Cubase update 7.0.1 !

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Cubase Update 7.01


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The update adds a few improvements and resolves the following issues:

- Selecting a Project template, e.g. “Blues Rock Production” no longer leads to an unresponsive application state.
- Displaying track pictures in the tracklist within the Project window works seamless.

- Double-clicking to open the crossfade editor no longer renders the application unreliable.
- Copy/Paste of a range selection in Sample Editor or MediaBay will no longer lead to a "Realtime Algorithm has been deactivated" message.
- Editing Length Values in the Logical Editor now works seamless.
- After saving a new preset in Logical editor, the presets are listed correctly.

- Intensive velocity edit operations in the Key Editor when the track is set to Hermode Mode Tuning (HMT) playback no longer renders the application unresponsive.
- MIDI-Reset message is now transmitted on all MIDI channels as expected.
- MIDI track events sent to an instrument are no longer played back twice after changing the output routing.

- On PC systems the print tabulatur over more than one page no longer miss note lines on the second page.
- On OS X systems the printout from scores no longer shows unwanted horizontal and vertical lines.

- The localization of chord types has been improved.
- In the Key Editor Chord Editing Tab, chord types are no longer greyed out until a chord is selected and the labels on the Chord Buttons are easier to read.
- When the Chord Editor is open other key commands are also available.
- Executing “Make Chords” will overwrite and erase any existing chords.
- Chords to MIDI now creates expected results, regardless of chosen time formats of chord and target MIDI track (musical vs. time linear).
- The velocity of auditioned notes is now the same for notes which have been created by dragging Chord events onto a MIDI track.

- The high and low-pass filters are no longer active when bypassed and won’t produce unwanted artefacts.
- In dual screen setups the mixer no longer jumps from the 1st to the 2nd screen as soon as "Channel Racks" is activated.
- Enabling/disabling areas in MixConsole no longer lead to dissarranged areas when MixConsole is closed and re-openend.
- Copy/Paste of Send Effect and settings no longer results in a non-active Send and wrong height of Send Rack.
- The size of the Channel Setting window now remains intact when closed and reopened.
- The on/off state of the “Show Track Pictures” option is restored correctly.
- If two or more channels are linked together, the “activate side-chain“ state of the Standard Compressor channel strip module is now linked properly.
- Envelope Shaper module no longer introduces phasing issues.
- Using the channel strip on frozen channels now works reliable.
- After switching presets of the EQ channel strip module, its parameters displayed correctly.
- Dragging a user preset from MediaBay onto MixConsole no longer renders the application unreliable.

- Resizing the plug-in window now works as expected for plug-ins which support it.
- Inserting the Tube Compressor channel strip module or activating its side chain no longer produces a short noise.
- MixConvert V6 is now available as plug-in.
- Under Mac OS X older iLok protected VST plug-ins such as Audio Ease Speakerphone 2, will no longer render the application unreliable.
- VST Connect SE connections are now more reliable.

MediaBay: The MediaBay Location checkbox icons are displayed correctly.

- Working with MediaBay via a remote control no longer leads to unexpected shutdown of the application.
- FX Sends Level can now be remote-controlled properly also if Project Settings are set to +12 dB Fader in Project Setup.

- Under OS X 10.8 it is now possible to switch the sample rate without any issues.
- The included REV-X/Channel Strip plug-ins of Steinberg MR/UR hardware now have an icon for preset operation

Localization :
Cubase now runs in same language as specified for the system (OS X only).

Thanks for choosing Cubase!

Helge Vogt
Product Marketing Manager Cubase
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

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danke, das ging aber schnell
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