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Vom Tool "PlugSearch" für LogicPro X von Speakerfood gibt es jetzt das Update auf Version 3.2.
Hier die Neuerungen:
• You can now drag and drop Plug-Ins from the floating window to an insert slot, to a Track Header, or below existing Tracks.
• PlugSearch will automatically toggle the Inspector or Inspector tiles when an insert slot is hidden
• ’Search' now also works for occupied insert slots, replacing the existing Plug-In
• ’Search’ now also works for the insert bar inbetween occupied Plug-In slots or above the first Plug-In
• For Waves Plug-Ins, the correct channel configuration is automatically inserted
• When PlugSearch is active, you can press Option to toggle between automatic or manual Plug-In channel format selection
• Improved language detection: the system and Logic Pro can now be set to different languages
• Performance speed setting in the preferences: for slower systems decrease the speed so PlugSearch waits longer before a new track is created
• The ‘remove’ command now also works for bus sends slots in the Inspector or Mixer window
• Command-A selects the complete search string in the search window
• PlugSearch now automatically is paused when Spotlight search is triggered with command-space

PlugSearch 3 Product Page
Must have tools for Logic Pro users. PlugSearch: search and insert Plug-Ins in Logic Pro. GainControl: change the gain of audio regions with key commands. Logic Pro Presets: factory presets converted to Logic Pro format.
Hier die Neuerungen:
• When the cursor is not at an insert slot, PlugSearch opens as a floating, resizable window that can be positioned freely on the screen. Selecting a Plug-In will insert it in the first available insert slot in the Inspector. For Instruments, you can set the desired behaviour in the Preferences when the Instrument slot is already occupied: Replace, Create New Track, or Show Dialog.• You can now drag and drop Plug-Ins from the floating window to an insert slot, to a Track Header, or below existing Tracks.
• PlugSearch will automatically toggle the Inspector or Inspector tiles when an insert slot is hidden
• ’Search' now also works for occupied insert slots, replacing the existing Plug-In
• ’Search’ now also works for the insert bar inbetween occupied Plug-In slots or above the first Plug-In
• For Waves Plug-Ins, the correct channel configuration is automatically inserted
• When PlugSearch is active, you can press Option to toggle between automatic or manual Plug-In channel format selection
• Improved language detection: the system and Logic Pro can now be set to different languages
• Performance speed setting in the preferences: for slower systems decrease the speed so PlugSearch waits longer before a new track is created
• The ‘remove’ command now also works for bus sends slots in the Inspector or Mixer window
• Command-A selects the complete search string in the search window
• PlugSearch now automatically is paused when Spotlight search is triggered with command-space