son paradoxon kann man lockereer loesen ! tja der herr putin soll mal wedding machen dann ist das in 5min fertig geloest !
we all nation share the dreams of love , so evry body have a special one !
so for the greekexit do the golden cut prinyip !
i show zou !
so first do a medium einkommen, then a minimal einkommem like harz 4, !
so i think also for this statistic we limit the rich vip einkommen at 4000 netto !
now zou have the golden incoming formel for germany !
we do einheits einkommen plus indiv leistung between this 3 parameters !
so every body now gets like that 4000 plus ]harty 4 plus induvidual inkommimg !masx 2000netto!
geteilt durch 3
so the haert4 gets a little more and the rich gets much minor and all have a induviduell worker quote !
also at the market a bread is freeze like 3 euro a liitle more , but this wachstum is ok !
also freeze water and electric energie for a lovly price !
ok now we have the strongest land and a bruttosozial produkt new !
brutto normal old szstem
minor the new netto incoming
and bonus featuring incoming ! from the richer the 4000 euro vip people !
this mony a landteam is featuring ! but minimal 40 percent is for greekexit pay plus !
and the rest of mony gets to the staedte directly like the old szstem with kez how much people live theire !
so now we have a stabel and full loving szstem for all , so the staat is featuring greekexit and the buergermeisterteam without labels is feautering the people in the town !
the rich get minor paid and also paid social back to the volk and greekexit also the unfair bankersystem is now perfect to paz back !
at least do this formel for all eu lands !
and do some mathematics , i know it works to get greekexit at yero and featuring wohlstand induvidual in eu !..
so for foreign outsourced lands we need a nother yauberformel !
this lands have the waehrungs exchange daily unfair minor problem !
we stabel africa like that we stabel the price of bread and water in this land at a minor budget !
so africa a child needs 30 euro we upgrade this nanny amount to 100 so the worker now get paid 3 or more times and also non working africa get a social bonus at 50 so they exactly have also more to buy like a aufstocker harz 4, and we have again positiv wachstum for alternativ free energie and other projects theire if the nanny nation are this featuring !
also the phillipines freeze at a amount of 150euro means 20000php this exchange helps to bring in foreign implozed new engenier people !and also fix the bread and water coast and a luxusproduct milk please do subvention featuring,, with original durch 4 or more so this people can have luxus bonus from eu bauern import milk and pay a super price, this is best..
also fix the prices for rent normal houses theire !
if zou do this we can do an interchanging model livestzle so if one phillipine or african is a power thinker or worker with lover hands , its possible to tauschen 1 yu 1 or more this living places on earth !
because now for perhaps germam or polen or else people its cheaper to live in phillipines and do theire worker team dreams then in to be konkurent in germany !
so all nations please establish a new way of balanced lifstzle so the poor get the advantage of the rich too !and the lover wohlstand is featuring now realy and people can live their work dreams !
and all over the world we have a minimal einkommen plus bonus workibgstyle plus featuring our induviduell family and houses and citys !
thanks for let me advice this,, also the leader teamwork love earth can better mathematics but this the golden rules !
and an extra rule braun and war people that are hater get only harz4 durch 2 so they are hungry and must follow the rules of love and stop agression fo a uebergangsperiode !
but this is a ausnahmefall as long war happens !
defend wariors get paid normal as city police officers or worldarmee defend members !
at least we need no more the worldarmee blauhelm member if we establish peace this people love more other hobby dreams to follow and also family in theire city !
the bankszstem also paid a balanced rent for old people and upgrade this with a medium lifstzle price for best medicine its all for indyuviduell bonus !
misson wohlstand and future wohl;stand complete !
thanks this brainstorming is for free , joy in team love !!
and do some peace wedding music !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we do it for featuring love in next nations !
vlg frank
lg feank &list=RDaRokmEJO8Cg&index=8