Also hier mein neuer song. Es sind Streicher dabei, neben anderen Instrumenten die hier so bei mir rumstehen. Wenn ich aus dem Fenster schau', dann sind da lauter Berge - daher wohl der song. Vielen lieben Dank Across the mountains I cross the mountains, never to return, for you i will for you i will Daunting mountains, won t let me go, for you they will for you they will Down by an endless sea the skies are endlessly free follow me into the night you will be alright I found a place, where we can be on our own, if that s your will if that s your will Across the mountains, where the willows sleep, we ll find peace, if that s your will if that s your will Down by an endless sea the skies are endlessly free follow me into the night you will be alright I m forsaken and filled with greed but i ve seen beauty and she lives forever if there is beauty than she she lives forever ahhhh - mhhhh -