master bus kompressor britische konsole

  • Ersteller fas1piano
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ganz ehrlich, ich verstehs nicht ganz, werds mal ausprobieren. aber die jungs hier schon. das sind die, die eine ganze reihe plugins für reaper gemacht haben.

und den hrlern, die besser mischen können als ich, sagts vielleicht ja was! und dann könnt ihrs mir erklären...

lG f

"Here's something i thought i'd share with you. I've been trying to re-create the sound of a 1980s board which I like, so I don't have to travel just to use a [g=183]bus[/g] [g=322]compressor[/g]!

Attached is a track template that alows me to get alarmingly close to the sound i'm looking for.

The tempate uses 4 channels on input: it takes 2 off and feeds them into ReaEQ -- the purpose of ReaEQ being here to manipuate the compression curve to be frequency dependent -- we' aren't EQ'ing the main signal - that goes straight into reacomp on 1&2. Into reacomp on 3&4 go a skewed responce, when coupled with a 30ms ish RMS time and a medium hard knee. Use the oversample in reacomp, it sounds lovely. Use the feedforwards detector for this kind of 1980s sound.

This isn't an "emulation" per se. I've used my aural judgement through a reasonably good monitoring system, and i have no idea what the original published spec of the console was as regards to RMS times,etc.

In view of this, it's not really appropriate to mention makes and model numbers, but you might find this useful in that you get a sound you instantly recognise here if you need to throw something in on your masterbus.

Please tweak and re-post if you feel you can improve it! ReaEQ can really help in this way to construct some super compression sounds!

Import using Track-> [g=84]Insert[/g] from Track Template. Enjoy.

edit: .. ahh you can't copy this directly to your master [g=183]bus[/g], 'cos we havent got a multichannel master fader. Y
You need to make a sub master fader with 4 channels, and route to that, then to the master. I've currently got this on a group, so didn't notice.
Davon haben wohl nur Reaper-User etwas.

Vielleicht ist das Template so eine Art Preset für eine ganz bestimmte Verschaltung und Kombination von Plugs, um eben den angesprochenen Sound von dem 80er-Board zu bekommen. :umguck:

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