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... ist heute rausgekommen. Nachdem die 5.50 so lange auf sich warten ließ, geht es jetzt anscheinend zügiger weiter.
Automation items
add option to disable envelope outside of automation items (automation-item-only mode)
support preview in media explorer
support various context menu actions from media explorer
fix potential hang when populating submenus
add automation item double-click mouse modifier to load saved automation item
add display settings option to rectify peaks/waveforms
add display settings option square-root-scale peaks
Spectral editing
clear spectral edit selection on item click
separate controls for fade in/out/low/high rather than just time/frequency
shift+drag of edge adjusts fade of that edge
add option to always create new automation item when writing automation (always enabled in automation-item-only mode)
change bezier curve smoothness calculation so that curves are less sensitive to changes in surrounding points (existing projects are unaffected)
add theme color for unselected automation item
fix activating receive envelopes from envelope dialog
fix end point behavior of action to insert four points at time selection
generally restrict mute envelope points to on or off state
respect "ignore mousewheel on track panel faders" for envelope control panels
show move guides for automation item edits
in automation-item-only mode, chase previous automation item value on seek
improve hardware send behavior when soloed track sending to another soloed track
improve solo-in-place behavior for receives on folder tracks
improve solo-in-place behavior when both sides of a send are soloed
add option for unsoloed master/parent send when a soloed-in-place track sends to another soloed track
fix ID collision in quick-add FX/FX chains menu
allow VST plug-ins to override escape key, spacebar via effEditKeyDown
MIDI editor
add actions to navigate by channel, voice, staff
obey mouse modifier setting to select/deselect other notes when inserting note on single click •
Pitch shifter/timestretch
add new menu system for parameter modes
add Rubber Band Library
support loading extrashifter.dll/.dylib for developers
improve behavior of fade shape setting via SetMediaItemInfo_Value() with C_FADEINSHAPE, etc
add GetUnderrunTime() API
Take FX
improve handling of PDC changes
improve handling of PDC with master playspeed envelopes
prevent storing many duplicate empty state blocks in history
support more efficient encoding of track configurations in history (new undo histories will not be loadable by 5.50 or earlier)
Mouse modifiers
fix actions to set default mouse modifiers for newly-added contexts
move various solo/mute options to Audio, Mute/Solo tab
optimize parameter updates
show correct tooltip when track muted due to envelope
improve support for application/user paths with non-latin characters
Nachdem die 5.50 so lange auf sich warten ließ
Die Implementation der Automation Items hat in der Tat viel Kraft und Schweiß gekostet!
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