Forest Glade

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Hier mal mein kleiner Traumreise Text... :)

Forest Glade

Dance till the sun rise again,
Dance till the moonlight touches my hand,
to help me out of the dark,
to find my hope in the haze.

Strophe 1:
Im sitting alone on the forest glade,
and thinking of elves and fairy tales.
Im trying to fly, leave my body behind,
sending my mind up to the sky.


In this night my dreams come true,
detached of fleshly
feelings, which i wont need,
on this neverending flight.

Strophe 2:
Im sitting alone on a farther lake,
touching glimmer of hope comin my way,
Im trying to dive up to shimmering lights,
and catching some weary falling stars.

Strophe 3:
Im sitting alone on a broken hill,
winds taking my breath to an unknown vale,
till spirits of truth absorb my last tear,
blank, drying to heap of warming earth.

Strophe 4:
Now flying away to the missed past times,
dissolving the dreams of better life.
"Please open your eyes" whispers the near tree,
"be part of your own reality".

Was meint ihr dazu?
Angelehnt an die Epoche der Romantik würde ich mal sagen :)

Viele Grüße
bisschen schnulzig und klischeebeladen, aber an sich find ichs ganz schön ;)
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Soll ich ein paar Englischkorrekturen beisteuern (per PM?)

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Musikrichtung ist... hmmm Folk...

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ansonsten muss man immer vergleichen o.ä.

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