Metric halo uln2 3d gegen Prism Lyra gegen focusrite red4pre




My situation is that over the years I have had Apogee Element 24 and Focusrite Forte (incidentally, I prefer the preamps in Focusrite Forte) and wanted to take a step towards some good conversion qualities

The MH ULN2 3d really seemed like a good choice, but I also listened to Prism Lyra, which I liked

My badget is 2k, so I searched the net and found some Chineze who tried all these converters. Here are the links

And I landed between Apollo X-Focusrite Red-Metric Halo and Prism Titan
Every day I would pick up the Aurora, but it is too expensive

I want this interface to record my own songs, but with a better quality than Apogee Element that sounds dark with "sweet treble".
When I had Audient iD14, I was satisfied, but the latency was not good!

But is there really a Focusrite Red4 Pre with Metric Halo / Prism / Lynx conversion? Or is it just great for the price?

I am currently updating my home studio. I logically work on a Mac, so connectivity is not a problem. Does anyone have A / B these four recently? I'd like to hear a few opinions from these links, as I think these Chinese people will ask for the WAV files every time they help me with the selection ....

I am only looking for the highest sound quality. I need the best all-in-one solution because I have no external preamp converter. Also, every time I want to write a channel, either guitar ... or vocals

Every day I would take apogee symphonymk2, but it is quite expensive and quite heavy.

Thank you very much!!

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