Standalone VSTi as plug-in Wavelab

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could somebody tell me where to look for the proper configuration of, say, Wavelab when one wants to use Absynth as a plug-in? The absynth plug-in appears, but connot be used in Wavelab. The same goes for B4 tonewheel and other programs.

Where to look??


Wavelab is a tool for editing audio files. For using VST instruments you need a MIDI sequencer who serves as a VST host e.g. cubase, logic.


P.S.: in gebrochenem Englisch! :)

but these small plug-ins do work. Okay, I started up Cubase, loaded vst-instrument Absynth 2.0 and fired up Wavelab. But it don't work yet. I'll fumble around, but if you got any idea what it could be, cheers in advance!!!
Ok: please explain exactly, what do you want to do, an then we trie to find a way to solve your problem ok? :)

L.G., GrooveT.
Cheers! the thing is, I want to see what u can do with Absynt 2.0 in Wavelab. If I got a file opened, is it then possible to adjust Absynth in such a way that it adapts to the pitch of the editable musicfile (wav, mp3, etc)? I can open Absynth as a plug-in in Wavelab, but cannot use it in any way whatsoever... that's my problem!

Cheers, Vokt
As I knows, Wavelab isn't capable of loading VST-Instruments (VSTi) only VST Plugins, like Effects.

There is a difference between VST and VSTi !

On the other hand, what do you expect to do with a VST Instrument in Wavelab? Wavelab isn't a sequencer like software with the possibilities of recording data for controlling instruments. Wavelab also haven't any MIDI features (except MIDI Sample-Dumps) which are also necessary to play a VSTi.
Wavelab is a program to edit audio data, like wav files, and rendering effects to it.
To play VSTi softsynths, like Absynth, you need a VSTi hostprogramm like Cubase, Sonar, Logic or FLStudio4. Isn't that your dealer told you as you buyed Absynth?

Allright, so this don't work. But then I don't understand Wavelab allows to start up an Absynth vst-i plug-in when it is of no use at all. Thanx anyway for the quick support!!!

It seems that wavelab probably does not recognize the difference between VST and VSTi before loading the VST.

I reckon that's it, cheers GrooveT, but on the other hand (to continue this saga), Absynth can be installed as a plug-in and standalone, so... I mean, it would be very strange that Steinberg don't know how to configure their software, whatcha think??

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