Nach dem Zuspruch den ich im Forum erhalten habe, hab ich mich entschlossen, dieses kleine, unbeschwerte Sommerliedchen hier ins Voting zu packen. Ich hoffe das Lied verbreitet etwas dezente, gute Laune. ~~~ Tiny splotches of stupidity ~~~ You´re my sewage-worker You can get the feces out of my head And though it sounds disgusting It´s the most lovely thing I have ever said No, I am not so good with words When I open my mouth it sounds absurd But I´m not weird for weirdness sake Oh no, I´m just weird Tiny splotches of stupidity Grow bigger till I disappear Behind a sheepish caricatur of myself And a bazillion fears No, I can´t get too close to human beings Everytime I am it hurts But I´m not weird for weirdness sake Oh no, I´m just weird