VirtualCZ für 11,33€

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Add a Touch of the Classic: VirtualCZ
Plugin Boutique Present VirtualCZ - Inspired by an Iconic Series of Digital Synthesizers Made in the 1980s

  • Recreates the unique synthesis engine of the CZ synths
  • Works as a SYSEX editor/librarian for all CZ hardware as well as an emulation.(it models the flagship CZ-1, but is also compatible with the CZ-101, CZ-1000, CZ-3000 and CZ-5000)
  • 2 CZ-style Phase Distortion oscillators per voice (each has 8 wave shapes, which can be different for alternate cycles)
  • 6 loop-able envelope generators per voice (switchable between easy-to-use ADSR and powerful CZ-style 8-Stage MSEG modes)
  • Tempo sync-able LFO for vibrato, with 7 shapes
  • Ring Modulation and Noise Modulation
  • 32 voice polyphonic/mono/legato modes
  • Unison and detuning effects
  • Stereo panning effects
  • Microtonal tuning support
  • Vintage stereo chorus/ensemble effect (2 different algorithms)
  • Randomization of parameters
  • Easy to use interface (all key synthesis functions accessible on the front panel)
  • Includes over 200 high quality presets plus ability to load thousands of CZ patches online
  • Presets come in multiple formats: fxp/aupreset/vstpreset/tfx
  • Import/export presets for all plugin formats
  • Optional cross-format preset browser
  • Available for Mac and PC in VST2, VST3, AU and AAX plug-in formats plus standalone app
Preset Designers:

  • Oli Larkin
  • Don Solaris,
  • Scott AbstractCats
VirtualCZ Expansion Packs Available!

There is a great collection of bespoke, genre inspired Expansion Packs specifically designed and available for VirtualCZ!

System Requirements

  • macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or higher is required, along with a 64-bit host application
  • Intel i5 or better CPU and 4GB ram recommended

  • AAX (ProTools 11.02 +)
  • Audio Units (AU)
  • VST2.4 and VST3

  • Windows XP or newer (32 and 64-bit)
  • Intel i5 or better CPU and 4GB ram recommended

  • AAX (ProTools 10.36 + or ProTools 11.02 +)
  • VST2.4 and VST3
Klingt gar nicht mal so spannend!

Das klingen ist mir persönlich erst mal völlig Latte, das Teil kann als Editor für Hardware CZ benutz werden.
Wenn jemand wie ich die alten Kisten noch benutzt, auf jeden Fall zugreifen.
Ja ja, kenne ich auch. Meintest Du sowas wie Surge oder Odin oder oder oder...?
Fathom z.B.. oder der gute alte Synth 1.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also die Sounds hauen mich jetzt nicht so vom Hocker, vermutlich habe ich da was versäumt.
Ich habe das Teil. Als Editor für Hardware-CZ-User sicherlich interessant, wer allerdings eine richtig gute Emulation sucht, sollte zum Arturia greifen.

Oft gelesene Themen
