Zur Info:
Das Update ist wie immer kostenlos
Versions Info:
Windows v2.51 (32 and 64bit)
S-Gear Application • VST2.4 • AAX
New in version 2.5
2x12" Special Ported Cab
DelayThing - pan control for mono delays
Various improvements and bug fixes (listed in release history)
Fixed in version 2.51
Corrected/improved impulse trimming on Scuffham Cabs
System Requirements:
Windows 7 / Windows 8
Minimum: Pentium 4 class processor, 2.0GHz, 2GB RAM, 500MB Free disk space
Windows Standalone requires an ASIO compatible audio interface
ProTools AAX requires ProTools 10.3.6 or later
Known Problems:
Please check the Known Problems support page for details of known problems with the current release.
Posted: 30th January 2015
MAC v2.51 (32 and 64bit)
S-Gear Application • AudioUnit • VST3 • AAX
New in version 2.5
2x12" Special Ported Cab
DelayThing - pan control for mono delays
Various improvements and bug fixes (listed in release history)
Fixed in version 2.51
Corrected/improved impulse trimming on Scuffham Cabs
System Requirements:
Intel MAC running OS X 10.6 or later
Minimum: 2.0GHz processor speed, 2GB RAM, 500MB Free disk space
MAC Standalone requires a Core Audio compatible audio interface
VST3 plug-in requires a compatible host (e.g. Steinberg Cubase or Nuendo)
AAX plug-in requires ProTools version 10.3.6 or later
Known Problems:
Please check the Known Problems support page for further details of known problems with the current release.
Posted: 30th January 2015
Das Update ist wie immer kostenlos
Versions Info:
Windows v2.51 (32 and 64bit)
S-Gear Application • VST2.4 • AAX
New in version 2.5
2x12" Special Ported Cab
DelayThing - pan control for mono delays
Various improvements and bug fixes (listed in release history)
Fixed in version 2.51
Corrected/improved impulse trimming on Scuffham Cabs
System Requirements:
Windows 7 / Windows 8
Minimum: Pentium 4 class processor, 2.0GHz, 2GB RAM, 500MB Free disk space
Windows Standalone requires an ASIO compatible audio interface
ProTools AAX requires ProTools 10.3.6 or later
Known Problems:
Please check the Known Problems support page for details of known problems with the current release.
Posted: 30th January 2015
MAC v2.51 (32 and 64bit)
S-Gear Application • AudioUnit • VST3 • AAX
New in version 2.5
2x12" Special Ported Cab
DelayThing - pan control for mono delays
Various improvements and bug fixes (listed in release history)
Fixed in version 2.51
Corrected/improved impulse trimming on Scuffham Cabs
System Requirements:
Intel MAC running OS X 10.6 or later
Minimum: 2.0GHz processor speed, 2GB RAM, 500MB Free disk space
MAC Standalone requires a Core Audio compatible audio interface
VST3 plug-in requires a compatible host (e.g. Steinberg Cubase or Nuendo)
AAX plug-in requires ProTools version 10.3.6 or later
Known Problems:
Please check the Known Problems support page for further details of known problems with the current release.
Posted: 30th January 2015