Danke für die vielen schnellen Antworten auf meine dumme Frage. Anstatt hier zu fragen, hätte ich auch einfach die Bedienungsanleitung vom Renaissance Deesser lesen können, denn da steht es tatsächlich haargenau drin:
"What’s unique about the Renaissance DeEsser?
The Renaissance DeEsser relies on technologies used in Waves C4, Renaissance VOX and
Waves DeEsser and it has several new proprietary features that make it better then other
DeEssers including Waves DeEsser. We can’t tell you all the secrets but here are a few main
Phase compensated Crossover
– This is very important in order to avoid undesirable
coloration to the sound and to eliminate phase modulation that would other wise occur as an
artifact of the amplitud
e modulation applied by the compressor. This same type of crossover
is used in the well-accepted Waves C1, and C4.
Adaptive threshold
– The threshold in Renaissance DeEsser is not the normal “absolute
value” threshold that you usually have. dynamically ada
pting to the input signal in order to
provide a more unified DeEssing effect yielding more natural sounding results.
Attenuation range control - The Renaissance DeEsser let’s the user specify the maximal
desired gain reduction for better control of the DeEssing effect.
Enhanced visual feedback
– As the DeEsser works only on part of the spectral range of the
input, the graphic user interface of Renaissance DeEsser incorporates a graph that lets you
see what you hear."