Live 7.0.2 erschienen!! |

Live 7.0.2 erschienen!!



Gibt jetzt das offizielle update:

Changelog ist der Wahnsinn :eek: :

Changes from Live 7.0.1 to Live 7.0.2


Several updated or corrected info texts.

Updated Manuals.

Updated Lesson pack.

Smaller button for automation lanes.

Include the track index only in automatic names, but not in user names (also not in the routing choosers). To include the index manually, you have to prefix the custom name with one or multiple ‘#’ characters.

Support for Propellerheads Recycle 1 files (.rcy).

Info texts are not only displayed on mouse over but also when a corresponding object (clip, track, parameter,...) is selected.

The current [g=21]velocity[/g] value when creating a [g=32]MIDI[/g] note is kept globally.
Changing the [g=21]velocity[/g] of the MIDI keyboard also updates the current [g=21]velocity[/g] value.

Update bitmaps for fold buttons.

[g=32]MIDI[/g] Surface Controller support for Faderfox LV1, LX1, LV2, LX2, LC2 & LD2.

There is a ‘PreviewAlwaysSyncedToSong’ entry you can use in the Options.txt file. With that option, Live does not use heuristics to determine the clip tempo when song is not running for pre-listening in the browser.

On Windows, MME is now used as the default instead of the DirectMusic for [g=32]MIDI[/g] ports that provide both types. We are still working on a solution for the drop-out problems some users experienced when using a Remote SL-based [g=32]MIDI[/g] controller surface with a DirectMusic port. If you have that problem, we currently recommend to use MME instead of DirectMusic.

Drum [g=211]Rack[/g] Support for Korg KONTROL49 & microKONTROL.

Windows only: If the DebugOption “-_EnsureKeyMessagesForPlugins” is set in the Options.txt, we make sure that all key messages reach a [g=8]plugin[/g]’s window in front. That way, edit fields are again editable in the NI [g=77]VST[/g] plug-ins. On the downside, key messages do not reach Live anymore as soon as some objects in the window of the [g=77]VST[/g] plug-in are selected. Thus, for example, once an edit field has been edited, Live’s playback cannot be started via Space until Live’s main window regains focus.

In the mixer, chains are now treated as any other track concerning solo. That way soloing a chain in the Session mixer mutes every track except the one containing the [g=211]Rack[/g].

Control Surface support for the Korg ZERO8.

Previous version of Live only accepted zero-length [g=32]MIDI[/g] notes when the Options.txt entry “-_AllowZeroDurationNotes” was set. Now zero-length [g=32]MIDI[/g] notes are accepted by default and the option is not longer required.

Dropping instruments onto tracks, pads or chains replaces the complete device chain and not only the previous instrument. To replace the instrument only, you can drag it over the previous instrument.

The inline [g=211]Rack[/g] mixer provides an “Extract chains” command via its context menu.

Control Surface support for the Akai MPD32.

Bug fixes:

The save button of a [g=211]Rack[/g] could be still highlighted after canceling a previous preset save operation.

In an external device, changing the latency value would not work properly after a loading a Live Set.

Freezing of tracks containing Analog, Electric or Tension would not work properly.

Pads of a Drum [g=211]Rack[/g] would be renamed to their default name after doing Undo and Redo operations.

There could be graphical artifacts after doing a ‘Sort chains’ operation in the inline [g=211]rack[/g] mixer.

Live could crash when selecting a folder below the system [g=77]VST[/g] folder as the custom [g=77]VST[/g] folder.

On Windows and [g=18]Mac[/g] OS X with Intel-Macs, video exporting with 24 or 32 [g=395]bit[/g] could result in distorted audio.

When using a clip with the 1.1.1 marker somewhere within the clip, it would not be possible to draw any linked clip envelope before the 1.1.1 clip start marker.

Canceling a real time rendering with “Create analysis file” enabled would crash Live.

Annotations for Macros would not be saved with preset.

A template set containing an unfolded inline [g=211]Rack[/g] mixer would crash Live when starting up.

[g=32]MIDI[/g] controller support for Drum Racks would not work properly when loading a Live set containing a Drum [g=211]Rack[/g].

Dragging nested instruments which have associated automation lanes into a new track would not remove the lanes from the previous track.

Resizing of Arrangement tracks would not always work properly.

Under certain conditions, zooming deep into an audio file in Simpler or Sampler could result in an infinitive loop.

