Das ist wohl der gleiche Algorithmus, wie Dan Gillespie (Eventide/Newfangled Audio) hier vermeldet:
"These are the algorithms from the original
SP2016 hardware box from the early 80s. Those same algorithms, as well as some newer, denser, versions are also available in the Princeton Digital Reverb2016 hardware box which is still available from Eventide. Those newer, denser algorithms are available in this
SP2016 Reverb plug-in as well, but I believe more work went into modeling the subtleties of the vintage hardware for the plug-in.
When I'm at Eventide I share an office with the guy who did the DSP work on this one and I know he referenced against both the current Reverb2016 hardware and the vintage
SP2016 hardware, but that the reference was the
2016 Stereo Room plug-in is a recreation of the Stereo Room algorithm only whereas the
SP2016 recreates the Room, Stereo Room, and HD Plate algorithms from the original
SP2016 hardware box. The
SP2016 Reverb plug-in also more faithfully recreates aspects of the original hardware like the filters in the converters, the bit rate, and sample rate which make it a very faithful recreation of that wonderful box.
In other words, the
2016 Stereo Room plug-in is a really great reverb algorithm in a plug-in while the
SP2016 Reverb is like having a really rare piece of very dank hardware in your DAW."
In irgendeinem anderen Fred ( da ging es um ein anderes Reverb und es wurde viel Mist gepostet, finde ich aber gerade nicht) meldet sich einer der Entwickler von Eventide selbst zu Wort und sagte da, dass der Unterschied zwischen dem Stereo Room 2016 und dem SP 2016 der wäre, dass beim Stereo Room nur der reine Algorithmus gecodet wurde, beim SP 2016 jedoch die komplette Hardware, inkl. PreAmp und Wandlerstufen und das im Klang natürlich einige ausmachen würde. Insofern sei der SP 2016 schon näher an der originalen Hardware.