- Support separate display quantization settings per-project or per-track
- Fix incorrect breaming in certain chord/time signature combinations
- Fix note preview when editing pitch after drawing a new note
- Fix vanishing note stems when zooming way out
- Insert notes on the staff under the mouse when using multiple staves with overlapping pitch ranges
- Preview new inserted note correctly when display is not set to concert pitch
- Support MusicXML export
- Set display quantization via dialog/slider rather than menu
- Add new Latch Preview automation mode
- Add separate configuration for automation write action transition times
- Improve behavior when auto-adding envelopes
- Improve volume envelope panel tweaking behavior
- Obey new transition preference when using write current values for all writing envelopes actions
- Put transition before cursor when using write automation to start of project, after cursor when writing automation to end of project
MIDI editor
- Display note-off velocity properly in MIDI event properties dialog
- Disregard snap to key when in named notes (drum map) mode
- Fix inconsistent visibility/editability issues when using multiple MIDI editors at the same time
- Preserve vertical zoom level when hiding/unhiding note rows
- Apply note edits immediately when editing during playback
- Update displayed note rows when recording adds a note to a hidden row
- Add Equirectangular 360 panner preset
- Do not include monitoring FX in renders (matching audio behavior), update FX post-cache
- Fix monitoring FX video processor bypass support
- Support animated GIF with transparency via per-source option
- Improve paste behavior with unicode clipboard data that contains trailing characters
- Fix modulus operator results with negative constants
- Add track_env_preview, mcp_env_preview, gen_env_preview, global_preview images
- Fix OSX classic theme image fallbacks
Track routing window
- Improve behavior when modifying track volume
- Improve behavior with multiple open windows
- Default to avoid undo/redo state loading for Kontakt and EastWest plug-ins
- Improve redrawing of certain bridged embedded plug-ins on Windows
- Improve label and tab ordering for ReaEQ/ReaXComp/ReaDelay/About/Project Settings
Crossfade editor
- Improve display behavior with large fonts
- Add per-plug-in option to avoid loading undo states when possible
- Fix display issue with partially looped items
- Use UTF-8 for chat on Windows to match macOS
- Fix display issue during record with continuous scrolling and blinking edit cursor
- Improve behavior when doing high level operations (such as adding tracks) while UI for large VST plug-ins are open (Kontakt)
- Support automatic detection of multiple track channels for iZotope plug-ins
- Fix offline rendering notifications
- Fix topmost pin positioning on Windows 7 with high DPI scaling
- Fix GetFocusedFX() item index
- Fix MIDIEditor_GetActive function