Optimieren Deinen Computer für Audio

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ihr wisst doch was man sagt; doof sein ist wie tot sein, für einen selber isses egal, weil man es nicht mitbekommt, nur für die Anderen isses schlimm :)
Aber wenn Du jetzt aus lauter Doofheit den Schniedel im Aufzug einklemmst, ist das für Dich selbst auch nicht so toll.
I don't dare to adjust in the bios... :eek:
Maybe German Angst.
No, you Germans are very cool guys! :)
I tend to write in German here, but since you replied in English, here is my response :)

Yes, many things work very nice out of the box. But does it mean that we can't make it better? :) Please see in these community threads A/B testing of one of Gig Performer community users (Hermon). You can see that these BIOS settings directly impact CPU usage:

Link1 A/B test: https://community.gigperformer.com/...our-windows-pc-for-the-stage/5079/23?u=npudar
Link2 A/B test: https://community.gigperformer.com/t/optimizing-a-pc-and-windows/8413/10?u=npudar

Or another optimization tip for an older computer with cracks and pops: https://gigperformer.com/another-optimization-trick-for-pc-users/
That BIOS setting solved the issue.

Here's another recent example where a brand new computer that is out-of-the-box (i.e. unoptimized) fails LatencyMon tests: https://community.gigperformer.com/t/pc-specs-buying-tomorrow/9299/21?u=npudar

So yeah, this topic is pretty much alive. We constantly monitor feedback from our users and look for various tips to include them.

Cheers! :)

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