu or actions (can be placed on toolbar)
* Trim behind items: editing option applies when pasting, importing, drag/dropping media
* Video: improved stopped behavior, scrub behavior
* Video: native FFmpeg support if installed
* VST: do not unload plug-in code from RAM, unless new option for old behavior is set
* VST: fix for broken plug-ins that send NULL VstEvents
* Windows: better Windows 7/Vista UAC support for user customizable content (JS, ColorThemes, etc)
* Windows: faster display updating on some actions
* Windows: installer installs start menu/desktop icons to all users rather than current user
* Windows: installer file type registrations separate for x64 and x86
* Windows: user-editable content (themes, JS, etc) are now installed to user profile directory automatically
* Windows: file reading: if a file cannot be read because it is being written, try to open anyway
* Resampling: fixed a bug added in 3.45
* Fixed a bug in peak-cache reference counting in certain instances when recording
* Action: fully unload unloaded VSTs (useful if preferences/VST/fully unload VSTs is disabled)
* Action: fixed potential crash when manually resetting MIDI devices
* Action: toggle show/hide all floating windows except floating toolbar
* Action: crop to time selection handles MIDI and other beat-based media properly
* Action: insert multiple new tracks allows entry of any reasonable number
* Actions dialog: better support for finding by gestures and mouse hwheel
* Color theme: use tcp_solodefeat_on, mcp_solodefeat_on button images if they exist
* Import: added option (prefs/media) to not autoname tracks when importing media
* Media item crossfades: fixed slow shift+drag of crossfades in one direction when zoomed out
* MIDI editor: better handling of horizontal zoom when edit cursor is not onscreen
* MIDI editor: fixed list editor broken event deletion (since 3.4)
* MIDI editor: more accurate drawing of MIDI events when dragging right to left
* MIDI editor: properly export events that occur on the last sample of the media item
* MIDI editor: support for Device Name and Song Select messages
* MP3: encode audio that has peaks higher than +0dB without clamping
* Multiproject: no stop of background recording projects when stopping current and sync option set
* OSX: fullscreen is now by default set to Cmd+F11 rather than (non-working in stock OS X) F11
* ReaXComp: properly recall which band is soloed when loading projects
* ReWire: slave support for projects with tempo maps
* ReWire: better behavior when authenticating for ReWire device install on OS X
* ReWire: better slave synchronization with various other hosts
* ReWire: per-project slave settings for tempo map, loop point handling, buffer block offset
* ReWire: slave can automatically build tempo map as master plays back
* ^Solo defeat: set tracks to always play even if other tracks are soloed
* Trim behind items: fixed possible hang when editing left edge of multiple selected items
* Video: added "mp4" and "m4v" filetypes to the video decoder plugin
* Video: added setting to disable FFmpeg decoding
* Video: the "FFmpeg" subfolder will now be scanned for FFmpeg DLLs in both the program and user folders
* Video: added support for FFmpeg rendering into FFV1 and Huffyuv lossless video codecs
* Video: fixes for certain files with FFmpeg (including 24 bit audio)
* VST: plug-ins that are not fully unloaded are still unloaded at exit (fixes Yellow Tools plugins)
* WAV: when reading files that are growing, autodetect length changes
* Action: move items to edit cursor, stretch item to fit time selection
* ReaControlMIDI: update dropdown boxes when loading a preset
* ReaSamplomatic5000: fixed crash on sample change
* ReaSamplomatic5000: better release behavior on looping samples
* ReaSamplomatic5000: lower CPU use on very short looping samples
* ReaSamplomatic5000: better all notes off behavior, better multiple noteoff behavior
* ReaSynth: better all notes off behavior
* Render dialog: updated file browsing code
* Ripple editing: fixed ripple all of markers when moving left
* Themes: fixed themes with overlay images causing crashes on unload
* Action dialog: when switching action sections, enable running actions in the new section if possible
* Action: move items to time selection, stretched and looped to fit
* Action: render all queued renders
* ^Added Quick Start Guide (PDF): accessible via Help/Documentation menu
* Bridging/firewalling: fixed PPC bridging on OSX 10.4/10.5
* Bridging/firewalling: fixed a bug where bridging would sometimes be disabled
* Create measure from time selection: better behavior with existing tempo markers
* Docker: better track resize behavior when showing/hiding/resizing docker
* Drag and drop: fixes for various plug-in related crashes (Maschine and others)
* Dynamic split: use preferences/editing behavior/tab-to-transient sensitivity, for consistency
* Envelopes: when adding volume/pan envelopes, don't create point at cursor (consistent with other envelopes)
* Grid settings: more consistent display of grid sizes (notes, not beats)
* Media explorer: action list and custom shortcut support
* Media explorer: actions for play, stop, pause, rewind, fast forward, play from last seek position
* Media explorer: actions to play previous media (for A/B comparison), browse up/down the list of files
* Media explorer: context menu item to insert media at time selection, stretched and/or looped to fit
* Media explorer: display media embedded tempo, if any
* Media explorer: leave peaks preview active until Media Explorer is closed
* Media explorer: media can be previewed/inserted at project tempo if it is suitable length in beats/bars
* Media explorer: media with embedded tempo (REX/ACID) can be inserted at either project tempo or source tempo
* Media explorer: mousewheel adjusts peaks gain (vertical zoom)
* Media explorer: option to always display waveform peaks even if autoplay is disabled (note this creates .reapeaks files)
* Media explorer: option to display preview position in tenths of seconds
* Media explorer: option to preview/insert media tempo matched 1x, 1/2x, 2x
* Media explorer: pause button
