Ableton-Beta-Nutzer hier? Votet gerne mit



Hi ihr lieben Ableton Nutzer, wenn ihr auch findet, dass es an der Zeit ist, dass Ableton ein massives Upgrade seines "Session Views" bekommt, votet gerne mit im Beta Forum. Dort habe ich grade noch ein Feature Request gemacht mit dem Namen:
"Show Progress of the Clips playing in Session View IN the Clips, not below them" (L11-SUG-3025)
Mein Vorschlag: Dass die Clips endlich mal anzeigen, was sie gerade tun ;) Bisher sieht man ja nur weit unter den Clips die Anzeige darüber, wie der Status des Clips ist. Das ist mittlerweile EXTREM veraltet, wie Bitwig zeigt.
in Bitwig sieht man nicht nur den Abspiel-Prozess, d.h. wie lange der Clip schon abspielt. Sondern auch WAS im Clip eigentlich ist: d.h. Midi Daten und Waveform! Ein unglaubliches Ding, dass da Ableton noch nicht nachgezogen hat (meiner Meinung nach.). Danke! hier der link zu meinem Clip Feature request:

Und hier der Link zu weiteren 30 massiven Verbesserungen, für die ihr voten könntet, wenn sie euch am Herzen liegen:


1 bitwig clips.jpg

Selbst Touchable Pro ist schon ein massives Upgrade gegenüber Ableton, dort sieht man immerhin den Clip-Progress per Farbe:

2 color filling.jpg
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Meine Features wären:

Export einer Tempospur
VCA Fader
interessant, hab grad gesucht:
VCA fader feature request gäbs auch zum hochvoten :D

Was von den feature requests wann umgesetzt wird, steht offenbar immer sehr in den Sternen, und Ableton gibt seinerseits NULL Feedback bezüglich einer roadmap.
"bounce in place" ist z.b. seit vielen Jahren Feature request mit hunderten upvotes - nichts passiert :D
Wenn jemand jemanden kennt, der bei Ableton arbeitet: WARUM ist das so? Hilfe! :D

Da lobe ich mir kleine Entwickler, wie z.b. den von "Loopy Pro". Der ist EINER, und trotzdem antwortet er auf fast jeden Kommentar/Request, und hat eine public roadmap, bei der die community mitvotet! Absolut großartig.
Magst du mal den Link posten?
Hier noch ein "kleines" Update, habe mal meine Top 30 Wünsche an Ableton zusammengefasst, samt Beta Forum Links dazu, wenn es schon entsprechende Feature Requests dazu gibt. :tears-of-joy: :oops: :tears-of-joy:

