NEU von Fracture Sounds : Blueprint Series (Kontakt Player 7 Instrumente) - FREE

Bei Fracturesounds ist gerade eine Spieldose in der Blueprint Series erschienen. Die Library heißt "Music Box"
#17 : Blueprint Woodwind Ensemble


- Picollo, Flute, Oboe, Cor Anglais, Clarinet, and Bassoon combined into an Ensemble patch
- Close, Mid, and Far Mics
- 2 Articulations (Staccato & Sustain)
- Performance Short-Sustain to elegantly switch between both articulations using velocity
- Simple and user-friendly interface
- Full NKS support – works with Komplete Kontrol hardware.
- 3.1GB download size (NCW compressed from a 6GB sample pool).

Runs in the free Kontakt Player V8. No additional sampler software needed.

Hier der Vollständigkeit halber nochmal die Links zu Blueprint #14 bis #16.

Die Sachen hat @emulator dankenswerterweise bei Erscheinen in jeweils eigenen Beiträgen gepostet.

Blueprint #14 : String Trio

Blueprint #15 : Church Organ

Blueprint #16 : Bass Guitar

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