REAPER v2.5 - 20. oder 21. Sep. 08

  • Ersteller Cablebob
  • Erstellt am
hey, das bezog sich auf den behringer sprachgebrauch "ultra-, referenz-" etc

ext hat ja jetzt einen behringer deal...

lG f
Reaper 2.52

- Memory use reduction with lots of items/takes in projects
- Render: new optional online realtime rendering mode (allowing easy renders with external synths, reainsert, etc)
- [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: bank/program select lane, .reabank and .ins import, automatic loading for software instruments
- [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: humanize notes action
- [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: action for join selected notes
- [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: default bindings to switch [g=190]channel[/g] view (shift+0-9, and ~ to show all)
- [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: fixed scrolling marquee selection issues
- [g=32]MIDI[/g] editor: fixed hang with huge grid sizes
- ReaInsert: fixed dropped [g=32]MIDI[/g] events on playback start in certain instances
- ReaSynth: full ADSR control, second [g=123]utility[/g] oscillator, smoother fast attacks, [g=196]sustain[/g] pedal support
- ReaSynth: pulse width control, big optimizations
- OSX: JS keyboard fixes
- OSX: various scroll related fixes, fixed floating masterTCP bug
- Keyboard: Fix for . vs alt+. keyboard assignments, alt+numpadkeys, etc
- Normalizing items no longer resets take phase reversal
- Fixed mute UI update issue when stopped/paused/etc and not running FX
- MP3 encoder: no longer creates (inaccurate) [g=357]peak[/g] files
- Dynamic split: tweaked reduce split slider centerline
- Fix for ctrl+mousewheel inconsistent fader behavior
- Fixed mp3+pitch shifting+take FX end-of-item bug
- Faster loading of projects with large amounts of media (splash screen updates)
- Action: set project tempo from time selection
- Help/All Actions (dumps full actions list to web page)
- Left and right clicking items now shows more informative cursor
- Fix for not naming imported [g=32]MIDI[/g] items when importing from file to in-project item
- [g=77]VST[/g]: Fix for Zebra automation (special-case messagepump run)
- HUI: track name support

Download it now:
REAPER v2.55 - January 20, 2009


* Fixed hang on [g=32]MIDI[/g] bank/program file change
* Fixed metronome stutter on first downbeat
* Fixed [g=77]VST[/g] compatability with plug-ins that send [g=32]MIDI[/g] events from UI/etc
* Fixed reasamplomatic ui updating bug
* Fixed render dialog peaks display
* ReaVerb: lower CPU use, "set all" button for overriding all instances FFT settings
* ReaVerb: fixed issues with complex chains that convert [g=190]channel[/g] counts
* ReaPitch/ReaVoice: lower CPU on silence
* Code to prevent elastique from chewing CPU on near silence
* FX parameter [g=32]MIDI[/g] learn: fixed updating of "set with selected tracks" flag
* FX preset loading, [g=77]VST[/g] program changes now add undo points
* Meta-actions to conditionally process actions based on the sign of CC parameter value
* Stretching using Elastique by more than a factor of 10 now will result in correct timing but not-fully-preserved pitch
* mp3 encoder now handles writing mono better (when passed stereo data)
* Existing item selection is cleared when recording stops (recorded items are selected)

...und als kleines Betthupferl, ein Atari ST Theme :-D

boa wer tut sich sowas freiwillig an!?!?!

Noch keiner gemerkt?


* Fixed drag and drop of sends/hardware outputs in mixer view when using hardware outputs
* Old recording item selection behavior now only affects item-autopunch mode
* CC parameter meta-actions now also work on midpoints for absolute CCs/etc
* Select all items in track (doubleclick TCP) now sets context to items
* Fixed [g=32]MIDI[/g] timing in ReWire slave mode, support for running in FL Studio
* ReWire slave mode forces playrate to 1.0
* Fixed [g=32]MIDI[/g] item trim bugs with selected notes
* Fixed some PCM source seek rounding errors
* Fixed a bug in vertical GR metering (ReaComp etc)
* Hiding dock windows now removes focus from them
* MP3 decoder seek improvements
* 29.97DF ruler corrected
* ReaSamplomatic: better note name reporting (removes extensions, doesnt report if supporting the entire range)
* Fixed auto-add of [g=8]plugin[/g] envelopes for correct values
* installer: Fixed Vista/Windows 7 compatibility warnings
* OS X: new directory structure and simplified install process
* Updated registration to store in install path as well (for multiuser systems)
* Fix for trimming [g=32]MIDI[/g] items on split in certain looped instances
* Much faster redraws for some VSTs
* Fixed mute master/slave grouped automation recording

Mit Reaper bin ich momentan am schnellsten und fühle mich am wenigsten eingeschränkt. Die Funktionen, mit denen ich ständig zu tun habe, ändern sich ja nicht mit jedem Update...
REAPER v2.57 - March 11, 2009


* Fixed [g=32]MIDI[/g] SPP/MTC sync
* FLAC: more correct/efficient 24-[g=395]bit[/g] encoding, endian fixes for both encoding/decoding
* WavPack: corrected BWF header writing
REAPER v2.58 - March 16, 2009

* Fixes for Win9x
* OSX: Fixed filename support for more characters (including folder symbol, etc)

Merk schon, bin nicht mehr auf Zack was die updates angeht...mag wohl auch daran liegen das meine Reaper zeit zu ende geht...

..Zu [g=540]Logic[/g] :)


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