Reaper Pre-Versionen Thread! (v2.5rc2)

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Wie in den Update Thread schon gesagt, hier nun der BETA Versionen Thread!

Und quasi Druckfrisch:

v2.4pre6 - July 5 2008
+ better [g=415]loop[/g]-scrub/jog mode (configurable ranges, better sound quality)
+ better scrub ballistics
+ made demo project use less CPU (changed resampling mode)

schon gesehen? v2.4pre7!

kein Tag ohne Update ;-)
jap, schon gesehen und in benutzung.
aber: (wie ich mir damals auch sagen lassen musste) SO geht das ;)

v2.4pre7 - July 6 2008
+ scrub ballistics update (bleh)
+ fixed looped scrub/jog accuracy
+ action to rename last touch track
+ updated waveOut/[g=32]midi[/g] device closing behavior
+ waveOut/KS/DS: if no input device found output is still opened
+ added confirmation when deleting tracks with delete key (action that deletes based on context)
+ new automatic worker thread behavior on OSX only

scrubbing/jogging funktioniert übrigens hervorragend.
die pianorolltasten lasen sich jetzt beliebig beschriften und takes lassen sich individuell mit automationen für mute, pan und volume anlegen (sehr praktisch wenn man viel mit freier item positionierung arbeitet)..
was ist da eigentlich los?
Ändern sich da update gewohnheiten :) also weg von minor bugfixes usw zu major updates?
Was haltet ihr davon?
die pianorolltasten lasen sich jetzt beliebig beschriften

Verstehe ich das richtig, dass damit sowas wie die DrumMaps aus [g=539]Cubase[/g] möglich wären? Dann wäre dieses "NoteRenamer"-[g=8]Plugin[/g] ja quasi arbeitslos ;)
jau, richtig alsion. kannst jetzt einfach auf die tasten schreiben. praktisch.

die updategewohnheiten sind so meiner meinung nach ok, denn du zahlst bei reaper ja z.B. bis version 4.
und wenn die offiziellen versionen so schnell rennen wäre das doof, bzw müsste justin immer mehr zahlen hintendran hängen. so wird betagetestet auf landoleet und raus kommt ne fertige version.

es ist immer noch so, das man abends etwas meldet, auf das 2-4 leute mit "JAAA DAS WÄRE GEIL" antworten, es am nächsten tag drin ist (bzw. je nach programmieraufwand auch mal 2-3 tage)
nicht das mit der anschlagsstärken-farbzuweisung im midieditor^^
man kann nicht alles haben:)
das [g=94]feedback[/g] dort war: braucht man nicht wenn man unten im [g=32]midi[/g]-editor sieht welche [g=21]velocity[/g] eingestellt ist.
da man dort jez ja auch pitch, [g=21]velocity[/g], modwheel usw. gleichzeitig anzeigen lassen kann, denk ich:
wirds wohl auch nicht geben.

macht aber nix imho
gute sache das. naja wird man sich wohl dran gewöhnen müssen auch wenn ich das im moment sehr ungeschickt finde( allein schon, weil das ja nicht so schwierig zu programmieren sein dürfte) man muss immer ewig suchen bis man die richtige note editieren kann. naja aber ich will nicht meckern. Werde trotzem bald komplett umgestiegen sein. Also auf reaper!! :)

