[Ravepop] Pyrococcus feat. Nida - Chemical Reactions



Pyrococcus feat. Nida - Chemical Reactions.jpg

Pyrococcus feat. Nida - Chemical Reactions

1 Chemical Reactions
2 Chemical Reactions (Cirrus Minør Remix)
3 Chemical Reactions (Pfeffermouse Remix)
4 Chemical Reactions (Tofustaggerbush Remix)
5 Returning to Earth (Sikøra Remix) (feat. Stacey Jay)

Pyrococcus' new rave-pop song "Chemical Reactions" has the explosive chemistry to spark a chain reaction of pure euphoria! Electrifying synthesizers and fiery vocals are here to accelerate your energy levels to critical mass. From the first note, this song unleashes a rush, releasing waves of excitement through your veins...

At the heart of it, powerhouse vocalist Nida commands the attention with magnetic allure, guiding the dancers through the blaze!
Press play and let the reaction take over!

The Remixes

* Cirrus Minør from Russia built a powerful hardwave remix with electrifying tension in the air and a churning, majestic Reese bassline on the floor.

* Pfeffermouse's remix from Denmark rises sublimely to the melodic heights of sheer synthwave bliss, propelling unstoppably forwards!

* Tofustaggerbush from Germany (originally UK) brings a cheerful serenity to his remix, a buoyant lead synth and sparkling arpeggios convey pure joy!

The Super Bonus

* Prolific producer Sikøra from Germany stands for great achievements in the techno world, with milestones on labels like Klang Elektronik, Ongaku, Playhouse, Cocoon and Harthouse since the ‘90s. His rave-induced remix of "Returning to Earth" (feat. Stacey Jay) powerfully mixes up the dancefloor, drawing equally on classic virtues of techno and house!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mwa
EP Nummer sechs.

Nida bringt die Powerstimme zu diesem Rave-Tune.. und wird noch auf zwei kommenden Songs auftreten.
Auch die Remixer wieder Meister ihres Fachs.

Mit Silvester-Nonusbombette! Sikøra, seit den '90ern umtriebig auf Labels wie Ongaku, Klang Elektronik, Playhouse, Cocoon und Harthouse, hat noch einen Knaller-Remix von Returning to Earth angefertigt.
Passend zum Rave-Appeal dieser EP.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mwa

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