How Loud Should My Master for SoundCloud Be?
This is a difficult question to answer since there is no absolute loudness that your master should be if you’re uploading the track to Soundcloud; however, Soundcloud now normalizes audio to an integrated -14 LUFS. Furthermore, Soundcloud normalizes the loudness of audio both upwards and downwards.
In other words, if your track has a loudness below -14 LUFS, Soundcloud will turn it up to -14 LUFS. Additionally, if your track is louder than -14 LUFS, Soundcloud will turn it down to an integrated -14 LUFS.
This means that whenever your song is played back by a listener, it’s going to be played at a specific loudness, in this case, -14 LUFS.
How Loud Should My Master for SoundCloud Be?
This is a difficult question to answer since there is no absolute loudness that your master should be if you’re uploading the track to Soundcloud; however, Soundcloud now normalizes audio to an integrated -14 LUFS. Furthermore, Soundcloud normalizes the loudness of audio both upwards and downwards.
In other words, if your track has a loudness below -14 LUFS, Soundcloud will turn it up to -14 LUFS. Additionally, if your track is louder than -14 LUFS, Soundcloud will turn it down to an integrated -14 LUFS.
This means that whenever your song is played back by a listener, it’s going to be played at a specific loudness, in this case, -14 LUFS.