On [g=18]Mac[/g] OS X, the custom window of certain [g=77]VST[/g] plug-ins could be too big when opening for the first time. That would happen, for example, with the Triple Cheese [g=77]VST[/g] plug-in from Urs.

There could be audio artifacts when using the Impulse with the stretch mode ‘A’.

Selecting Arrangement tracks via keyboard arrow keys would not always keep the selected track visible.

Under certain conditions, refreeze of clips would not work properly.

When setting the language to Spanish, several lesson links would not work.

On [g=18]Mac[/g] OS X, the [g=32]MIDI[/g] sync output delay would not work properly.

Pre-listen of frozen Live clips would not work properly in Live’s Browser.

Soloing a track with a virtual instrument would not mute other tracks when playing the virtual instrument via the External Instrument device.

Replacing a Drum [g=211]Rack[/g] could set Macro values to the values of the Macros from the previous [g=211]Rack[/g].

An envelope modulation in a dummy clip would not always terminate when the clip is stopped.

Routings for the track output of the first track would go to [g=337]None[/g] after saving and re-opening a Live Set.

When previewing a Live clip in ReWire slave mode, the host tempo would be set to the Live clip’s tempo for the duration of the preview, and to 120 after the preview is finished.

A running Session clip of an armed track would be stopped when switching global record on.

Volume fader in Session View always has “Go Default” enabled, even if it is at default already.

The maximal value for the [g=43]filter[/g] cutoff in the Simpler would be smaller than necessary.

Analog, Electric or Tension could miss [g=32]MIDI[/g] notes when running Live as Rewire slave.

The “Add lane for each automated ...” command would not work properly after a recording.

Editing a [g=32]MIDI[/g] clip in the [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor would not be possible via keyboard or shortcuts.

On Windows, audio drop outs can appear when using a Remote SL based [g=32]MIDI[/g] controller on an MME [g=32]MIDI[/g] port. That problem could still exist for DirectMusic ports. For this reason, we recommend to use MME instead of DirectMusic.

New recorded samples would not be copied via copy-on-drag.

A single chain Drum [g=211]Rack[/g] nested in another Drum [g=211]Rack[/g] would not show its devices without showing the chain list.

Under certain conditions, the voice management of the Simpler and Sampler would not work properly on multi-core machines.

Under certain conditions, the priming of samples would not work properly when the link switch was enabled.

Changing the plug-in buffer size could result in incorrect delay compensation.

Dragging devices from one [g=211]Rack[/g] to another would not always work properly depending on which [g=211]Rack[/g] is currently selected.

Clicking a control in a [g=211]Rack[/g] would not turn off the hotswap mode even though the Browser has lost focus.

Changing the temporary folder in Live’s preferences would evoke a confusing message box.

Under certain conditions, when using the Sampler with glide enabled, Live could crash when the first note plays 2 samples but the second one only 1 sample.

Deleting an armed track which is set to no input but which received a signal from another track could crash Live.

Depending on the settings, the Repitch warp mode would not sound as expected from previous versions of Live.

The dialog for keeping or deleting temporary samples would not have a default button and could not be used via keyboard.

Using the back button in the File Manager could result in lost changes.

Choosing ‘Collect and Save’ command would evoke a confusing message box.

On Windows, changing the buffer size of an [g=12]ASIO[/g] audio interface would not notify currently used [g=77]VST[/g] plug-ins about the new size.

On Windows, closing the custom window of a [g=77]VST[/g] plug-in or a video window would not always set the focus to the Live window.

Live could hang on exit if File Manager changes are reviewed for an unsaved Live Set.

Under certain conditions, Live would crash when doing certain actions during a renaming.

It would be possible to delete an inline [g=211]Rack[/g] mixer track even if the parent track is frozen.

Under certain conditions, freezing could result in an audio file with missing ‘tail’.

Editing an info text would not create an undo history entry and would not make a fresh document dirty.

Routing choosers would show the wrong chain name after renaming the device inside a chain.

Switching the upper chooser of a [g=32]MIDI[/g] routing from one external device to another would set the [g=32]MIDI[/g] [g=190]channel[/g] back to the first one.

Moving corrupted or ‘more recent’ Live documents within the Browser could result in these documents being deleted.

The Quantize parameter of the Auto [g=43]Filter[/g] effect would not work properly.

The frequency response view in Sampler would only work properly with a sample rate of 44100 Hz.

