Hallo TOLL recording.de Ingenieur!! :) Ich lerne Deutsch!! :)

  • Ersteller BrotUndVasser
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I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I think, you're not completely correct with those german cases:

"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question of what is given." stimmt so nicht. Die Frage ist: "Wen oder was gibst du?" - Also Akusativ.

It would be correct if you sang:
"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question, who I am giving my love."

Or did I understand you wrong?

EDIT: But your voice is absolutely awesome.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I think, you're not completely correct with those german cases:

"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question of what is given." stimmt so nicht. Die Frage ist: "Wen oder was gibst du?" - Also Akusativ.

It would be correct if you sang:
"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question, who I am giving my love."

Or did I understand you wrong?

Wem? -> Dir. :)

Also Dativ. :)
Wem? -> Dir. :)

Also Dativ. :)
Jo, Steffen, deshalb schrob ich ja: "it answers the question, who I am giving my love."

Wenn ich es auf das "dir" beziehe, ist es richtig. Aber wenn ich sage "of what is given" bezieht es sich auf die Liebe. Und die ist Akusativ.
Sweet :) well done singer songwriter work. I like the connection between german cases and an english lovesong. A creative way of merging the quite hard and cold german grammar with emotions :)

Dankeschön, Herr Electric Sheep!! :) :)
Ich hoffe mehr hier sein, wenn Ich mehr Deutsch lerne!! :) :) Ich mötche ein Lied in Deutsch singen (hoffe!) :) :)
Sollte man vielleicht Kalms Cases in Hannover vorspielen...
Ciao Sascha Franck, Es tut mir leid!! Weiß Ich nicht "Kalms Cases" aber wenn Ich kannst in Deutschland (Hannover--Ja!) kommen, dann Ich mötche!! :) :)
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I think, you're not completely correct with those german cases:

"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question of what is given." stimmt so nicht. Die Frage ist: "Wen oder was gibst du?" - Also Akusativ.

It would be correct if you sang:
"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question, who I am giving my love."

Or did I understand you wrong?

EDIT: But your voice is absolutely awesome.
Dankeschön, Herr FredTadge für die Verbesserung! :) :)
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I think, you're not completely correct with those german cases:

"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question of what is given." stimmt so nicht. Die Frage ist: "Wen oder was gibst du?" - Also Akusativ.

It would be correct if you sang:
"Ich gebe dir meine Liebe is dative, it answers the question, who I am giving my love."

Or did I understand you wrong?

Wem? -> Dir. :)

Also Dativ. :)

Ich LIEBE Dativ!! :) Ich bin ein Dativ Frau! :) :)
I think that the Ukulele is an underestimated Instrument. It is great for composing songs, much easier to play than a guitar. And it does have its own charm.
I love this girl and this song. Dativ or Negativ I don't care.

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