v2.41pre - July 14 2008
+ New action and menu item "[g=84]Insert[/g] virtual instrument on new track"
+ Double-click in empty track list space to [g=84]insert[/g] new track at end
+ "Open with FX offline (recovery mode)" checkbox in open-project dialog
+ WAV read/write: support for more types of WAV file cues and loops
+ Wavpack read/write: support for importing and exporting cues and loops
+ Parameter modulation: added release speed slider to audio control signal
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] note names: added menu option to clear names
+ FX chains and FX-add dialog now show item label in title
+ Save-as with copy/move/trim of source media updates take labels for accuracy
+ FX browser: fixed some issues with large numbers of folders
+ Browsing for replacement file on project load allows you to choose any supported type
+ ReaRoute: overhaul/tons of bugfixes, configurable I/O amounts (2-256 channels now supported)
+ Internal work towards AMD64 OS support
v2.42test6 - July 19 2008
+ New actions window (and menu item? toolbar button?) for finding actions, defining custom actions, assigning key and controller shortcuts
+ Actions window can be run from [g=32]midi[/g] editor
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: new navigate menu, lots of new actions to navigate, select notes, expand selection
+ API: added GetPeaksBitmap, ShowActionList functions
+ ReWire: improvements (better PT compat), option for alternate configuration file for slave mode
+ ReWire: fixed loading of [g=32]MIDI[/g] input 8-16 config
+ ReWire: improved configuration, implemented ReWire->REAPER [g=32]MIDI[/g] routing config
+ sliders: fixed mousewheel in certain JS etc
+ Per item custom colors
+ JS: new phase_adjust [g=8]plugin[/g]
+ JS: moved more FX to old_unsupported
v2.42rc0 - July 24 2008
+ Wavpack writer: fixed rendering to wrong [g=395]bit[/g] depth bug
+ Per item custom colors
+ New actions window for finding actions, defining custom actions, assigning key and controller shortcuts
+ Dedicated actions menu including recent actions list, optionally some custom actions
+ Preliminary meta-actions for use within custom actions: prompt to continue, prompt to [g=415]loop[/g]
+ Meta-actions for modifying [g=32]midi[/g] CCs/mousewheel/etc assignment velocities
+ Mousewheel is now a mappable shortcut to actions for the main arrange view and [g=32]midi[/g] editor views
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: avoid making duplicates when pasting notes
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: show [g=415]loop[/g] markers, action to move edit cursor to mouse cursor
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: select previous/next/all note(s) with same note value, paste preserving position in measure (ctrl-shift-V)
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: actions to navigate/select previous/next note (walks through chords)
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: actions to set [g=415]loop[/g] points, move edit cursor to selection or either end of [g=415]loop[/g]
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: new navigate menu, lots of new actions to navigate, select notes, expand selection
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: Actions window
+ New actions: expand selected tracks, minimize all others (default shortcut '!'), minimize all tracks ('@')
+ New actions: halve/double [g=415]loop[/g] (in arrange or [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor view)
+ New actions: mute/unmute (in addition to existing toggle) selected items
+ New actions: select all items in time selection, or track and time selection
+ New action: [g=84]insert[/g] 4 envelope points at time selection
+ Fixed healing splits for items in multi-lane (FIPM) tracks
+ Fixed [g=32]midi[/g] overdub recording with [g=415]loop[/g] selection autopunch issues
+ ReWire: improvements (better PT compat), option for alternate configuration file for slave mode
+ ReWire: fixed loading of [g=32]MIDI[/g] input 8-16 config
+ ReWire: improved configuration, ReWire->REAPER [g=32]MIDI[/g] routing config
+ JS: fixed mousewheel in certain JS sliders
+ JS: new phase_adjust [g=8]plugin[/g]
+ JS: moved more FX to old_unsupported
+ [g=77]VST[/g]: [g=7]patch[/g] name box no longer accidentally editable, "rename FXP/FXB" added to [g=7]patch[/g] save/load menu
+ API: added GetPeaksBitmap, ShowActionList functions
+ ReaRoute: fixed some race condition issues, and enabled support for win64-Wow64 rearouting on x64 (expect an x64 rearoute.dll soon)
+ Safer waveout/dsound shutdown sequencing (closer to 2.3x)
Alsion schrieb:
die pianorolltasten lasen sich jetzt beliebig beschriften

Verstehe ich das richtig, dass damit sowas wie die DrumMaps aus [g=539]Cubase[/g] möglich wären? Dann wäre dieses "NoteRenamer"-[g=8]Plugin[/g] ja quasi arbeitslos ;)

Der Noterenamer ist jetzt überflüssig.
Die TXT Files, die man früher da reingeladen hat, kann man jetzt
im Reaper [g=32]Midi[/g] Editor öffnen.
v2.43rc0 - July 29 2008
+ New actions: split item at media cues, shrink to first or last cue (or both)
+ Fixed bug in importing embedded loops when one end of the [g=415]loop[/g] is hidden
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: display project markers and regions
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: actions to shorten or lengthen selected notes by one pixel or one grid unit
+ New actions: mute/unmute, solo/unsolo (in addition to existing toggle) selected tracks
+ Better shortcut matching (avoid load-time collisions between num+ and +, etc)
+ Item playrates are now clamped to 0.01x/100.0x
+ Added tcp_main_namebg and mcp_main_namebg theme elements
+ Fixed mousewheel in docked [g=32]midi[/g] editors
+ ReaFIR: smoother interpolation for EQ curve
+ ReaNinjam: added "Send" button to chat window for WINE users
+ JS: new smaller JS DLL (compiled with MSVC, internal cleanups)
+ JS: no more memcpy() page granularity issues
Neue OS X Beta Version

