ich find die toll, hab sie mir damals als erste libs zusammen mit albion legacy und der Percussion von spitfire gekauft. Für sinnvolles Solo spiel sind sie zu eingeschränkt, sie funktionieren eher als first chairs für albion und andere Ensemble libraries. Das Legato klingt für mich außerordentlich gut. Von den restlichen Artikulationen mag ich die Shorts und die pizzis sehr gern, die Harmonics sind sehr schön, um eine normale section mal noch mit was anderem zu durchstrahlen.
Wichtig: es gibt keinen vergünstigten Uprgade Path zu den folgenden Solo Strings für User, die erst jetzt während des Firesales zuschlagen. Ist also nicht wie sonst bei Spitfire.
Ich hab mal den Part zu den neuen Solo Strings vom Q&A vom November mitgeschrieben aus dem Video:
Question: You've repeatedly promised a fix for spitfire solo strings going back to 2013. When will you honor that promise?
C: The thing is, this something we recorded in 2010 - very very early and the thing is, you know, you learn so much, you know. And we are still learning at that stage and we released it and then there were all sorts of stuff we should have recorded, we should have got - and you simply can't roll back time. You can't add microphone positions in if they weren't recorded but also you and I believe one of the Soloists is now moved to Australia, so it was a ... it's been a real conundrum and we use the library all the time and we're really aware of its shortcomings. It's one of the oldest libraries that we've done. So we've made a kind of a difficult decision and... what have we done? We got the train set out and
P: and we ran back in. So again, this is something that we recorded, well, starting about a year ago. We approached it from the kind of perpective of - OK, if we could start again with solo strings, what would we do? And one of the things is in the very first session that we did, which was actually our bespoke chamber strings violin 2 section, funded from credit cards in an evening of downtime at AIR Studios, we were sat in a break and we heard [I don't know her name and thus did not understand it] rehearsing Lark Ascending, heavily pregnant, wandering around the edge of the hall. And we just sat and looked at each other with jaws dropped and so what we decided with that kind of thing in the back of our minds... When we came back to solo strings we said OK - we got to have the bass, for example, we got to have two ... two violins, violin 1 and violin 2. But then we went... but wait, there are different soloing techniques. So, maybe we should show all of that stuff in the solo strings library. So, we actually went for three first violins of which [her again] is one. And I have to say that we got - we've covered all of the, certainly from my perspective, we've covered kind of the possible permutations of real intense, very kind of virtuosic, wide vib kind of thing, which is more along the lines of Andrews performance in the original solo strings and then we're gone through the palette to make shure that it's really usable for all kinds of different situations. But the key thing is that we've gone back in and started again rather then trying to patch things together to try and update the product. We've gone: You know what - let's start again, like in an ideal scenario of 'what would we do' we would be reinventing this from the ground up.
C: with what we've learned over the years.
P: So, obviously there'll be a great upgrade path