Wusik Combo Group-Buy Bonanza !
(updated with a new price-list)
This is probably the most extreme group-buy ever done. So we will need all the help we can get on spreading the word around. We plan to reach up to 150,000 users, with a price down to $ 1.95 USD. You can read the FAQ bellow for more information.
What's included:
- Full copy of Wusikstation V3 [g=89]VSTi[/g] (Windows version only)
- Two Gig Collection set of sounds
- 3 Past Issues of the Wusik Sound Magazine (#10, #11 and #12)
GB Information: Everything will be delivery via a Torrent system, (download) to avoid bandwidth problems with our server. Mind you that no physical product will be sent. To enter this Group-Buy, you need to pay a non refundable $ 1.95 USD fee. If we reach over 149,999 users, you don't need to pay anything else. If we don't reach this amount, we will send a new payment link for the current GB price break-down, see list on the right. We will not refund any payments if we don't reach the max amount. We will only start the delivery of the software once we reach over 150,000 users or at the end of this GB. So be sure that you understand how this works before joining up. You will also have the option to download only the Wusikstation Engine without sounds, avoiding a large download, if you want.
Duration of this Group-Buy: Until December 10th 2007
Discount Break Down:
(# users / Discount = Price USD)
0 ~ 99 / 0% = $ 99.95
100 ~ / 20% = $ 79.95
500 ~ / 40% = $ 59.95
1.000 ~ / 50% = $ 49.95
5.000 ~ / 60% = $ 39.95
15.000 ~ / 70% = $ 29.95
20.000 ~ / 85% = $ 14.95
30.000 ~ / 90% = $ 9.95
150.000 ~ / 98% = $ 1.95
Group-Buy Entry Fee: $ 1.95 USD (non refundable)
GB Link and current stage display: