Written by: Ray C.Radoza (contact through Janardana -
What you can do:
you may remix and publish freely on the internet (without charge) and play on the internet radio-stations
What you can't do:
- can't press on [g=420]cd[/g], vinyl, play on the air or use for any other commercial purposes.
Allowed track name:
Velvet - Love will never die (artist's remix)
Other suggestions:
- please don't ask for clearance unless you aren't a serious label. We won't allow for clearing it for amateur productions and/or if you want to press 50 cds for friends. If you need acapellas for commercial use, go rather for Kate Lesing vocal pack available on Vipzone.
- please do not ask for [g=32]MIDI[/g] because we have most of sessions stored in audio.
Enjoy !