* Media explorer: peaks preview can be dragged into project to insert media
* Media explorer: restart tempo-matched preview playback if project tempo changes
* Media explorer: support for looping media that is 1/2 bar long
* Media explorer: support for Windows shortcuts (browse folder shortcuts, preview media shortcuts)
* Media with embedded tempo: import behavior preference to use project tempo or source tempo
* MIDI devices: improved action to reset all devices
* MIDI editor: more precise note/grid drawing when in "source beats" view mode
* MIDI items: handle multiple takes properly when resizing unlooped MIDI items
* Missing file searching: logic for how to pick missing file, whether to autoclose and search other missing files
* Missing file searching: support for reaper-media-searchpaths.txt with SEARCH lines to specify additional paths
* Missing file searching: full paths now autoscan all fixed disks for matching path (Windows only)
* Mixer: better fxparm/fx/send resize behavior, can now use ctrl+shift to modify all tracks dividers absolutely
* Mixer: can now hide the master track from the mixer
* Mixer: fixed some visual issues in panflip mode
* Optimizations: improved CPU use when moving track faders, zooming, writing envelopes
* OSX: fixed potential crash when dragging media from Finder after closing REAPER's Media Explorer
* OSX: fixed some internal Cocoa issues
* Pitch shift: set default mode to elastique 2.1 Pro for new users
* Pitch shift: note, existing users can change default mode via File/Project Settings, save as default
* ReaSamplomatic5000: apply attack/release to playback, not start/end of looped samples
* Recording: can now set tracks to record simultaneously to primary path and invisibly/backup to secondary path
* Regions: support for copying regions immediately to the left of the original
* REX: all-slice items can now set tail mode in source properties
* REX: draw peaks properly in all-slice mode when there is silence between slices
* REX: option to chop all slice tails will remove tails rather than muting them on playback
* Snap to grid: avoid certain types of rounding error
* Tempo markers: do not insert a new marker on top of an existing one
* Theme support: configurable tcp_folderindent (22 is default)
* Time selection: set edit/play cursor when time selection changes via alt+marquee (if user wants)
* Tooltips: more descriptive tooltips on track labels, number, sends, FX
* Track panels: better FX parameter positioning when meter disabled
* Video: FFmpeg: added 16/24/32bps audio PCM modes to AVI/MOV/MKV export formats
* Video: FFmpeg: added MJPEG and DV video codecs to AVI export format
* Video: FFmpeg: added support for large filesizes
* Video: FFmpeg: added unicode support for file renders
* Video: FFmpeg: bundled basic LGPL/free FFmpeg for better basic playback support
* Video: FFmpeg: fixed/optimized video seeking
* Video: FFmpeg: fixed video rendering issues
* Video: FFmpeg: renderer codec list will now only list available codecs from the installed FFmpeg librairies
* Video: LCF support (LICE Capture Format)
* VST: option to disable saving VST bank is now per-VST rather than global (right-click in FX browser)
* WAV: option to embed project tempo (ACID chunk) in rendered files, if project has a single tempo
* x64: fixed video on systems without correct VC2005 runtimes installed
* Transport: show editable playback tempo and time signature
* Transport: mousewheel adjust play rate, tempo, selection start/end/length
* Transport: alt+mousewheel to adjust time selection by beats
* Transport: mousewheel over time selection length to move the entire selection
* Transport: theme images for BPM tap-tempo button (transport_bpm, transport_bpm_bg)
* Transport: theme images for playspeed and selection edit fields (transport_group_bg, transport_edit_bg)
* Transport: theme images for status box (transport_status, transport_status_err)
* Nudge/Set: move items by precise time/beat/sample/frame/selection units
* Nudge/Set: move cursor or copy items by precise units
* Nudge/Set: actions to nudge left/right by last nudge dialog settings
* Nudge/Set: actions to save/recall up to 8 configurations (assign to shortcuts or toolbars)
* OSX: much faster graphics updating (thank you, Apple, for your fantastic documentation)
* OSX: better edit cursor displays (matches Windows)
* OSX: fixed mouse option for mousewheel to target window with focus
* OSX: menu shortcut display support for control key modifier, other special keys
* OSX: faster configuration file access
* OSX: fixed action to reset all MIDI devices crashing on some MIDI devices
* OSX: default text drawing is now faster
* Accessibility: expose basic track, envelope, transport control to screen readers via MSAA
* Action: go to marker 11-30
* Action: reset soft takeover for all MIDI controller assignments
* Action: unselect all tracks, items, and envelope points
* Action: adjust all tempo markers at once by various units
* API: added GetMasterTrack
* Batch converter: better support for unicode filenames
* Custom menus: much faster import of menus and menu sets
* Envelope control panels: respect global UI scaling preference
* Export: automatically prevent trim/convert on REX and video files
* FX browser: renaming item preserves selection, and resorts
* Keyboard entry: preference to disable applying typed-in edit changes after 1 second (in some places)
* Keyboard entry: cancel changes on escape, commit changes on tab or enter key (in some places)
* Media explorer: action to show source properties for current media preview (right-click preview display)
* Media explorer: unload stopped preview media if user preference is to offline media when switching away
* MIDI editor: fixed grid snapping when project contains odd-length time signature changes
* MIDI editor: action to toggle locking MIDI item to fixed tempo, or follow project tempo changes
* MIDI editor: fixed grid snapping, note insert length when MIDI is locked to a fixed tempo
* MIDI editor: optimized edit cursor display
* MIDI editor: update toolbar step sequencer buttons on enable/disable
* MIDI file writing: more compatible ASCII conversion for some UTF characters