v2.43 - July 30 2008
+ New actions: split item at media cues, shrink to first or last cue (or both)
+ Fixed bug in importing embedded loops when one end of the [g=415]loop[/g] is hidden
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: display project markers and regions
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: actions to shorten or lengthen selected notes by one pixel or one grid unit
+ New actions: mute/unmute, solo/unsolo (in addition to existing toggle) selected tracks
+ Better shortcut matching (avoid load-time collisions between num+ and +, etc)
+ Item playrates are now clamped to 0.01x/100.0x
+ Added tcp_main_namebg and mcp_main_namebg theme elements
+ Fixed mousewheel in docked [g=32]midi[/g] editors
+ ReaFIR: smoother interpolation for EQ curve
+ ReaNinjam: added "Send" button to chat window for WINE users
+ JS: new smaller JS DLL (compiled with MSVC, internal cleanups)
+ JS: no more memcpy() page granularity issues
+ [g=89]VSTi[/g]: potential fix for faulty plug-ins that do not handle all-note-offs very sensibly
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: updates timeline when moving item
+ Better transport sizing when using large system fonts


v2.45pre1 - August 13 2008
+ Multimedia keyboard support, including default shortcuts
+ Tracks can be set to automatically record-arm when selected, per-track or globally
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: new triangle (drum mode) view
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: show play cursor whenever it can be reasonably located
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: hide unused or unnamed note rows (preliminary)
+ Actions window: now restores focus to [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor after executing actions
+ New preference for track mute fade time (default 1 ms)
+ New preferences to send [g=32]midi[/g] all-notes-off to sends on track mute or take switch (does so by default)
+ New actions: move cursor to previous/next cue in selected items
+ ReaFIR: separate "Points (smooth)" and "Points (flat)" modes
+ Better window updating when doing fast tab to transients
+ ReaSynDr: optional multi-out mode (one "instrument" per output)
+ Better undo state point adding when changing track automation modes

v2.45pre2 - August 14 2008
+ Fixed crash when using paste tracks and MCU
+ Mute envelopes (track and send) now send note-offs when used in the middle of notes
+ Better [g=32]MIDI[/g] noteoff mute/solo behavior, fixed when routing is rewriting channels
+ Changing [g=32]MIDI[/g] item pitch shifts now doesn't result in stuck notes
+ JS: plug-ins can disable anti-denormal input noise by setting ext_nodenorm=1 in @init.
+ Mute fades now work on sends, hardware outs, and master mutes

v2.45pre3 - August 15 2008
+ Fixed [g=32]midi[/g] editor flicker on folding change
+ Fixed mute+soloed tracks broken in pre2
+ Solo in Front option (with configurable dim amount)
+ [g=223]OGG[/g] writer: now generates more compatible [g=223]OGG[/g] streams
+ [g=223]OGG[/g] writer: adds encoder tag
+ Solo in Front option (with configurable dim amount)

v2.45pre4 - August 17 2008
+ Fixed/improved solo in front
+ Internal [g=32]midi[/g] organization updates, more note offs on item delete/mutes
+ Installer updated to NSIS 2.39
+ Updated to Dirac LE 1.3

v2.45pre5 - August 18 2008
+ Noteoffs when switching items from [g=32]midi[/g] to audio takes
+ More noteoffs when moving items, editing [g=32]MIDI[/g] items
+ [g=32]Midi[/g] overdub/replace recording now can record piano roll key hits
+ Made preview notes when sizing item edges apply on when option set

v2.45pre6 - August 19 2008
+ More noteoff stuff (item resize, muted notes in [g=32]midi[/g] editor, project time signature change)
+ Fix for certain mutefade glitches
+ Fixed stem rendering issues with folders and [g=32]MIDI[/g] items

v2.45pre7 - August 20 2008
+ Fixed longstanding issue with [g=32]midi[/g] sends and volume automation
+ Tweaked more noteoff/item muting/mute fading stuff [removeme]
+ Option for new tracks to have auto-recarm-on-sel enabled by default
+ Copy selected area of selected items now copies/pastes empty space as well

v2.45pre8 - August 21 2008
+ Fixed [g=32]midi[/g] item volume handles [removeme]
+ Fixed auto-recarm-on-sel default issue [removeme]
+ Cut selected area of selected items now preserves empty space [removeme - merge into copy line]
+ [g=110]DXi[/g]: send noteoffs on stop
+ [g=89]VSTi[/g]: support for [g=77]VST[/g] 2.4 sysex sending/receiving
+ ReaInsert: sysex sending support
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor previews now are volume adjusted and transposed according to the [g=32]MIDI[/g] item setting
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] overdub/replace modes now shift/scale [g=21]velocity[/g] inversely to item settings
+ Fixed bug when converting [g=32]midi[/g] items to/from files (context not set properly)
+ Glue now preserves sub-sample lengths of items

v2.45pre9 - August 22 2008
+ Fixed precision errors when switching on item sections via media item properties
+ Fixed pre-fader sends mute delay/glitches [removeme]
+ [g=89]VSTi[/g]: now sends specific noteoffs instead of allnotesoff on stop

P.S. Was war am 16ten los? :-D
Juchu, endlich brauch ich mein Letztes Posting nicht mehr Editieren :-D

v2.45rc1 - August 23 2008
+ Option (prefs/mouse) to have right click marquee also select time without modifier
+ New actions: split item under mouse cursor, with optional select left/right

Auch als MAC (Beta) und X64


v2.45rc2 - August 24 2008
+ Fixed right click marquee not obeying time selection lock
+ Fixed custom actions not using plug-in registered names for storing command IDs
+ Added new actions to set/unset FIPM, set/unset [g=415]loop[/g] points linked to time selection
+ Middle mouse button now functions the same in the ruler as in the arrange
+ Actions to set/clear, save/restore snapping
+ Split item under mouse cursor now snaps to grid [removeme]
+ ReaPitch: removed zipper noises when changing volume and pan

2.47 Alpha2 up on

+ Render stem actions now render pre-fader signal, new actions for old post-fader stems behavior
+ Prefs/Keyboard is back, has link to actions window
+ Option to disable alt key opening menus in main, [g=32]midi[/g] editor, mixer windows
+ Added actions to set/adjust arrange view grid
+ Screenset window now updates shortcuts when using alternate recording section
+ Fixed touch automation on track mutes
+ Super-preliminary track grouping
+ Recording volume/pan automation with ganged/grouped tracks is now supported
+ Dynamic Split interactive beat slicing and quantization
+ REX2 file support, imported slices keep beat location if tempo changes
+ Action: create chromatic [g=32]MIDI[/g] notes from selected items
+ Action: move cursor to next/prior zero crossing (Z, shift+Z by default)
+ Action: split item at prior zero crossing (alt+Z by default)
+ MCP: multiple track selection follows MCP track order and visibility
+ New mute and solo button context menu with toggle/exclusive/clear options
+ Add-FX dialog: remembers recent searches in dropdown list
+ [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: rename current [g=32]MIDI[/g] item from [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor menu
+ JS: [g=123]utility[/g]/volume_pan with parameter smoothing (for use with param modulation)
+ Shift+Click for time selection behaves better with snap and other options
+ Shift+Click for [g=415]loop[/g] selection in ruler now works correctly when time+[g=415]loop[/g] selections locked
+ Better automatic track naming, updating of UI on autoname
+ Better pooling of pitch shifter resoucres (track-pooled to avoid excess reinitializations)
+ Better pooling of media file resources for better RAM use (especially with lots of splits)
+ Undo system: reduced memory use
+ WavPack: updated to 4.50, fixed bug in metadata reading, BWF tag read/write

+Super-preliminary track grouping
+ Recording volume/pan automation with ganged/grouped tracks is now supported
+ Dynamic Split interactive beat slicing and quantization
+ REX2 file support, imported slices keep beat location if tempo changes
+ Action: create chromatic [g=32]MIDI[/g] notes from selected items

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