Oh nein, es weihnachtet schon wieder.
Tannenbäume brennen, Kinder schreien, Leute rempeln sich auf vollgestopften Fußgängerzonen um und fangen deswegen Schlägereien an. Ganz schön besinnlich hier. Um diese schöne Atmosphäre einzufangen, habe ich einen Song über den ganz üblichen Weihnachts-Wahnsinn aufgenommen.
Das Lied ist etwas Lo-Fi und orientiert sich musikalisch leicht an diversen Christmas-Klassikern. Wer die Anleihen erkennt, bekommt von mir Milch und Kekse.
Leider hatte dieses Mal Dex J. keine Zeit, um mir bei dem Mix zu helfen, ich hoffe jedoch, dass ich trotzdem etwas einigermaßen Sozialverträgliches hinbekommen habe. Über konstruktive Kritik würde ich mich auf jeden Fall freuen.
The reindeer looked quite irritated
Some idiots thought it´d be wise
To have its tiny black nose painted red
And shove it off the cliff to make it fly
The audience was captivated
They cheered and laughed before they cried
The advertisers pulled out of future events
The culprits can not be compromised
And their statement read:
"We do not associate
with the organisation
responsible for the incident
that caused so much harm and distress
for the parents and children
that witnessed the tragic event..."
On christmas day
On christmas da-a-ay
On christmas da-a-a-a-ay
(Oh my god it´s christmas day
Don´t freak out, you´ll be okay
Don´t mind the death and decay
On this beautiful christmas day)
The whole family almost suffocated
Except for Pete because he did
He had a plan that he kept secret from his wife and kids
He took the measurements, he´d fit
Turns out Pete miscalculated
Turns out Pete is a thick boi
His yelps for help got drowned out by the crackling fire
And by his children playing with their new toys
And the toy manufacturers statement read:
"Our heart goes out to the
wife and the children
who tragically lost
their beloved husband and father.
Yet we´d like to distance ourselves
from the accusations, that the noise-level
of our popular product line
of animal-toy pianos
stands in relation
to a persons untimely death..."
On christmas day
On christmas da-a-ay
On christmas da-a-a-a-ay
Oh my god it´s christmas day
Don´t freak out, you´ll be okay
Don´t mind the death and decay
On this beautiful christmas day
Frohe Weihnachten allerseits!
Tannenbäume brennen, Kinder schreien, Leute rempeln sich auf vollgestopften Fußgängerzonen um und fangen deswegen Schlägereien an. Ganz schön besinnlich hier. Um diese schöne Atmosphäre einzufangen, habe ich einen Song über den ganz üblichen Weihnachts-Wahnsinn aufgenommen.
Das Lied ist etwas Lo-Fi und orientiert sich musikalisch leicht an diversen Christmas-Klassikern. Wer die Anleihen erkennt, bekommt von mir Milch und Kekse.
Leider hatte dieses Mal Dex J. keine Zeit, um mir bei dem Mix zu helfen, ich hoffe jedoch, dass ich trotzdem etwas einigermaßen Sozialverträgliches hinbekommen habe. Über konstruktive Kritik würde ich mich auf jeden Fall freuen.

The reindeer looked quite irritated
Some idiots thought it´d be wise
To have its tiny black nose painted red
And shove it off the cliff to make it fly
The audience was captivated
They cheered and laughed before they cried
The advertisers pulled out of future events
The culprits can not be compromised
And their statement read:
"We do not associate
with the organisation
responsible for the incident
that caused so much harm and distress
for the parents and children
that witnessed the tragic event..."
On christmas day
On christmas da-a-ay
On christmas da-a-a-a-ay
(Oh my god it´s christmas day
Don´t freak out, you´ll be okay
Don´t mind the death and decay
On this beautiful christmas day)
The whole family almost suffocated
Except for Pete because he did
He had a plan that he kept secret from his wife and kids
He took the measurements, he´d fit
Turns out Pete miscalculated
Turns out Pete is a thick boi
His yelps for help got drowned out by the crackling fire
And by his children playing with their new toys
And the toy manufacturers statement read:
"Our heart goes out to the
wife and the children
who tragically lost
their beloved husband and father.
Yet we´d like to distance ourselves
from the accusations, that the noise-level
of our popular product line
of animal-toy pianos
stands in relation
to a persons untimely death..."
On christmas day
On christmas da-a-ay
On christmas da-a-a-a-ay
Oh my god it´s christmas day
Don´t freak out, you´ll be okay
Don´t mind the death and decay
On this beautiful christmas day
Frohe Weihnachten allerseits!