* MIDI file writing: new option to write text events as UTF-8 (preferences/media/MIDI)
* MIDI items: fixed source properties reported media item length
* Mixer: show MIDI hardware outputs in send/hardware output list (themable: mcp_sendlist_midihw)
* ReaEQ, ReaDelay, ReaPitch, ReaXcomp: correct automation behavior when adding/removing bands
* ReaScript: x64 Python support
* Relative snap: fixed occasional reset of item snap offset
* Selection sets: actions to save/load up to 10 sets of item selections
* Solo defeat: receives are always audible even if source tracks have sibling solo
* Startup: faster
* Tempo: more efficient rebuilding of complex project tempo maps when adjusting tempo quickly
* Tempo: better multithreaded time map access (faster tempo information delivery to plugins)
* Tempo: tap tempo creates only one undo point
* Time selection: preferences to clear time selection and/or loop points by clicking ruler or arrange view
* Tooltips: fixed occasional stuck tooltip on certain mouse movements
* Tooltips: many tooltips now also appear in main info box
* Tooltips: simplified tooltips that appear when moving media items
* Trim behind items: support toggling on/off within custom actions
* Video: added "Video window follows edits" setting in Prefs>Media>Video
* Video: muted items, muted tracks are not displayed
* Video: FFmpeg: added YV12 and YUY2 colorspace decoding support (makes video decoding faster)
* Video: FFmpeg: bundled OSX versions are now 10.4+ compatible
* Video: FFmpeg: improved video frame display when seeking during playback
* Winamp visualization plug-ins: default option to disable WA plug-ins completely
* Winamp visualization plug-ins: various bug fixes
* Windows: fixed file open issues on pre-XP operating systems
* Action: duplicate selected items, duplicate selected area of selected items
* API: export ApplyNudge function
* Envelope lanes: display envelope value in envelope lane control panel
* Envelope lanes: more consistent behavior of slider in trim/read mode
* Envelope lanes: respect user preference to not arm envelopes automatically when adding
* Envelopes: enable visual feedback from hidden envelopes by default
* Envelopes: user preference to enable writing automation to hidden envelopes
* Envelopes: more consistent behavior of action to add 4 envelope points at time selection
* Envelopes: preference for double-click to edit the envelope point (vs adding or resetting a point)
* Menus: fullscreen mode and always-on-top moved from Options to View menu
* MIDI editor: action to set or insert CC event at mouse (double-click)
* Nudge: window opens on startup if it was open when REAPER was last closed
* Nudge: account for take play rate when snapping contents to grid
* OSX: Audio Units: PDC fixed
* OSX: graphics optimizations and drawing glitch fixes
* Scrollbars: drawing improvements when UI scaling or Windows scrollbar scaling is used
* Timestretch: low quality windowed mode quality fixes
* VST: fixed automation recording with certain plug-ins
* API: fixed GetIconThemeStruct() offsets that had changed in 3.6
* JS: optimized tan(), fixed tan() on OSX/i386
* VST: bridged plug-in automation improvements, especially with plug-ins that dominate main thread
* VST: fixed deadlock on certain bridged plug-ins on Windows
* Action window: better behavior after adding actions to custom menus (close or restore the action window properly)
* Actions: run LICEcap
* Actions: set item mix behavior to project default
* Actions: move or copy items to time selection, trim/stretch/loop/duplicate to fit
* Actions: move position, edges, contents, duplicate of selected item (or item under mouse) to edit cursor
* Actions: select all locked tracks
* Actions: set track record path to primary, secondary, primary+secondary
* Actions: show record path/secondary record path in explorer/finder
* API: added MIDIEditor_GetTake, to get the MIDI take that is being edited in the active MIDI editor
* API: added SetCurrentBPM function
* Automation: fixed recording of send automation via mixer (broken since 3.3)
* Automation: preference to reset write mode to another automation mode after one recording pass
* Envelope panel: remove mouseover highlight when mouse leaves window
* Envelopes: fixed action to move envelope points left/right by grid size
* Envelopes: lane trim fader and add-4-points actions create points 0.5 ms apart
* Envelopes: remember envelope armed state when unbypassing
* Envelopes: when recording automation in loop, keep the exact recorded values at loop start and end
* External sync: optional flashing window to warn when recording and waiting for timecode
* FX: when docking/undocking fx chain, hide/show plug-in config window (some plug-ins don't like being moved)
* Help: changed "Help: keyboard shortcuts" to "Help: Mouse key modifiers and action shortcuts"
* Help: added MIDI editor mouse modifier behaviors to output of Help/Mouse modifier keys
* Item notes/project notes: fixed Unicode character support
* JS: added ts_num, ts_denom variables (time signature numerator and denominator)
* JS: fixed x64 issue when used with third party plug-ins compiled with buggy MS CRT (fmod() needs fclex, etc)
* Main menu: audio status now can optionally show record path, can disable showing of device info/record format [demo]
* Master track: deselect all other tracks when clicking master track TCP
* Media explorer: don't process REAPER hotkeys when renaming items (Windows)
* Media explorer: replace media source for selected items, optionally stretched/looped to fit [demo]
* Media explorer: option to use Windows Explorer (default) or generic listview on Windows
* Menus/Actions: cleanup of many action descriptions ("selected tracks" becomes "tracks", same for items, etc)
* MIDI devices: added a button to reset all MIDI devices, in Prefs/Audio/MIDI Devices
* MIDI editor: actions to insert note or advance cursor by various note lengths
* MIDI editor: actions to move edit cursor by measures
* MIDI editor: actions to zoom view to selected notes/CC, or to project loop selection (double-click piano roll ruler)
* MIDI editor: don't fix overlapping or duplicate notes until after quantize/humanize is done
