MIDI Soundsource Sampletank klingt nicht

  • Ersteller mikkolaus
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wäre lieb wenn mir jemand kurz helfen könnte mir folgendem Problem. Hab´s in englisch geschrieben, hoffe es wird verstanden.

I want to work with [g=32]MIDI[/g] in Pro Tools or at least wanna listen to them when I import a [g=32]MIDI[/g]-File for example from the Notationsoftware Finale or Band in a box. For now I downloaded the [g=8]Plugin[/g]-Instrument Sampletank 2.5 Free Demo-Version from the sampletanksite to use it as a [g=32]MIDI[/g] Soundsource. I guess my problem is very basic and easy to resolve. I installed the Sampletank Demo but how I guess I still have to import the ...

SampleTank 2 Demo Instruments from this page http://sampletank.com/Main.html?MainPage.php / download ...

Once you have installed the SampleTank 2 Demo, fill it with the Demo instruments and feel how SampleTank 2 sounds.

73 EPiano - Electric Piano (3.2 MB)
Alto Sax - Brass (1.2 MB)
Analog [g=118]Bass[/g] - Synth [g=118]Bass[/g] (0.1 MB)
B-3 Organ - Organ (1.8 MB)
Electro Strato lite - Guitar (8.5 MB)
Exotic Sun - Pad (1.5 MB)
Finger [g=118]Bass[/g] - [g=118]Bass[/g] (0.9 MB)
Hip-Hop Kit - Drums (0.7 MB)
HQ Free Piano - Piano (12.8 MB)
I Map Donlite Kit - Drums (4.2 MB)
L.A. Dreams - Pad (3.4 MB)
Oh Baby - Vocal (0.2 MB)
R&B Loops 90 [g=45]bpm[/g] - Loop (3.7 MB)
Soprano Ahh - Vocal (0.6 MB)

Now I downloaded the first Demo Instrument 73EPiano and I stored it as a folder on my desktop, but I don´t know how to load it up to Sampletank. Means I am not able to listen to any Sound coming out from the Sampletank.

Maybe you can tell me how to import it into Sampletank. I saw the Pro Tools Method One DVD and try to make the [g=32]MIDI[/g]-Peripherals as it´s shown in Chapter 13 "Recording and Editing [g=32]MIDI[/g]" that´s why I decided to work with Sampletank. By the way does exist any free [g=32]MIDI[/g] Soundsource? I don´t have the money to buy one.

Freue mich tierisch über ne helfende Mail! Danke mikkolaus

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