@ Mountain King : Klapperst du alle möglichen Hersteller Seiten ab, oder wie wirst du auf die ganzen Deals aufmerksam?
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mazze schrieb:
die Trackbox kostet alleine 189 $... ich glaube ich ziehe mir das, nur aus Geilheit lol
Der "Rückwärts-Advents-Kalendar" von Brainworx.
Nach einer tollen Promotion in 2008 machen wir es dieses Jahr wieder...
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TOP NEWS: yellow tools Christmas Special!
Another year draws to a close and Christmas is coming in the near future - so it's high time for a suited special under the Christmas tree:
For the 10th anniversary of yellow tools this year's Christmas Special will be something really great!
30% discount for all yellow tools products* -
including the Independence Download Instruments
Additionally all customers who purchase Download Instruments for a total amount of 100 EUR or higher still also get the Independence Pro 2.5 Software Suite for free - so you can really save money this Christmas! This Special starts on December 1st and ends on December 31st 2009.
* the yellow tools Authorization Key (USB [g=398]Dongle[/g]), EDU versions and Multi-Licenses are not part of this special.
Duke64 schrieb:
TOP NEWS: yellow tools Christmas Special!
Another year draws to a close and Christmas is coming in the near future - so it's high time for a suited special under the Christmas tree:
For the 10th anniversary of yellow tools this year's Christmas Special will be something really great!
30% discount for all yellow tools products* -
including the Independence Download Instruments
Additionally all customers who purchase Download Instruments for a total amount of 100 EUR or higher still also get the Independence Pro 2.5 Software Suite for free - so you can really save money this Christmas! This Special starts on December 1st and ends on December 31st 2009.
* the yellow tools Authorization Key (USB [g=398]Dongle[/g]), EDU versions and Multi-Licenses are not part of this special.
jeder Teilnehmer automatisch eine kleine Spende für des Kinderprojekt der Heidelberger Tafel e.V. generiert. Und die bekommen dann wirklich einfach was umsonst, nämlich ein gesundes Frühstück.