Andrew Scheps Reveals His Mix Process

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Ja ja. Für viele hier ja kein Thema mehr und nicht schon wiiieder was mit Mixen. :D
Aber ich finde es wirklich gut, wie der nette Andrew seinen hervorragenden Job angeht - das Mixing ansich wieder mehr als kreative Kunstform ansehen und nicht so streng verbissen rein technisch...
"I don't gain stage", "no rules", ¨take care of problems when the problems exist. Don´t go looking for problems."
Wollt nur mal das kleine Video kurz da lassen.
Beeindruckend: sein Modular Synth System im Hintergrund. :)

Nachtrag, das hier hatte ich mir auch mal abgespeichert:

"I do mix in Headphones quite a lot!
It started because I was travelling a lot and needed to keep working. Then when we first moved to the UK I didn't have an ideal place to set up my speakers so I mixed a lot on Headphones and then checked everything on speakers before sending it out. The more time I've spent on Headphones, the fewer changes there are when I switch to the speakers. I use Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, but I think it's because I'm just used to them and they also sound like the Tannoy SRM-10B speakers I mix on. They are bright but relatively flat.
I wouldn't recommend mixing on Headphones for everyone, but it is a great way to take control of your acoustic environment . You're basically wearing your studio on your head and it sounds exactly the same no matter where you go!
I never use frequency response correction software or any crosstalk functions. I think for me I just hear the extra processing, even though it might make it more like an acoustic environment. But remember, there are no right answers to things like this, and the whole poi
nt is to have a listening environment where you can be creative and your mixes translate to whatever system somebody might listen to your mix in."

(Andrew Scheps, Gearspace)
Aah, willkommen zurück!

Wie war denn der aufgezwungene Erziehungsurlaub? :D
Warst du nicht schon öfters gesperrt und bist schon wieder am Start? o_O
Also, der Scheps macht auf den beschissensten Quäktröten einen richtig guten Mix, der er dann mit Summenkompression öfters wieder gründlich ruiniert. :right:

Naja, ich mag den.. :love:
bestes Zitat meiner Meinung nach:
"Take care of problems when the problems exist, don't go looking for problems. If there is a problem you will hear it, 'cause that's your job - it's to hear the problems and fix them, that's what mixing is."

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