Ich klicke ja regelmässig nach "Suche Updates" .... Du vielleicht nicht
Als Preset-Shlampe, bin ich um jeden Performanceschub froh. Ist nun um Welten besser. So macht zappen Spass ^^
Omnisphere Software 2.2.0e 3-8-16
Includes the following features and fixes:
• Bypass all effects by pressing the LED below FX button
• Move effects within effects rack by dragging
• Phase invert button on sublayer mixer in Soundsource Zoom
• Latch mode: terminate all notes when host transport is stopped
• Improved Browser performance
• Improved Patch-loading time on Windows
• Fixes crash when bouncing/freezing large amount of compressed audio files
• Changing effect type was not clearing out the effect's mod matrix slots
• Fixes bug where Ultrachorus effect could generate excessively-loud volumes
• Fixes bug where Chorus Echo effect delay time could be wrong after changing host sample rate
• Fixes bug in Toxic Smasher effect where it could produce an unwanted "chirp" sound at end of notes
• After dropping a MIDI groove into Arpeggiator, some groove indicators were not being displayed
Ich klicke ja regelmässig nach "Suche Updates" .... Du vielleicht nicht
Als Preset-Shlampe, bin ich um jeden Performanceschub froh. Ist nun um Welten besser. So macht zappen Spass ^^
Omnisphere Software 2.2.0e 3-8-16
Includes the following features and fixes:
• Bypass all effects by pressing the LED below FX button
• Move effects within effects rack by dragging
• Phase invert button on sublayer mixer in Soundsource Zoom
• Latch mode: terminate all notes when host transport is stopped
• Improved Browser performance
• Improved Patch-loading time on Windows
• Fixes crash when bouncing/freezing large amount of compressed audio files
• Changing effect type was not clearing out the effect's mod matrix slots
• Fixes bug where Ultrachorus effect could generate excessively-loud volumes
• Fixes bug where Chorus Echo effect delay time could be wrong after changing host sample rate
• Fixes bug in Toxic Smasher effect where it could produce an unwanted "chirp" sound at end of notes
• After dropping a MIDI groove into Arpeggiator, some groove indicators were not being displayed