Hier wieder mal ein grundsolider, staighter Punkrock-Song! Ursprünglich mal für the Cognitively Theres geschrieben, allerdings ruht das Projekt gerade, weil wir alle drei ziemlich viel anderes um die Ohren haben. Vielleicht macht ja speedcake was draus, mal schauen!
Ralf: Bass
Max: Drums
Tom: Git, Voc
When you’re a grifter you don’t need any shame
You’ll always find somebody else to be blamed
You think it’s funny to find someone to smash
Should have known better than to mess with your trash
You are above the law, rules do not apply
This is because you are the world’s smartest guy
Rules are for losers, not for smart guys like you
You just keep telling lies until they come true
Grifters keep on grifting
Don’t look back don’t talk shit don’t walk straight don’t be fraid
Don’t look back don’t talk shit don’t walk straight don’t be fraid
Enough said
You are the loudest guy in every way
There’s never doubt in anything that you say
Unsecure minds seem like to flock around you
To pick up strength from the damn shit that you spew
You think you’re smart but you are really just wack
You’re feeling better when there’s someone to drag
You’re getting kicks by ripping off some poor soul
You have no heart, there’s just an empty black hole
Ralf: Bass
Max: Drums
Tom: Git, Voc
When you’re a grifter you don’t need any shame
You’ll always find somebody else to be blamed
You think it’s funny to find someone to smash
Should have known better than to mess with your trash
You are above the law, rules do not apply
This is because you are the world’s smartest guy
Rules are for losers, not for smart guys like you
You just keep telling lies until they come true
Grifters keep on grifting
Don’t look back don’t talk shit don’t walk straight don’t be fraid
Don’t look back don’t talk shit don’t walk straight don’t be fraid
Enough said
You are the loudest guy in every way
There’s never doubt in anything that you say
Unsecure minds seem like to flock around you
To pick up strength from the damn shit that you spew
You think you’re smart but you are really just wack
You’re feeling better when there’s someone to drag
You’re getting kicks by ripping off some poor soul
You have no heart, there’s just an empty black hole