


Hi Revilo,

I don't have any experience with what you are doing, since I always record directly to Wavelab. Anyway, my microphone is #### so this may be of use to you. I always put on some reverb (MasterArts [new] or DSPFX [old skool but great!!]), chorus [Cubase] and delay effects [Blue Line] to give more body to the sound. Obviously this should be done lightly otherwise the sound starts to swim. Than I use a vsti-puncher plug-in and a parametric eq to boost the overall and partial sound where it's needed. Wavelab gives the opportunity to switch the order of the effects in real time so that's excellent for tweaking purposes. I can't tell you which distortion to use, I hardly ever use them because I use my amps distortion. I know this all is little information with regard to your problem, but anyway... In case you'd like to know more about the effects, write me. Big Succes, Slug

PS What about a fuzz plug-in?? There are few VSTi's around!
thanks slug,

will try that out. let you know about my efforts.
best revilo

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