* MIDI editor: don't shift+select notes that are adjacent to the current selection (they must overlap)
* MIDI editor: double-clicking existing text/sysex events always edits the event (rather than creating a new one)
* MIDI editor: dropdown setting for length to use when inserting notes (can be set when drawing/selecting a note) [demo]
* MIDI editor: fixed flicker when using humanize
* MIDI editor: fixed snap to grid in looped items where the loop length itself is not on the grid
* MIDI editor: fixed snap to grid when project time signature is not x/4
* MIDI editor: fixed some note/CC editing actions not refreshing event list view
* MIDI editor: fixed changing channel filter not refreshing event list view
* MIDI editor: inserting/extending/pasting past the end of a looped MIDI item will extend the loop in source beats mode
* MIDI editor: inserting/extending/pasting past the end of an unlooped MIDI item will extend the item [demo]
* MIDI editor: MIDI preview scrub (middle mouse button in ruler, or click+drag the edit cursor handle) [demo]
* MIDI editor: mute actions affect all selected notes and CC
* MIDI editor: option to disable automatic correction of overlapping notes
* MIDI editor: option to only move edit cursor when clicking ruler or CC lane dividers, not note/CC area
* MIDI editor: removed piano roll-specific actions from the event list view action list
* MIDI export: adjust embedded tempo map properly when exporting time selection rather than entire project
* MIDI items: fixed bug when splitting unlooped MIDI item across tempo changes
* Mixer meters: better justification of peak value text when it is larger than the width of the meter
* MPx decoder: fixed multiple simultaneous decodes of MP2
* MPx decoder: file parsing optimizations/cleanup
* MPx decoder: basic support for MP2 encoded WAV files
* Nudge: added right edge option (to nudge or set item right edge without trimming item length)
* OSX: added a button to open system Audio MIDI Setup utility, in Prefs/Audio/Device
* OSX: better Core Audio multidevice support (though it is still better to use aggregate devices)
* OSX: changed audio device configuration storage, existing users will need to re-select their audio device(s) (REAPER will prompt on startup)
* OSX: fixed midi editor refresh of CC lane boxes
* OSX: improved Prefs/Audio/Device, now strongly encourages user to use a single device (and create aggregate devices as needed)
* OSX: more window compositing fixes
* OSX: support for automatically building output routing for multi-output AUs
* OSX: fixed color picker rounding bug
* OSX: color picker and font picker now have proper ok/cancel buttons
* OSX: fixed REX on PPC, improved REX loading code
* Per-take envelopes: action to insert 4 envelope points at time selection respects take play rate
* Play cursor: better positioning at start of playback
* Play cursor: better positioning with short loops
* Play/loopskip: fixed problems with very small time selections, improved accuracy, fixed issues with PDC
* Project: default item mix behavior is properly saved with default project
* ReaControlMIDI: fixed UI loading when bridging enabled
* ReaEQ: preserve existing wet/dry and bypass automation when resetting bands to default
* Scrollbars: fixed vertical scrollbar theme change update issue
* Splash screen: more useful startup status display
* Toolbars: remove mouseover highlight when mouse leaves window
* Tracks: actions to increase/decrease selected track height (shift+control+mousewheel by default) [demo]
* Tracks: actions to minimize/maximize track heights will toggle back to the exact previous track heights
* Tracks: don't allow a hidden track to become a folder track
* Tracks: mute/solo modes (clear, exclusive, grouped, etc) now will not affect tracks that are not visible in the same context as the click
* Tracks: track controls can be locked [demo]
* Tracks: themeable color/alpha for locked track control panel
* Undo system: increased default RAM limit to 256MB
* Windows: add project to Windows recent file list properly when creating subdirectory
* Windows: fixed unicode issues for launching files after render, etc
* Windows: changed installer requested privilege level to admin
* MIDI editor: action to reverse events also reverses CC, works in event list view
* MIDI editor: actions that target a CC lane will target the top lane if no CC lane has focus
* MIDI editor: advance edit cursor correctly after paste preserving position in measure
* MIDI editor: better blink cursor appearance
* MIDI editor: clicking to the left of a CC lane will set focus to that lane without deselecting notes/CC
* MIDI editor: fixed CC events on one channel erasing events on other channels when moving CC with notes
* MIDI editor: fixed splitting notes in looped MIDI items
* MIDI editor: fixed step input actions when inserting X semitones below the current note
* MIDI editor: immediately refresh event list when correcting overlapping notes/CC
* MIDI editor: option to disable single-click selecting CC events
* MIDI editor: paste preserving position in measure will not paste duplicates
* MIDI editor: quantize, humanize, event properties, and filter windows stay on top of the editor
* MIDI editor: swing grid support
* MIDI editor: swing grid strength is set/edited by dragging handles on the upbeat grid lines [demo]
* MIDI editor: text box for manual entry of swing strength
* MIDI editor: when correcting overlapping notes, also correct CC events at the same time/channel
* MIDI editor: when correcting overlapping notes/CC, always preserve the selected note/CC
* MIDI quantize: actions to quantize note position, or position and end, to grid
* MIDI quantize: added actions and options to quantize notes only, or all events
* MIDI quantize: added bypass checkbox to quantize dialog
* MIDI quantize: checkbox to fix overlaps on commit
* MIDI quantize: notes will move with grid changes if quantize dialog is open when changing grid or swing [demo] [demo]
* MIDI quantize: overhauled quantize dialog
* MIDI quantize: when quantize grid is set to editor grid, quantize swing setting is linked to editor swing
* MIDI: fixed MIDI notes sometimes not being played when coinciding exactly with a time signature change
* Custom colors: action to reset random color generator (also resets default.palette if it exists)
* Custom colors: if default.reapalette file exists, use those colors instead of random colors
* Custom colors: default.reapalette (resource dir): text file of R G B values, one color per line
* Custom colors: organized default custom color menu entries
* Custom colors: preference for media item background tint strength, for selected/unselected media items [demo]
* Custom colors: preference to automatically color any recording pass that adds takes to existing items [demo]
* Custom colors: support for setting all takes created in the same recording pass to a custom color [demo]
* Custom colors: support for setting custom colors per-take
* API: allow extensions and ReaScript to get/set take custom colors, recording pass ID
* Automation: higher recording speed for FX parameter automation
* Automation: refresh track volume/pan sliders when deleting a track envelope in read/write modes
* Color theme: added themeable colored bars to optionally display on selected items, active takes [demo]
* Color theme: added themeable colors for MIDI note/CC text colors (light and dark)
* Custom menu editor: action list automatically switches to the correct section when changing menus
* Envelopes: drawing optimizations when zoomed out
* External sync: option to only use external sync on playback or recording, or both
* Master VU: fixed inaccurate RMS meter calculation with some window/audio buffer sizes
* Media items: draw media source end notch slightly differently for unlooped items [demo]
* Nudge/set: checkbox to preserve relative item positioning in set mode [demo]
* OSX: better text field coloring
* OSX: fixed 2GB+ file peakfile generation/reading
* OSX: fixed a few graphical glitches relating to docked windows
* OSX: selecting default system devices now allows differing input/outputs
* Preferences: new tab for path settings (default render path, default recording path, alternate peak cache path)
* ReaControlMIDI: fixed reading .ins files that contain trailing blank lines
* ReaGate: checkbox to invert gate output (when loud, duck wet signal vs dry) [demo]
* Recording: organized options for behavior when recording over existing items
* Recording: recording over existing items can split the old items and add takes, create new items, or trim existing items [demo]
* Recording: ensure that loop recording creates correct length files when "add new files on loop" enabled
* Recording: fix for loop recording sometimes being slightly off the loop edges
* Recording: new preference to discard incomplete first/last takes if at least one full loop was recorded [demo]
* Scrollbars: improved zoom button sizing
* Takes: action to activate take under mouse, mapped to "Y" by default (for "yes")
* Takes: media item drawing optimizations
* Takes: media items can be locked to the active take (to prevent mouse clicks from switching takes) [demo]
* Takes: preference to link or unlink all takes when editing start offset (slip editing) [demo]
* Toolbar: refresh custom toolbars after linking/unlinking loop points and time selection via preferences
* Tracks: "Options/Show overlapping items in lanes" creates as many lanes as necessary [demo]
* Tracks: when showing items in lanes, items whose audio will mask other items are drawn in a higher lane [demo]
* Tracks: automatically remove tracks created by accidentally moving an item down too far [demo]
* Tracks: added preference to remove or retain tracks created by moving an item below the last track and back
* Transport menu: fixed checkmarks on submenu items (such as external sync, etc)
* Video: preliminary support for flip/rotate of video (video source properties) [demo]
* VST: inform plugins if transport repeat is enabled
* Windows: better audio device closing behavior when minimizing REAPER and stopped
* MIDI editor: fixed possible crash or corruption when deleting MIDI text events
* OSX: fixed default shift key mappings in MIDI editor
* MIDI editor: smoother editing for swing grid handles
* MIDI editor: snap pitch/pan CC bars to center [demo]
* MIDI editor: don't create extra undo point when moving/copying events
* MIDI editor: fixed advancing cursor when step recording with swing grid enabled
* MIDI editor: fixed crash when double-clicking collapsed CC lane
* MIDI editor: fixed paste preserving position in measure in first partial measure of a media item
* MIDI editor: new theme color for octave grid line [demo]
* MIDI editor: update display immediately after event list context menu action
* MIDI editor: when a single CC event is dragged, display the actual event time/value in the lower right
* FX: adding FX via quick-add menu floats the FX window (if the user preference is to show the FX window at all)
* FX: double click a floating FX title bar to return the FX to the chain window [demo]
* FX: double-click empty space in the FX chain list (under the current inserted FX) to open the FX browser
* FX: fixed potential flood of FX automation messages
* FX: optionally show the current track FX in the FX button context menu, click to float/unfloat individual FX [demo]
* FX: when adding an FX chain, auto-float each FX window if the preference is set [demo]
* OSX: fixed a graphic glitch when updating track I/O window
* OSX: fixed drawing behavior when tabbing through tracks to rename
* OSX: fixed plug-in pin connector dialog not showing [+] button
* OSX: fixed tiny font and odd alignment in track IO dialog, MIDI CC lanes
* OSX: fixed too-large font on track meters
* Video/FFmpeg: better audio seek mechanism
* Video/FFmpeg: fixed duration on broken MPEG-1 files
* Video/QuickTime: added sample accurate seek when using Quicktime decoder
* Video/Windows: added EVR output for Vista+ machines (improved video display when using Aero)
* Video/Windows: fixed hang when using REAPER over RDP
* Video: better peaks display when zoomed in on videos that use compressed audio
* Action: scroll view vertically (midi CC): prevent scrolling offscreen
* Action: split items at timeline grid affects offscreen items properly
