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bei PB is DAS DING im Sale mit unbekannt viel Pr0zent
* - hat den jmd von euch günstiger gesehen? am besten mit allen Zusatzmodulen
List Price €86.04
Your Price (Inc VAT) 62.84 Pesos
bei Softube für 65 Pesos (geht nur mit dem Code aus dem Nachbarthread. Hätte wohl keinen eigenen aufmachen sollen)
bei PB is DAS DING im Sale mit unbekannt viel Pr0zent
* - hat den jmd von euch günstiger gesehen? am besten mit allen Zusatzmodulen
Your Price (Inc VAT) 62.84 Pesos
bei Softube für 65 Pesos (geht nur mit dem Code aus dem Nachbarthread. Hätte wohl keinen eigenen aufmachen sollen)
- Modular is a cross-platform modular synthesizer plug-in standard, which features authorized emulations of modules from well known hardware Eurorack brands
- True dynamic circuit-emulation—looks, functions and sounds like its hardware counterparts
- Basic system contains six Doepfer modules (A-110-1 VCO, A-108 VCF, A-132-3 Dual VCA, A-140 ADSR, A-118 Noise/Random, A-147 VCLFO)
- Basic system also contains over 20 Utility modules (such as MIDI to CV/gate, mixers, slew, sample & hold, switches, multiples, delay, offset, sequencers, clock dividers, logic and signal tools, as well as a Polyphonic MIDI to CV/gate module).
- Additional authorized emulations from Intellijel is available as add-ons (uFold II, Korgasmatron II, Rubicon). Many more modules from other quality hardware Eurorack vendors to be released
- Simple design of your own interaction layout with the Performance modules in classic synthesizer style
- Softube Heartbeat drum channels and EQ can be used as separate modules for owners of Heartbeat
- More than 200 quality presets included covering a huge range of styles and sounds
- Can be used both as effect and instrument for your DAW and integrates beautifully with your hardware Eurorack modular
- High internal sample rate within system enables true feedback

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