  1. Implement everything from “Live Enhancement Suite”. Why? Because Ableton shouldn’t need to be enhanced via external programs, Abletons Workflow should be as fast as possible on its own.
  2. Bounce in Place for Arrangement AND Session View Clips{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={8CAC0965-5B97-4C35-BB79-6BF744CD44DB}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1
  3. Shortcuts: Let every function of the interface be assignable to a custom Shortcut / Midi assignable, like in Cubase.{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={2E69F9A8-2CB9-45A3-8FFF-5C3DB6421362}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1
  4. Integrate what “Shortcut Buddy” (m4l device) does: Being able to load several predetermined combinations of Vsts, FX, or racks into the current track via shortcuts. Same for predetermined types of Tracks, also with Vsts, FX, racks loaded into them.
  5. Mouse-Tools like Scissors, Merge, Line, via shortcuts.: Implement those tools (like in Cubase), and let them be used via fast and simple keyboard shortcuts, which are customizable and midi assignable.
  6. Split on Grid. Split Midi/Audio-Files based on the current grid.
  7. Let the sections of the interface be ‘undockable’ and deeply customizable - for example making it possible to have a more classical arrangement view, with the Track-names being on the left side. What about an option to change Clip and Scene-Size vertically! (has been asked since 15+years) Give us an editor mode like Touchable Pro, letting us build our own interface.
  8. SHOW CLIP WAVEFORM AND PROGRESS IN THE CLIP IN SESSION VIEW Let us see WHAT is happening WHERE it is happening: IN the actual clip! Not in the Track Status Display far below. This means: a) showing the actual waveform or MIDI data b) showing the progress of the clip, for example by filling up the clip with its designated color, step by step, bar for bar, according to its progress in time. Like in Bitwig, but even better: by letting the play-head also fill up the color of the clip, so the progress is more visible!{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={7FBAFD84-D8CB-4973-9770-F27DA39C5B32}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1
  9. Improve the Mixer and make it undockable for a third Monitor. Stop hiding “show devices in mixer” in the options.txt, include it in the official settings - and make the view-count of how many devices are constantly shown fixate-able.{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={D9D4F4D6-0000-43CB-8EE3-E67D106EF4C5}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1
  10. Drastically improve the Looper Plugin by getting rid of it, making it a MODE of Abletons Session View. Since LIVE is supposed to enable Live musicians, it should be AT LEAST as powerful as a basic hardware looper, like the RC505. Which means: Letting us see each and every looper which is running at the same time. Let us see the waveform, let us see the midi data, let us see the timing-progress. This should be more than a regular Plugin, it should be a fundamental play-mode of Ableton. Like: A customizable Looper-Interface like Loopy Pro (!touchcontrol even with gestures, incredibly intuitive), where armed Tracks are addressed like you’re using the Multi-purpose-button of the looper, including possibility of audio-overdub. Then, also showing us each layer of the overdub, and have any Audiosignal already in the clip-view, not via some weird Drag&Drop Mouse-Action, like it’s the case with the looper plugin.{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={9C9F08A8-CB8F-4FAD-BEA4-1F7DBFE851DE}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={091AFD1A-1C08-4BEA-84AB-EF5C743CD821}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={7F9698B3-D78D-4EC1-A64C-AE803A416799}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1
  11. Audio-Overdub in Clips.
  12. Let users predetermine length of recorded clips. via shortcuts, midi assignable
  13. Let users predetermine clip-specific quantization for the next AUDIO and MIDI recording, and post-recording, via shortcuts, midi assignable.
  14. Clip Gain Line to change and see clip gain in arrangement view
  15. Improve the Browser, including customizability, normalize preview of audio, include ARA support
  16. get rid of the ASD files or put them in ONE folder.
  17. Multi-Monitor Support (3+)
  18. Full dedicated Touchscreen Support: A Touchscreen Mode which transforms Abletons Interface into something like Touchable Pro, Loopy Pro or better. Bitwigs touch-sub-menu with gestures is also a wonderful example for touchsupport.
  19. Implement snapshot-function for different interface-setups, easily accessible via shortcuts. Group/Ungroup should be midi-assignable.
  20. When several audioclips are selected in the arrangement view on the same track: let users shorten/lengthen them all at once!{0D42C8DA-0D4E-4485-92D6-9218C129A00D}&uf={DF97E70F-57B3-4CCA-B7F1-53C67A96C141}&a=v&t=0&updatefollow=1
  21. Improve visibility and accessibility of Clip and Track Automation / envelopes: Like in Cubase, you should be able to show all lanes of Track Automation simply by rightclicking “show all used automation”. No more scrolling through empty-non-used parameters! No more manual adding of Track-Lanes to show additional used automation! And seeing ALL Automation, not hiding Midi CC /pitchbend etc into a clip-detail-view, but letting us edit them in the arranger too. Also: Being able to see several automation lanes within the clip-detail view. Like Bitwig does.
  22. Better visibility of automation lanes:
  23. Showing midi cc (modwheel etc) in arrangement view automation lanes.
  24. Option to show and edit automation/envelopes in piano roll clip view
  25. Drastically improve the Piano Roll editing functions, slice notes, glue notes, chopping on grid,
  26. Make better use of Piano roll space - including turning automation on/off and showing it all
  27. Show Chords in the Clipview/PianoRoll:
  28. More intelligent up-and-down-scaling of automation, like in Cubase.
  29. Multi-Midi-Editor (being able to see several selected midiclips in one window, layered over each other in their respective colors.)
  30. No more latency for audio-recordings with monitoring set “on” = automatically recording into a track with no latency.
  31. Automatic Normalization of Audio as optional Setting (freshly recorded or imported audio automatically gets normalized to a specific value). And: Quick-Command for Audio-Normalization.
  32. vca faders:
  33. Add the function to open the "main" VST Plugin of selected Track via shortcut! "Ctrl+Alt+P" is useless. It's only working after having opened the plugin manually by clicking, which has to be repeated everytime you switch tracks.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was von den feature requests wann umgesetzt wird, steht offenbar immer sehr in den Sternen, und Ableton gibt seinerseits NULL Feedback bezüglich einer roadmap.

Danke! Ich hatte mal ne Support-Anfrage zu "meinen" beiden Wünschen geschrieben. Die Antwort war auch eher zurückhaltend. Aber gerade Live könnte sich mit den o.g. Wünschen, soweit sie umgesetzt würden, total in eine andere Liga katapultieren. Also u.a. weg vom "Elektro Spezialisten" zur Full Feature DAW und ordentlich Zores in Richtung CB, PT und S1 geben.

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