wie hast du das herausgefunden? hast du das rausgehört? oder durch irgendn plugin gejagt? oder hast du so lange noten nachgespielt bis du die richtigen hattest?
beim anfangs akkord dacht ich irgendwie an ein d#.
Ich hab in nem anderen Forum nachgefragt. Also raushören kann ich nicht. (vllt bei 2 akkorden) haha
hier die erklärung aus nem anderen Forum:
The key to this is understanding that the F7 chord (F-A-C-Eb) is chord V and that the movement to either Gb or Ebm is that of the deceptive cadence in the minor.
This allows me to assert that fundamentally this piece is in (Bbm/A#m), I will use Bbm for the majority of the following discussion as it is easier to understand than A#m; the functional harmonic id is the same regardless of which key center I use
In Bb natural minor we have the following notes Bb-C-Db-Eb-F-Gb-Ab-Bb
In Bb harmonic minor we have the following notes Bb-C-Db-Eb-F-Gb-A-Bb
there are three fragments of harmonic movement
F#-C#-A#m-F7 || Gb-Db-Bbm-F7 || bb/a#: bVI-bIII-i-V7
F#-C#-F7-F7/A || Gb-Db-F7-F7/A || bb/a#: bVI-bIII-V7-V7/#7
D#m-C#-A#m-F7 || Ebm-Db-Bbm-F7 || bb/a#: iv-bIII-i-V7
F#/Gb ~ F#-A#-C#/Gb-Bb-Db
C#/Db ~ C#-E#-G#/Db-F-Ab
A#m/Bbm ~ A#-C#-E#/Bb-Db-F
F7 ~ F-A-C-Eb
F7/A ~ F-A-C-Eb with an A in the bass
D#m/Ebm ~ D#-F#-A#/Eb-Gb-Bb
i.e. the F7 is a chord from the harmonic minor whereas the rest of the chords are from the natural minor
I can write the whole progression out if you would like but you should be able to do it for yourself based on the above three fragments
trickiest part is the fact that each chord is played with a 3-3-2 pattern over two bars of 4/4, which some folks might interpret as 3/4-3/4-2/4 instead
In German (and related languages) the Note B is called H and the note Bb is just called B
in the original post the word moll was used which is used to indicate minor (major is indicated by dur)