On Windows, it would not possible to save a preset with the char ‘:’ in its name. Now, ‘:’ is replaced by a ‘_’ when saving it as preset.

Drum [g=211]Rack[/g] pads were not renamed when a [g=35]slice[/g] was replaced.

Routing choosers would not always show the correct device name.

Turning on ‘Don’t show again’ in a message box with multiple choices would not respect the choice that was made, but would instead always press the default button in future invocations. With this fix, all warnings will be reset, as if the “Reset all warnings” button in the Preferences had been pressed.

Dragging [g=32]MIDI[/g] files from Addictive Drums in the Arrangement could crash Live.

Using the up or down arrow keys after deleting a chain in a [g=211]Rack[/g] could crash Live.

Changing the song loop length would not work properly when time signature changes exist in the current document.

Under certain conditions, the Library path would not be properly stored in the preferences.

Disabling and enabling the Sync button would lock the tempo edit field.

The installation of a package would always say it was successful even if the installation failed.

On [g=18]Mac[/g] OS X, keeping an instance of the EQ8 in Live’s internal clipboard when quitting would crash Live.

If the default installation of packages failed the first time, the installation would not run when starting Live the next time.

On Windows, sending and receiving non-sysex [g=32]MIDI[/g] data to or from external [g=32]MIDI[/g] ports can lead to audio drop outs when using certain audio interfaces via [g=12]ASIO[/g] (for instance the Line 6 Toneport series).

Using the Hi-Q mode of the Dynamic Tube or the Saturator could introduce a notch in the frequency spectrum of the audio signal.

On certain conditions, the sample priming for the Sampler would not work properly when “Osc” is enabled.

Dragging a particular Live clip onto Live would crash Live.

Loading a Simple Delay preset with ‘Link’ disabled would not properly enable all edit fields when enabling ‘Link’ afterwards.

On single core machines or in single core mode, fast [g=47]crossfade[/g] automations could lead to [g=23]distortion[/g] in the audio signal.

When Live is running as ReWire slave, [g=32]MIDI[/g] input via external [g=32]MIDI[/g] ports would not work properly.

A certain [g=77]VST[/g] plug-in would not behave properly for song loop back jumps or would even crash afterwards.

On [g=18]Mac[/g] OS X, rendering or consolidating could create partly empty overview data.

If Live would run as ReWire slave, previewing clips in Live’s browser could change the global tempo of the ReWire master

Under certain conditions, Live could crash when an invalid file or directory was found during startup [g=77]VST[/g] scanning.

[g=32]MIDI[/g] clips would not be extracted in the Arranger when using the ‘Extract chain’ command.

Dragging in certain audio files, already analyzed in previous version of Live, could lead to a crash.

The Temp directory would not removed when doing ‘New Live set’ and the current set has armed tracks.
Da muss man sich ja fast wundern, dass man vorher überhaupt damit arbeiten konnte... :D
Hehe...ja, richtiges Arbeiten mit dem ersten Release war wohl auf manchen Computern echt kaum möglich.
Ich hatte Schwein, bei mir ist´s superselten abgestürzt, aber jetzt wird alles noch besser :)
Danke fürs Posten.

Interessanterweise hat der Download recht rasch funktioniert. Ich habe längere Ladezeiten wegen Serverüberlastung erwartet. Ist ja doch schon sehnlichst erwartet worden.
Huhu ....

naja ein paar sachen werden wohl dann doch erst mit 7.0.3 kommen z.b Beatrepeater kackt immernoch ab und die Mididaten kommen auch nicht so an wie sie sollen es gibt aussetzer ... ich bleibe 6 lieber treu ( Never touch a running System )

best Volt
Die sollen auch mal daran denken Sysex Support einzubauen... Momentan noch ein Killerargument gegen Live bei Leuten die auch mit [g=32]Midi[/g]-Hardware arbeiten...
@ 4damind das meinte ich damit ;=))) wie gesagt bei 6 Funzt es da habe ich nicht son terror aber egal Hauptsache die Haare liegen nöööh ;=))
voltage, was 4damind meint, ist in bisher keiner live version implementiert gewesen. Es geht darum, an Hardwaresynthesizer oder sonstige [g=32]Midi[/g]-Hardware steuerungsdaten zu senden, die nicht nur informationen über noten enthalten, sondern die z.b. auch presets enthalten können. Eben Sysex-daten.


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