MIDI Soundsource Sampletank klingt nicht

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wäre lieb wenn mir jemand kurz helfen könnte mir folgendem Problem. Hab´s in englisch geschrieben, hoffe es wird verstanden.

I want to work with [g=32]MIDI[/g] in Pro Tools or at least wanna listen to them when I import a [g=32]MIDI[/g]-File for example from the Notationsoftware Finale or Band in a box. For now I downloaded the [g=8]Plugin[/g]-Instrument Sampletank 2.5 Free Demo-Version from the sampletanksite to use it as a [g=32]MIDI[/g] Soundsource. I guess my problem is very basic and easy to resolve. I installed the Sampletank Demo but how I guess I still have to import the ...

SampleTank 2 Demo Instruments from this page http://sampletank.com/Main.html?MainPage.php / download ...

Once you have installed the SampleTank 2 Demo, fill it with the Demo instruments and feel how SampleTank 2 sounds.

73 EPiano - Electric Piano (3.2 MB)
Alto Sax - Brass (1.2 MB)
Analog [g=118]Bass[/g] - Synth [g=118]Bass[/g] (0.1 MB)
B-3 Organ - Organ (1.8 MB)
Electro Strato lite - Guitar (8.5 MB)
Exotic Sun - Pad (1.5 MB)
Finger [g=118]Bass[/g] - [g=118]Bass[/g] (0.9 MB)
Hip-Hop Kit - Drums (0.7 MB)
HQ Free Piano - Piano (12.8 MB)
I Map Donlite Kit - Drums (4.2 MB)
L.A. Dreams - Pad (3.4 MB)
Oh Baby - Vocal (0.2 MB)
R&B Loops 90 [g=45]bpm[/g] - Loop (3.7 MB)
Soprano Ahh - Vocal (0.6 MB)

Now I downloaded the first Demo Instrument 73EPiano and I stored it as a folder on my desktop, but I don´t know how to load it up to Sampletank. Means I am not able to listen to any Sound coming out from the Sampletank.

Maybe you can tell me how to import it into Sampletank. I saw the Pro Tools Method One DVD and try to make the [g=32]MIDI[/g]-Peripherals as it´s shown in Chapter 13 "Recording and Editing [g=32]MIDI[/g]" that´s why I decided to work with Sampletank. By the way does exist any free [g=32]MIDI[/g] Soundsource? I don´t have the money to buy one.

Freue mich tierisch über ne helfende Mail!

in Englisch kann ich's jetzt nicht erklären, aber vll. kommst Du ja so auch klar.

Denke mal, Du musst erst einen Pfad (Root) zu dem Ordner einrichten, in dem die Instrumente abgelegt sind.

Habe diese Sampletank-Geschichte zwar kaum in Verwendung, aber in den Demo-Sounds sind ein paar ordentliche Dinger dabei.

Gerade das E-Piano 73 ist recht brauchbar.

Also, schau mal rechts in die Menue-Balken und drücke "Prefs".
Dann drücke "Browse" und navigiere zu dem Ordner, wo sich die Instrumente befinden.

Müsste dann im Browserfenster der Engine erscheinen.

Viel Erfolg


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