* Action: toggle mute for track sends or receives 1-8
* API: export Help_Set function (show help text in the area below the track panels)
* AU: fixed occasional noise blast from plugins that can't handle anticipative processing (AUPeakLimiter)
* AU: better support for multi-output AUs (thanks, VSL)
* Cues: fixed drawing of extra cues on unlooped items that are longer than the underlying media source
* Envelopes: pan envelope lane slider direction is consistent in trim/read vs write modes [demo]
* External editors: when passing a region to Sound Forge, round to the nearest sample
* Grid: fixed actions to split at grid, move cursor left/right to nearest grid position
* Grouped items: more consistent behavior when editing grouped item edges
* Help: when modifier keys are down, show what action is about to occur when editing items and envelope points
* Item crossfades: shift+alt drag moves the crossfade and stretches both items [demo]
* Marquee: shift overrides snap when selecting items and time together [demo]
* Media explorer: options for default action (insert media, preview media, do nothing)
* Parameter modulation: smoother audio control signal modulation with very short attack/release
* Playback: fixed play cursor positioning when starting near end of project/loop
* Preferences: moved volume/pan fader range settings to Appearance/VU Meters and Faders
* Preferences: preference to suppress splitting all items at the edit cursor if nothing is selected
* Project parsing: less heap use when parsing projects (faster loading of large projects)
* ReaEQ: Cockos VST extension support for manually editing envelope points [demo]
* Render: added minimize button to minimize REAPER during renders
* Render: fixed rendered items sometimes being one sample too short with certain sample rate/buffer size settings
* s/SVN/Git/: new revision IDs in about box
* Takes: actions to rotate take lanes forward or backward for selected items [demo]
* Takes: copy/preserve take FX when new recording splits an existing media item (obeys preference to copy take FX on split)
* Takes: internal changes to take processing
* Theme support: background images with yellow lines (outer-areas) now properly supported for track name, vol, pan labels, etc
* Theme support: better detection of theme changes (faster)
* Theme support: button images can now have pink lines for stretching
* Tooltips: action to toggle on/off tooltips for media items and envelopes [demo]
* Tooltips: multi-line tooltips for envelopes, items, item fades
* Tooltips: multi-line tooltips for track IO, ENV, FX buttons [demo]
* Undo/Save: safer behavior when loading media item state
* Undo: don't create extra undo point when control+drag copying media items
* VST: ensure "show VST folders" option is persistent
* VST: when VST folders enabled and VST names disabled, don't show path twice in FX button right-click menu
* Windows: fix for waveOut latency going off after many hours
* Dynamic split: fixed forced reduction of splits during calculation
* Media items: better rounding of timing of certain start offsets
* Media items: fixed undo/redo of take deletion broken in 3.67
* MIDI editor: tick accuracy improvements when pasting MIDI
* MIDI editor: fixed scrub preview for CC messages on channels other than 1
* MIDI editor: fixed checkmarks in customized menus
* MIDI editor: respect preference to prevent single-click CC event selection when holding shift or control
* MIDI editor: create undo point when changing CC lane (prevent undoing back to the previous lane)
* Mute: fixed UI inconsistency when undo/redo on tracks with no items
* Peaks: fixed zoomed in peaks display of waveforms with active MIDI take
* Pencil mode: fixed flicker when starting to draw looped MIDI items
* Project load: fixed loading of certain third party generated RPPs broken in 3.67
* Project load/save: better default paths
* Save as: in copy modes, if a full project path is set, clear it (as it will not be used in the new project)
* Tooltips: added preference to show tooltips when hovering the mouse over an envelope
* Video: improved initial CPU/RAM use on load of projects with video items
* Media item labels: option to show/hide text label based on item height
* Media item buttons: option to show/hide buttons based on item height
* Nudge/set: pass space bar through from nudge dialog to main window
* OSX: avoid blinking cursor and tooltip when holding down a modifier key
* OSX: fixed VST-shell project loading on PPC
* OSX: fixed drawing issues (primarily related to docked media explorer)
* Parameter modulation: fixed problem when using latent plugins
* Project: safer writing of long lines to project file/undo memory
* Themes: background stretching fixes
* (3.71) ASIO: requested audio block size: fixed power-of-two rounding mode
* ASIO: support for requesting audio block size (many drivers will ignore, though)
* Arc/roundrect drawing: fixed bugs, smaller code
* Floating toolbar: fixed refresh on update of theme
* (3.71) Media items: drawing fix for empty items
* MIDI editor: avoid unsafe memory access on undo
* Themes: fixed drawing glitch on docker tabs (and potentially elsewhere) introduced in 3.69
* OSX: fixed potential crash under certain focus conditions (impl IsWindow())
* API/ReaScript: added SetMediaItemPosition/Length, with the option to suppress screen redraw
* API/ReaScript: better portability between Windows and Mac (strip Windows newlines)
* API/ReaScript: API functions for item/marker setting should now perform better on OSX
* Armed actions: show special cursor and tooltip only when clicking will trigger the action
* Armed actions: do not cancel armed action on undo
* Feedback routing: fixed stopped monitoring with feedback
* Feedback routing: decreased memory/CPU use
* MIDI recording: fixed some overlapping note issues with replace and overdub recording modes
* MIDI editor: moving CCs/events now updates pre-quantized positions
* MIDI editor: reduced memory use when opening/closing many editors
* MIDI editor: fixed memory leak when reusing MIDI edit
Na Klasse...n Link hätte gereicht-meinst Du nicht ??? :-o
Immer wieder Danke

