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import time signature messages incorrectly exported in instrument tracks
fix possible incorrect 14-bit message pairing
rename "MIDI note name" menu/load/save/undo strings to "MIDI note/CC name"
queued renders use original project filename for BWF tags
improve handling of samplerate changes with online rendering
restore multichannel bus notifications to 5.90 behavior (default to enabled)
default to stereo-safemode for Steinberg plug-ins (e.g. HALion)
support drawing ruler by measures, snapping to grid by measures
correct track state documentation for I_SOLO and I_RECINPUT
add ShowPopupMenu() API
fix potential crash when duplicating UI while channel name editing
improve keyboard navigation and copy/paste when editing channel names
.ini file setting for experimental video processor multiprocessing
improve processor updating of TCP parameters
do not auto-clear/disable armed invisible envelopes
prevent possible crash with very very small grid sizes and high zoom levels
improve error handling for failed XML import
Project notes
prevent fallback to default project behavior for 'show notes on open'