SIR Audio Tools: The "BLACK NOVEMBER 2022" starts NOW

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What kind of discount are we talking about?
Our intention is to make it possible for everyone to complete their music studios with the SIR Audio Tools plugins they need. That is why we are again offering you a massive 50 % discount.

What products can be obtained with this discount?
Just like last year, the BLACK NOVEMBER campaign includes SIR3, must updates and bundles. We would recommend you, though, to have a thorough look at all the options, displayed on our Purchase Page, before you make your decision.

So, when does it all start?
The BLACK NOVEMBER campaign has already started, so there's no need to wait for anything. Just open the Purchase Page of our website right now and start exploring your options!

How much time will I have to make up my mind?
Starting today, you will have around two weeks to obtain the SIR Audio Tools products, which suit your creative needs. But hurry up — on December 1, 2022, your very special shopping cart will turn into a pumpkin again.
Newsletter Subscribers bekommen noch zusätzlichen 25% Discount auf den -50% Preis.
SIR3 und StandardCLIP kann ich in jedem Fall empfehlen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ein Link wäre nicht schlecht gewesen. Der eine Link in Deinem Text ("purchase page") führt ins Nichts.
Där Bläher funzt!

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