TDR tokyo dawn labs Black Friday Deals bei Audiodeluxe

  • Ersteller ollo123
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wow, die investition hat sich gelohnt...
hab einen extrem problematischen mix gehabt, bei dem die tiefen frequenzen schon bei relativ leichtem limiting verzerrt haben.
mit den tools habe ich das innerhalb von 5 min. super in den griff bekommen.
Doofe Frage, was ist der Unterschied zu einem "simplen" Low Cut mit einem generischen Eq?
Doofe Frage, was ist der Unterschied zu einem "simplen" Low Cut mit einem generischen Eq?
du meinst wahrscheinlich bei elliptical oder infrasonic:
hier die beschreibung dazu:

TDR Elliptical specializes in controlling the stereo width at low frequencies. Elliptical filters operate on the stereo difference channel. They have important applications in disk mastering, and whenever the amount of positional information in a mix asks for control.
Contrary to traditional elliptical filters, this filter offers a continuously variable slope, minimum and linear phase modes, and a dry mix control. Various compensation options ranging from Dynamic Bump over harmonic generators to “Haas delays”, permit the operator to creatively counter-act subjective energy losses introduced by the filtering and/or stereo to mono summing.
TDR Elliptical comes with a freely resizable user interface, including a frequency analyzer that offers insight into the stereo difference at lowest registers, down to DC.

DR Infrasonic addresses the predominantly inaudible low-frequency regions of a mix. This specialized filter operates in minimum and mixed phase mode, it features a continuously variable filter slope control, a dry mix option and an exotic range of filtering loss compensation methods: A dynamic bump mode and a set of harmonic generators help the operator to creatively compensate for any unwanted energy-loss introduced by the filtering process.
The plugin is an ideal choice when transferring material to a medium/environment of lower spectral bandwidth, such as disk mastering, audio cassettes, analogue broadcast or P.A. systems. The creative filtering compensation options further make it a valuable tool in all traditional recording, mixing, restoration, and mastering applications.

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