welcher gitarrist bist du?

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Your Results:
Steve Vai
You are Steve Vai! Formerly of Whitesnake, you were a pupil of Joe Satriani. You went solo and created your own special brand of intriquite music. You and Joe have very similar styles, both very upbeat and very emotional. You and Joe tour regularily, and have millions of adoring fans.

Juhu...ich bin der König aller Klassen...Ich hab so gehofft das ich es bin. Dabei hab ich schon auf Gitarrenstunde mit J. Satriani verzichtet und meinen letzten Zwanni in nen Sportzigarettchen investiert.
Wie is es bei such? Seid ihr auch wie euer Vorbild geworden (sofern euer Vorbild dabei ist)?

jau ich habe auch die krümmel für die kippen ausgegeben... :)
na ja, bei mir trifft nicht ganz: bin schon ein egoman, aber so wie der ingwer bestimmt nicht...
aber so die [g=422]gitarre[/g] zu spielen will ich auch gerne, nur bin ich bissel zu alt dafür... ;)
Your Results:
You are Slash! You are formerly of Guns N' Roses, one of the greatest bands ever to graze the earth. Currently you are with Velvet Revolver, and you love Jack Daniels and cigarettes. You are one of the most well known guitarists, and a master blues-rock player. You also have a hot supermodel wife.


Jaaaaaaa....exactly!!! Mein Lieblingsgitarrist. Der Test ist echt gut. :D

Michael Angelo Batio
You are Michael Angelo Batio! You are the fastest guitar player on earth, and you've built your repetoire off of shredding. Speed is your game. You own a Double Guitar, and a Quad guitar. You are the first person ever to be able to play two guitar necks at the same time- playing different harmonies- and it is for this reason that you are one of the most talent guitarists ever.

- Öhm naja, eigentlich eher nich 8-/ ;)
das gibts doch nicht

eigentlich mag ich den gar nicht, aber ok, jetzt bin ich nun mal der angus :D


Angus Young
You are Angus Young! One of the most popular guitarists of all time, you are the lead player of AC/DC. You've been around forever, and no matter what anyone says about you, everyone likes your stuff. Your music is too contagious not to like. Your stage presence is amazing, and one of the funnest to watch.
Randy Rhoads
You are Randy Rhoads! You died before you were ever able to reach your full potential, and you started very young and were a good teacher even in your teens. You were with Ozzy for a number of years before you were killed in a plane crash, induced by your own doing. You will be remembered forever.

Immerhin.....ich wäre aber lieber stuart Adamson :)
GitarristiX schrieb:
You are the lead guitar smurf of the famous band "Gargamel" which is well known in Schlumpfhausen. Your style is slow and emotional because your short and slow blue fingers do not allow you to play faster riffs. Anyway... nobody cares about it because nobody knows you outside Schlumphausen



Moment ... das auf dem Foto ist ja wohl [g=118]Bass[/g]-Smurf ... oder haben Schlumpfgitarren nur 4 Saiten??
Kirk Hammet
You are Kirk Hammet. You have squandered your guitar playing skills on an album called St. Anger, and have forever marked up your name for being a sellout. You were taught by Joe Satriani, but seem to have forgotten how to play solos. Your early stuff with Metallica was good, but now you have no creative talent left; as many former fans are revolting against you.

####, ich bin die mega muschi.. :D :D

You are Marty Friedman! Formerly of Cacophony and Megadeth, you have one of the most distinct sounds of any guitar player. Your style fits well in any type of music; you are so versatile that you have to stay solo so that you can stretch every aspect of your ability. You are one of the best sweep-pickers ever to live, and you're very elusive.

Eigentlich eine ganz nette Sache :music:
You are Zakk Wylde! You are the guitarist for Ozzy, and have your own project called Black Label Society. You've been voted the Most Valuable Guitar Player a few times, and its for obvious reasons. Your weapon is the pinch harmonic, and you use it in ways never before done. And you drink beer. A lot.

Son Mist, dabei wäre ich so gerne Slash gewesen, aber der trinkt wohl kein Bier, sondern Jack Daniels :)
pornofred schrieb:
Son Mist, dabei wäre ich so gerne Slash gewesen, aber der trinkt wohl kein Bier, sondern Jack Daniels :)

Doch, tut er. Bei mir isser nämlich trotz Bier rausgekommen... 8-/

Ich bin "unknown Error, please try later.... !"

Den kenn ich gar nicht ?

:D :D :D
Dave Mustaine
You are Dave Mustaine! You are the frontman and creator of Megadeth, the only true classic metal band left from the 80's. You've been to rehab over a dozen times, you've died and come back to life, and you are an incredible guitar player. Your mouth gets you into trouble a lot, but you don't really give a damn.


:D :D
Zakk Wylde
You are Zakk Wylde! You are the guitarist for Ozzy, and have your own project called Black Label Society. You've been voted the Most Valuable Guitar Player a few times, and its for obvious reasons. Your weapon is the pinch harmonic, and you use it in ways never before done. And you drink beer. A lot.

Es hätte schlimmer kommen können :D


Ritchie Blackmore
You are Ritchie Blackmore
You always had a gimmick in which your [g=182]amp[/g] 'exploded'.
On this occassion they got it wrong.
Its not a fake reaction by you.
The blast launched you across the stage.
Jon Lord said he could feel the heat wave 40/50 feet away on the other side.
A bit closer and it could have killed you!
Spinal Tap in real life!
By the time you had wrecked the stage and smacked the TV cameras you were being chased by the TV company and the police.
You escaped in a helicopter.
Rock and Roll!
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