FREE - BFD player with 5GB core library

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ok, bei den Expansions wirds dann klar, dass es nicht kompatibel ist mit BFD3. Ich bleibe dabei, der Name BFD Player ist irreführend, wenn es nix mit BFD3 zu tun haben soll.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hello. Please forgive me, I don't speak German. Only English. But I'm Drew, the product owner/manager for BFD Drums. I wanted to pop by and explain the concept behind Player, and clear up some historical stuff.

So... BFD Player is our latest plugin, aimed at e-drummers, guitarists, and songwriters. It is intended to be a much more streamlined version of the BFD concept, and does indeed under the hood have the full capabilities of the BFD engine. It is not exactly true to say it has nothing to do with BFD3, as they are both powered by the same engine underneath.

There will be an eco-system of expansion packs, groove packs, and preset packs specifically for BFD Player.

This product is not aimed at power users, and is more aimed at the generalist or hobbyist who find products like BFD3 difficult to use.

The Core Library drumkit is 5gb in size, which is in my opinion a pretty attractive library given the price!!

Currently the existing libraries are not compatible with Player. But there is a possibility we will do this in the future.

BFD4 is in progress.

Also, someone seemed to be suggesting that the development team was larger at FXpansion. That isn't the case. Three developers built BFD1 to BFD3, over the course of 17+ years.

Hope that helps!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Currently the existing libraries are not compatible with Player. But there is a possibility we will do this in the future.
Thank you for the info! I was not quite sure if there is a way to include existing BFD libraries in BFD Player. Apparently, it is not. But I can quit the search for such a function. Saves time. ;)
Hello. Please forgive me, I don't speak German. Only English. But I'm Drew, the product owner/manager for BFD Drums. I wanted to pop by and explain the concept behind Player, and clear up some historical stuff.
Hey Drew, many thanks for stopping by and welcome to the forum!

There are quite a number of BFD3 users here (including me) and you already cleared up some questions that popped up in our discussion - thanks again.

Some of us were indeed expecting that the new BFD Player was more or less an addition to BFD3 and that advanced users could e.g. load their existing expansion-packages into the player - for me, the name suggested that ;-)

You clarified the concept of BFD Player now, that helps a lot and if there is the possibility to combine the two in the future, even better.

Could you guide us to a website/user forum were we could follow the progress of BFD PLayer/BFD4? I am defo looking forward to it!

Thanks again and all the best
Hey Drew, many thanks for stopping by and welcome to the forum!

There are quite a number of BFD3 users here (including me) and you already cleared up some questions that popped up in our discussion - thanks again.

Some of us were indeed expecting that the new BFD Player was more or less an addition to BFD3 and that advanced users could eg load their existing expansion packages into the player - for me, the name suggested that;-)

You clarified the concept of BFD Player now, that helps a lot and if there is the possibility to combine the two in the future, even better.

Could you guide us to a website/user forum were we could follow the progress of BFD PLayer/BFD4? I am defo looking forward to it!

Thanks again and all the best

No problem!

I totally get the expectation, and originally the concept WAS to come up with Player and bundle it with the existing packs. But at some point we felt that kickstarting a new eco-system of friendlier packs was a higher priority. Eventually I would really like to go back and convert over the BFD1-BFD3 era packs. Only time will tell.

Usually the first place I will post any tidbits about BFD progress will be here:

You could also come and join our alpha and beta team, which tends to be the very first place anything happens. For instance on Friday we went into alpha testing for Player 1.2, which is the "drum track" update - feature an internal groove sequencer, where users can arrange songs in a similar fashion to the grooves page in BFD3.

We do have a lot of plans for this platform. This isn't just a throw away thing, rest assured.
We do have a lot of plans for this platform. This isn't just a throw away thing, rest assured.
BFD3 was released more than 10 years ago.
So, due to the relatively high average age of the forum members, I hope that not as many of us will have been passed away by the time you implement your plans.
There will be an eco-system of expansion packs, groove packs, and preset packs specifically for BFD Player.
Please forgive me, I´m bored to write in English, so I continue in German:

Es sieht für mich so aus, dass dann wohl ein Konzept ähnlich dem NI Kontakt-Player vorliegt. Werden auch Sounds von Fremdanbietern irgendwann vorliegen?
Lol, das Thema wieder. Kein Problem, eine Umstellung auf ein rein deutsches Hard- und Software-System schafft da Abhilfe. Viel Spass damit.
Obwohl es mich doch eigentlich freuen sollte, finde ich es allmählich richtig eklig, dass immer mehr Sachen umsonst sind.
Man kommt mit dem Testen gar nicht nach, stimmts?
Ist wie beim Freibier - man muss es in Maßen genießen, sonst wird man besoffen.

Man könnte natürlich auch hergehen und annehmen, dass man den Freikram gar nicht testen muss, weil das so gut nicht sein kann, wenn man es kostenlos verticken muss.
habe das Paket mal installiert. Kann es aber nicht starten, weil angeblich eine DLL fehlt. Ist der Win7 PC, hat aber nicht gemeckert, deswegen.
gibt ein Update für den BFD Player, hier die BFD Player 1.2 Release Notes

Hier geht es zum Download.
  • Danke
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