@ wento
ich werd mal mountinKing kontaktieren, danke

Ich habe durch die Cubase DVD´s denke ich auch viel ALLGEMEINGÜLTIGES gelernt! Und ich bin da noch nicht TIEF vorgestoßen!

Die Tendenz geht hier wohl in Richtung Cubase weiter zu arbeiten. O.K.. das bleibt bei mir auf jeden Fall eine Alternative.

Am meisten stört mich halt der Dongle. Beim Arbeiten an einem Desktop ist das egal, beim Notebook störts mich. Da steckt noch an einem USB mein Keyboard am anderen die Soundkarte! Und wenn ich nur intern arbeite, im Garten z.B. auf´m Sofa, immer hängt der C-Dongle dran - kann abrechen usw. Ist jetzt kein K.O Kriterium aber es nervt.

Deshalb weiterhin im Spiel MS 17, und S1

Mal ´ne Frage: spielt es eine Rolle welche DAW ich benutze, wenn ich Projekte in Logic weiterverarbeite? So weit ich weiß ist es wohl egal, wenn ich lauter Audiospuren habe. Wie sieht es aber aus wenn man Midi-technisch noch weiterarbeiten will?

Am meisten stört mich halt der Dongle.
Wenn du mal ein paar Sachen angesammelt hast, dann wirst du froh über jeden Dongle sein :D

Mal ´ne Frage: spielt es eine Rolle welche DAW ich benutze, wenn ich Projekte in Logic weiterverarbeite? So weit ich weiß ist es wohl egal, wenn ich lauter Audiospuren habe.

Wenn du nur Audiospuren weitergibst, ist es egal von welchem Sequencer die kommen und in welchem sie weiterverwurschtelt werden.

Wie sieht es aber aus wenn man Midi-technisch noch weiterarbeiten will?

