Relab Spring Sale : 25% Rabatt auf die bereits reduzierten Preise!


Relab NAMM SPECIAL : 25% OFF our Loyalty Pricing! [BEENDET]​

"25% Off All Relab Loyalty Pricing

This NAMM weekend, we're offering our loyal customers an exclusive discount on our entire professional reverb and processor lineup.

As a valued Relab customer, get an additional 25% off your loyalty pricing storewide.

This adds up to BIG savings!

NAMM Weekend Special - Loyalty Customers Only

Use code: NAMM-2025-UWQ
Save an additional 25% off your loyalty prices on all Relab products."

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
"Celebrate the arrival of spring with our most ambitious offer this year to date, running through April 15th!

Each day during our Spring Sale, the first 100 customers receive an exclusive coupon code for an additional 25% savings on our already-reduced plug-in prices.

✅ Current Relab users can "double dip" their discount—apply this code for an extra 25% off your loyalty pricing*

Use code: SPRING-2025-JSI"

Each day during our Spring Sale, the first 100 customers receive an exclusive coupon code for an additional 25% savings on our already-reduced plug-in prices.

In welcher Zeitzone das wohl gerechnet wird? Ansonsten würde man ja möglichst um 0:00:01Uhr bestellen?
In welcher Zeitzone das wohl gerechnet wird? Ansonsten würde man ja möglichst um 0:00:01Uhr bestellen?
Da bin ich überfragt. Eigentlich ist Relab eine dänische Firma, sprich da wäre dann die MEZ naheliegend. - Aber es könnte natürlich auch sein, dass die sich an der US-Ostküsten- oder Westküstenzeit orientieren. :schulterzuck:
"Celebrate the arrival of spring with our most ambitious offer this year to date, running through April 15th!

Each day during our Spring Sale, the first 100 customers receive an exclusive coupon code for an additional 25% savings on our already-reduced plug-in prices.

✅ Current Relab users can "double dip" their discount—apply this code for an extra 25% off your loyalty pricing*

Use code: SPRING-2025-JSI"

Ich weiß jetzt nicht mehr, wo genau ich das gelesen habe, aber die 100 Kunden beziehen sich auf einen Tag!

Oft gelesene Themen
