Peak update 1.2

  • Ersteller synthpark
  • Erstellt am



klingt cool. Peak kann schon ganz schön viel.

Peak v1.2 Features include:

New wavetables
43 new wavetables have been added to the Oscillator Wave menus.

Additional modulators
Peak 1.2 adds two freely assignable, non-voice-specific LFOs (bringing the total to four) to the Mod Matrix and new FX Matrix. Pitch-Bend is now also available as a modulation source, with Up (BendWhl+) and Down (BendWhl-) assignable as separate signals if required.

New Mod Matrix design
Sources and destinations are presented on the same page – no more toggling between them to make and edit assignments. And as a knock-on benefit, the Page button now enables quick access to all 16 modulation slots.

FX Mod Matrix
You can now route non-voice-specific modulation sources to Peak’s FX parameters in the new four-slot FX Mod Matrix. Now you can, for example, expand and contract a reverb with a rhythmic LFO, or automate delay time changes using an envelope.

New envelope features
ADSRs sees the addition of a Hold stage (up to 500ms) and the ability to loop between the Attack and Decay stages. For many, this game-changing improvement alone will be reason enough to upgrade.

Initialise Manual Mode
Peak 1.2 gives you the option of maintaining the current positions of all knobs and sliders when the Initialise button is pressed, rather than resetting their parameters to defaults – ideal for getting instantly hands-on with new patches, and creating random ones from scratch. The previous behaviour can be reinstated in the Settings menu, of course, for those who prefer it.

Peak 1.2 also adds support for microtuning. 16 Tuning Tables can be edited and saved for recall within any patch, and automatic note selection makes MIDI note-to-pitch assignment a snap.

New presets
Available in Components, new Soundpacks from Patricia Wolf and GForce Software showcasing the new features of Firmware 1.2, as well as the sonic power and versatility of Peak in general.

Peak’s 1.2 firmware update will be available from the 19th December 2018 as a free download in the Components content manager linked to your Novation account.

Dann werde ich meinen wohl updaten
In den GForce Patches sind ein paar tolle Sachen bei. Die andere Bank geht gar nicht... leider muss man halt eine Bank opfern

Hat noch jemand die Firmware vor 1.2? @LM18?
Ich finde das nicht im Netz, der Support antwortet nicht.

Die neuste Firmware hat Notenaussetzer, das Problem war in weitaus milderer Form schon vorher bekannt.

Ich möchte soweit zurückgehen, als die Firmware stabil lief. Auf Features auf Kosten des Miditimings usw. kann ich gerne verzichten.
Ich schau' mal nach ob ich was habe...
Ich habe keine alten Dateien dazu im Archiv oder so...

Installiert ist bei mir OS Version 246.246.
Ich könnte keinen Rolllback veranstalten...
Danke fürs Nachschauen.

Dann hast du noch ne ganz alte Version anscheinend. :)

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