Bis 5.0
Handbuch Seite 438-439
Saving Pro Tools 12.x–10.x Sessions to Pro Tools 7 –> 9 Format
To save a Pro Tools 12.x or 10.x session so it is compatible with Pro Tools version 7.x through 9.x, use the File > Save Copy In command to choose the Pro Tools 7 –> 9 Session format.
Saving Pro Tools 12.x–10.x Sessions to Pro Tools 5.1 -> 6.9 Format
Pro Tools 7.x and higher sessions cannot be opened with Pro Tools versions 6.9.x through 5.1.
To save a Pro Tools 12.x–10.x session so it is com- patible with Pro Tools version 6.9.x through 5.1, use the File > Save Copy In command to choose the Pro Tools 5.1 -> 6.9 Session format.
Saving Pro Tools 12.x–10.x Sessions to Pro Tools 5.0 Format
Pro Tools 5.1 and higher sessions cannot be opened with Pro Tools version 5.0.
To save a Pro Tools 12.x–10.x session so it is com- patible with Pro Tools version 5.0, use the File > Save Copy In command to choose the
Pro Tools 5.0 Session format.
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