Reine Midifiles lassen sich natürlich auch in jeden gängigen Sequencer laden. Du wirst halt dann uU nicht die gleichen virtuellen Instrumente zum Abspielen zur Verfügung haben.
[Wenn du mal ein paar Sachen angesammelt hast, dann wirst du froh über jeden Dongle sein :D

Hm, da fehlt mir jetzt das Verständnis, das zu verstehen

ich werde nie viel VST´s haben z.Zt. Complete Elements / Toontrack
Hm, da fehlt mir jetzt das Verständnis, das zu verstehen

ich werde nie viel VST´s haben z.Zt. Complete Elements / Toontrack

Nagut, dann wohl eher nicht; bei mehreren siehts dann anders aus.

Stell dir vor, du setzt neu auf, kaufst dir einen neuen Computer, oder tauscht auch nur die Netzwerkkarte aus (bei manchen Sequencern/Plugins reicht das schon).

Neue Computer-ID errechnen lassen, eintragen, neuen Key eingeben; bei einigen bist du vielleicht schon über das automatische 3-5x-Limit; Email schreiben, neues Set beantragen.
Und das bei jedem verfl... Plugin.
Den Dongle steckst du einfach ein und gut is.
Karlchen: "Immer wieder Danke"

Es gibt unter jedem Beitrag unten rechts einen blauen Kreis, auf den man draufklicken kann. ;)

Diese Möglichkeit wird hier leider nur von den Wenigsten genutzt...
Meiner Meinung nach solltest Du bei Cubase bleiben. Ich habe mir den Umgang mit diesem Sequenzer selbst angelernt, dauert zwar etwas aber wenn man erst einmal damit arbeitet, möchte man es nicht missen. Ich hab mir einmal eine Demo von Reaper runtergeladen und finde es bei weitem nicht so gut wie Cubase. Ich denke, das ich das zu recht sagen kann, da ich Cubase schon seit der Version 3 nutze und immer sehr zufrieden war.
Schwerfällige Einstellungen bei Cubase gibt es eigentlich nicht mehr, seit Version 4. Du mußt eigentlich nur wissen, welchen Asio Treiber ( soundkartenabhängig ) Du im Gerätekonfigurator einstellen mußt. Auch bei der Einrichtung der VST Verbindungen kann man nichts mehr verkehrt machen.

PS: Reaper darf man ja auch nicht kommerziell nutzen, ansonsten wollen die Entwickler auch Geld von Dir.


auch noch mal für das Pro Cubase!

Kickback, hab´s verstanden. Wie sieht es aber aus beim Registrieren über Internet per ID!? der Software registrierung? Wenn man ein Update kauft - fängt es dann wieder von vorne an (3-5 mal)?
PS: Reaper darf man ja auch nicht kommerziell nutzen, ansonsten wollen die Entwickler auch Geld von Dir.

Doch, darf man; und: Geld wollen sie ja sowieso. Reaper ist nicht free.
Für das eine oder andere Nebenhergewerbe geht es sich auch noch mit der kleinen Lizenz aus. Ab 20k Umsatz - also bei hauptberuflicher Nutzung wäre dann halt die große Lizenz fällig.

Wie sieht es aber aus beim Registrieren über Internet per ID!? der Software registrierung? Wenn man ein Update kauft - fängt es dann wieder von vorne an (3-5 mal)?

In der Regel ja, aber eine allgemeingültige Aussage für alle exisiterenden Pluginhersteller mit online-authorization trau ich mich jetzt auch nicht machen ;)
ich bin mal um eine Quintessenz der zahlreichen hilfreichen Anregungen und Hilfen bemüht.
Ist das so richtig:
Die von mir angeführten Sequenzer neben Cubase haben keine ENTSCHEIDENDEN Features, Workflows, X, Y, so daß sich ein Umstieg lohnen würde!

Beim Lesen vieler Threads zum Thema DAW hatte ich als Anfänger und unsicherer Mensch eben den Eindruck, das andere Seq. evtl besser zu mir passen würden.

Trotz Lern DVD´s usw. gibt es halt vieles was mich bei Cubase immer noch erschlägt! Vor allem die Einstellungen von Eingangsbussen, Audiokarte, vor allem MIDI, läuft einiges, trotz viel rumprobieren noch nicht.
z.Zt. die einbindung meiner Tyros-Workstation (Midi) über USB.

Dann hab ich in diesem Thread gelesen, das das mit den neueren Cubase Versionen einfacher ist!?

Ich will da aber hier im Reaper-Forum kein neues Thema aufmachen. Nur die Frage: Lieg ich mit meiner Quintessenz richtig?


Die von mir angeführten Sequenzer neben Cubase haben keine ENTSCHEIDENDEN Features, Workflows, X, Y, so daß sich ein Umstieg lohnen würde!

Das ist genau die Frage, die dir so keiner beantworten kann...

Viele raten dir zu einer neuen Cubase-Version, da der Einstieg für dich leichter ist...

Die Konfiguration deiner Soundkarte und MIDI-Geräte musst du in jeder DAW machen. Ich meine, dass sich diese Einstellungen am wenigsten bei den Sequencern unterscheiden.

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