Vocal Coach in Cologne

  • Ersteller Quietdrive
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Hey guys,

does anybody know a great Vocal Coach (Rock/Pop music) in Cologne? I am looking for someone really outstanding, who works with major labels and well-known artists.

Hi Quietdrive, for pop-style vocals, I want to recommend Miss Billi Myer. She's an experienced vocal coach (already wrote a Vocal coaching book) living in Cologne. Check her website: www.billimyer.de
Man, she doesnt respond to my mails... any idea how I can get in touch with her? ,
wieso schreibsn du in englisch?? 8-/ :D
>wieso schreibsn du in englisch??

looool :D
..und ich dachte mir schon "weil er kein deutsch kann du schlaukopf?" :D:D
na dann guck doch mal in seinen letzten beiträgen... :roll:

...du schlaukopf :D
ja hab ich ja, deswegen hab ichs mir ja auch nur gedacht ;)
da steht doch auch ne telefonnummer und ne adresse...


...na fällt was auf? :D
I write in English cause I lived a long time in Boston... but also cause some people on here only speak English and I dont want to exclude them from the topic since those foreign people are usually the ones who know where the international vocal coaches in each city are.
Hi Quietdrive,

I write in English cause I lived a long time in Boston... but also cause some people on here only speak English and I dont want to exclude them from the topic since those foreign people are usually the ones who know where the international vocal coaches in each city are.
Excuse me?
There are actually foreign people reading and probably attending this board who don’t understand German?

What the heck are they doing here? Do they count the number of daily appearances of the word “[g=359]threshold[/g]” and report it to their relatives (No offence meant, Mr. and Mrs. [g=359]Threshold[/g] of Barstow, CA)?

Gee, I can tell ya, these foreign people are downright crazy and what not …

And you are writing in English because you used to live in Boston?
Quick question here: I once had a layover switching planes in Rio. Does anybody thing it is appropriate for me to respond to a French gardening-board in Portuguese?

Me neither.

He-vey schrieb:
Hi Quietdrive,

I write in English cause I lived a long time in Boston... but also cause some people on here only speak English and I dont want to exclude them from the topic since those foreign people are usually the ones who know where the international vocal coaches in each city are.
Excuse me?
There are actually foreign people reading and probably attending this board who don’t understand German?

What the heck are they doing here? Do they count the number of daily appearances of the word “[g=359]threshold[/g]” and report it to their relatives (No offence meant, Mr. and Mrs. [g=359]Threshold[/g] of Barstow, CA)?

Gee, I can tell ya, these foreign people are downright crazy and what not …

And you are writing in English because you used to live in Boston?
Quick question here: I once had a layover switching planes in Rio. Does anybody thing it is appropriate for me to respond to a French gardening-board in Portuguese?

Me neither.


ich glaub ich muss persisch lernen.
hab hier letztens nen iranischen produzenten getroffen :D

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