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Ein noch neuer Hersteller mit erst einem Plugin. Eine Kopie des Klon Centaur Overdrive Pedals.
Habe es selber aber noch nicht getestet.
A legend amongst pedals, modeled with neural networks to reproduce all the unique character of analog distortion.
This is a brand new kind of plug-in, and we're offering it for free to all musicians, producers and mixers to try out.
Ein paar Infos auch hier.
Und wo man gerade auf der Seite ist, kann man sich auch direkt den Spring Reverb mal anschauen und for free eintüten.
Oder auch den Mad Filter ein Analog-Style Filter Effect By Rast Sound.
Ein paar Infos zum Klon Pedal (Hardware) selber.
Habe es selber aber noch nicht getestet.
A legend amongst pedals, modeled with neural networks to reproduce all the unique character of analog distortion.
This is a brand new kind of plug-in, and we're offering it for free to all musicians, producers and mixers to try out.

Fazertone | AI-Powered Music Plugins
Effects and instruments powered by real-time neural networks that run straight in your DAW.

Ein paar Infos auch hier.

The Klone Is A FREE Overdrive Pedal Plugin By Fazertone
Fazertone offers The Klone, a FREE overdrive guitar pedal plugin for macOS and Windows. I’m sure the name gave it away, but The Klone is based on the legendary Klon Centaur overdrive pedal. Although it’s easier to find a Klon Centaur than a half-man/half-horse creature, the two share a similar...

Und wo man gerade auf der Seite ist, kann man sich auch direkt den Spring Reverb mal anschauen und for free eintüten.

BPB Dirty Spring (FREE Spring Reverb Plugin)
Bedroom Producers Blog releases BPB Dirty Spring, a freeware spring reverb effect in VST2, VST3, AU, and AAX plugin formats for digital audio workstations on Windows and macOS. BPB Dirty Spring is a free spring reverb VST plugin with a built-in bitcrusher. It’s a FREE gift for all BPB readers...

Oder auch den Mad Filter ein Analog-Style Filter Effect By Rast Sound.

Mad Filter Is A FREE Analog-Style Filter Effect By Rast Sound
As part of their end-of-the-year discounts, Rast Sound is offering their plugin Mad Filter for free. Mad Filter will help you add character and movement to your sound. The developer claims that Mad Filter features a state-of-the-art drive and filters circuit that emulates the characteristics of...

Mad Filter - Rast Sound
Mad Filter Your new go to filter to add movement and character. Don’t let its being free fool you, filter and drive circuits in Mad Filter are state-of-the-art, warm and sweet, it can suddenly become your go to filter. “The complex LFO motion and mad states are the icings on the cake, which are...

Ein paar Infos zum Klon Pedal (Hardware) selber.

Der allererste Klon Centaur kostet 500.000 USD - gearnews.de
Josh Scott, Pedalsammler und Mastermind hinter JHS Pedals, verkauft den ersten jemals gebauten Klon Centaur Overdrive mit der Seriennummer #2.

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