Ok dann würd ich den Gesang so aufteilen: (aber wie oben geschrieben sollten beide beides aufnehmen):
Todd: Coloured leaves are falling down to ground
Todd: It's the autumn of my life
Todd: I hear voices whispering all around
Beide: I can feel it day and night
Gina: There is someone who makes you feel your love
Gina: And the sky is really blue
Gina: There is someone who's feeling all your love
Beide: Your emotions are that true
Todd: Birds are singing, I'm dancing in the rain
Beide: And the clouds they seem so near
Todd: What I feel inside I never can explain
Beide: She can laugh away my fear
Gina: She's the only one who ever touched your heart
Beide: And she really made you cry
Gina: With one simple smile she takes your life apart
Beide: You do things you never tried
Ab hier austoben

Oh my angel, my angel high above
Give us shelter every day
Spread your wings and send us all your love
And never fly away, fly away