
F9 Red Friday 2024 Sale
Welcome to the 2024 Red Friday sale. Our biggest yet with reductions up to 40%. Please note - to protect our valued customer's investments, we do not include the latest F9 release in any sale.

Sehr geil finde ich z. B. das hier:

F9 Origins Classic Basses Vol 1 & 2
7GB+ Of solid, clear bass multi-sampled patches. Contains Volumes 1 +2 of our Classic Bass releases for Logic Pro X 10.2 onwards ( including Apple Silicon) and Ableton Live 9, 10 and 11

F9 Origins : Classic Club Keys & Synths
11Gb of amazing instruments from the analog & digital synthesizers & samplers that forged house music history. Detroit stabs, organs & pianos, plucks & leads, analog and digital classics. The classic sound of the 90s inside your DAW.

Gibt's auch beides günstiger als "nur" Kontakt Version.
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